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Kundalini yoga

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  84
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Posted : Jan 3, 2010 00:05:11
What do you think about kundalini yoga and what are your own personal experiences of it?

My own beliefs is that kundalini yoga and other kinds of yoga have a good impact on the one who practises it. It gives you calm and relaxes both your body and mind. It`s good for your body to stretch out itself and be empowered by the exercise one does when practicing kundalini yoga.

Kundalini yoga allows you to awaken the lifeforce within you and activate it as much as possible.It also allows you to become aware of your true origin,as you discover the source inside yourself you also become aware of that, that is who you really are.

I used to go regularly to kundalini yoga once in a week and practice it alot at home. Now i still practice at home but i dont go to exercise with a group at the moment but i will begin to do so soon again.It felt very good.

There is many good things with the group yoga,one of the best things i got from it was that i felt it easier to relax in a group and find inner peace in all sorts of situations.

When we were finished with the yoga we turned down the light,lit some candles,put on some meditative music and everyone was completely silent and still.We also had meditation moments when everbody was completely silent but without music,the silence was so silent so you could hear a needle fall to the ground.

To not disturb that silence you had to be very silent and still yourself.I decided to surrender to it,whatever one wants to call it.To dont struggle against it but to feel it inside and accept it.To embrace it.

For me personally kundalini yoga has influenced my life in many good ways and i am very happy that i have discovered it.

I view kundalini yoga and all sorts of yoga as a healthy and natural way to get to know yourself and experience what`s inside you.It makes you grow spiritually and it`s good for your body. It makes you calm as a person and it removes tension.

I really like to exercise yoga and to meditate to electronic music, it works really great! A perfect combination

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  84
Posts :  2082
Posted : Jan 3, 2010 00:08


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Posted : Jan 3, 2010 08:25
I go to kundalini yoga classes and also try to do some at home. However, the energy is usually much more intense when I do it in the classes, as you said, because there I can more easily relax, focus on what I’m doing, be present and leave other things behind…whereas at home there are unfortunately many distractions I should learn to overcome.

The ajagari breathing exercise between each posture is what I find the most intense in these lessons. However, what I’m doing looks nothing like what’s on these videos …And my teacher dislikes meditation, so I didn’t even know kundalini meditation existed, maybe I should try it sometime…I guess it’s what the guru on the second video mentioned, kundalini yoga has a broad sense.However, in the end it all comes down to becoming more aware, feeling the energy flow up. It’d be interesting to compare different experiences and see how varied that concept of kundalini yoga could be from one place to the other.

Anyways, about what i know as kundalini yoga : I find it’s a great way to get in touch with your inner being or your subconscious and to feel the energies, which has a positive influence on your health, but also on your perception of the world around you.
RaDioAcTiVe AcIdHeAd

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  443
Posted : Jan 3, 2010 08:44
havent tried kundalini ... just the basic yoga... Anyone from bangalore, India, know of good Yoga teacher around ? PM me...           ?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 9, 2010 06:47

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Feb 9, 2010 07:15

On 2010-01-03 08:44, RaDioAcTiVe AcIdHeAd wrote:
havent tried kundalini ... just the basic yoga... Anyone from bangalore, India, know of good Yoga teacher around ? PM me...

well be careful of this one Nithyananda ...its like a cult in banglore and they do kundalini....unless u r sure of ur own will power dont go his ashram...           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  662
Posted : Feb 18, 2010 13:12
sit/lie down and just meditate on nothing ...... kundalini awakens by itself in its own sweet time may take days to weeks to yars sometimes ....... dont wait for it or expect it everytime ...... secondly those yoga teachers who teaches or claims to awaken kundalini by their methods ... beware of most of them ..... those of many teachers know how to feed on, on innocent people's energy for their own better well being...... better do your own yoga alone or best alongwith known friends and dont give special attention to it while doing will happen on its own accord .

But by saying above i dont condemn every yoga teacher but most ....... beware of those sweet talking yoga instructors whom you find too friendly ...... most of em mess up with your body aura and energy
           To focus sometimes you need to spin hard on your soul's axis..... just don't ask how and what it means ;)

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Posted : Feb 19, 2010 02:30
Well if you are able to open up and feel energies and are left with that special afterglow and full of positive energy and vibrations after the yoga lessons, what better proof do you need that it works and your teacher's authentic? I think everybody can feel if the yoga lessons do them good or not and even if the teacher's friendly, they'd notice if there's no positive effect from the least i hope so!

That's the effect my lessons have on me. Unfortunately, at home I don't have the perfect conditions to do yoga, not enough peace or space, so it never has that same effect, although i'm trying to work on it.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  84
Posts :  2082
Posted : Feb 20, 2010 12:32

On 2010-02-18 13:12, jabba wrote:
sit/lie down and just meditate on nothing ...... kundalini awakens by itself in its own sweet time may take days to weeks to yars sometimes ....... dont wait for it or expect it everytime ...... secondly those yoga teachers who teaches or claims to awaken kundalini by their methods ... beware of most of them ..... those of many teachers know how to feed on, on innocent people's energy for their own better well being...... better do your own yoga alone or best alongwith known friends and dont give special attention to it while doing will happen on its own accord .

But by saying above i dont condemn every yoga teacher but most ....... beware of those sweet talking yoga instructors whom you find too friendly ...... most of em mess up with your body aura and energy

There might my some teachers that are doing some bad stuff.There are false people and cheating people in all different positions in all kinds of jobs and places.In all directions of life.

From my experiences it is nothing like that.No such feeling as a cult or strange thing or whatever.Just a group of silent people who did the same postures and movement as the teacher and was listening to the same relaxing music and togheter doing meditation at the end of the pass.

Just a place a special time and than you could come and be total anonymous if you feel like it,just go in ,pay for the pass(drop in), (or pay for the whole season one time and dont pay every time) and be part of the yoga and share the vibe.

And as Ajagari said,when you feel the energy then it works.And if it does not work,change teacher ,try another technique,wait a while before you are ready or simple take it easy a while.It all depends on your situation in life.

Anyhow this can be very healthy for you and makes you feel good and more relaxed in all situations in life.You get a inner calm and feel the lifeforce flow in you

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  662
Posted : Feb 22, 2010 09:40
I have had strange experience though i never took any one for a teacher but the presence of the person itself in succession depleted my energy levels to a great low, was quiet nightmerish till i could understand and breakout still am in repairs lol ..............before this for 6 years or so i had been doing my own meditation and was always wonderful all the time .

that is why i say "most of them" not "all of them" and especially who ask you to not meditate rather do only some breathing exercise .......... not all are bad i know it but the fact of yoga is that it should make you feel great all the time and nothing special at some times in presence etc. . cheers
           To focus sometimes you need to spin hard on your soul's axis..... just don't ask how and what it means ;)
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