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Kindzadza - Waves from Inner space ( Osom Music ) 2007


Started Topics :  140
Posts :  1730
Posted : Nov 2, 2007 12:34
The hyper dimensional and high frequency Osom music comes back with its latest installment. And what better than Kindzadza's new album? Needless i say, this man needs no introduction. LEts check it out!

Title : Waves from Inner space
Label : Osom Music
Format : CD
Distributor : Saiko Sounds
Year : 2007


1.Crystal Inside
2.Inner Vibration
3.Super Strings
4.Shivaya Voda
5.Keep it clean
6.Wide range broadcasting
7.Proto Constructor
8.Spirit of the wind
9.Rapid life system

1. Crystal Inside

Starts with his trademark style. Filtered kick and bass with chorus fx. Soon kick and bass settle in with very teasing fx and nice leads. "if u change the rules of what controls you, u wil the change the rules of what u cant control" . The lead comes back in again with more leads accompaniying along
It ounds very clean, sharp and very clear slowly building up and in comes which i guess is sample of a guitar lead of Jimi Hendrix. Brilliantly done! And then it starts! pumping bass, filtered/phased fill-ins and powerful leads. At 2:45 the the mood of the track changes into something more uplifting with the leads. A sample follows with more glitchy breaks and the track progresses nicely from there on with some nice percussion as well. More sharp fx follow. At around 5 the track slows down with chorus"ed" kick and bass. More intelligent fx and leads follow towards the end of the track. Very intelligent music this from the master!
Juicy opener!

2. Inner Vibration

Intelligent fx laced with phase and filter and some crazy lfos/ring modulation to start the track. Percussion starts in around 1 min. Moreo f those intelligent fx follow. At around 2:15 the track goes in full follow with his trademark sharp leads with the bassline changing. Again lot of phase and more glitchy breaks follow. At 4:20 a very short but well done break is introduced which makes u think what the fuck just happened!! Then the track comes back with full power with those sharp leads and mindbending tweaks!! VEry playful yet powerful, this track progresses pretty nicely by now. If anybody wants to knw what can be done with Lfos and ring modulation then u have to listen to this!
Once again, superb intelligent music!

3. Super Strings

Chorused filtered kick and bass with some nice atmospheriic fx to start the track. Soon kick and bass settles with his trademark crazy computer like fx all over the place. This is just banging right from the word go! More leads and fx follow with more phase/chorus laced breaks. At 2:43 those leads settles in which can just bend ur body and ur mind like anything!
Followed by some nice sampling work too. At 3:48 the bassline changes into something more deep,driving and groovy, A bar later the bassline changes again with leads, fx, samples, breaksall over the place. at 5:15 the bassline changes again and this it is sure to drive u into a chaotic frenzy. Pumping, driving, bouncy and with the leads just electrifying! Very intelligent breaks at 6:40. And then yet again the bassline changes and from there on ur mind is just gonna get boggled with the assault of fx tht this man is dishing out! Stunning work .. absolute beauty this track!!

4. Shivaya Voda

Starts with a industrial like atmosphere with more fx. And this u have to listen!!!-- The bassline work... accompanied with off beat-filtered/hicut beats bassline and very teasing,funny and eerie lead accompanying it! Just brilliant! For abt 2 minutes this just continues. Soon percussion follows with more ring laced fx in the background. at 3:45 a guitar kinda lead is introduced with the short breakdown followed by some very nice percussion.! lol...sounds like somebody is knockin down a spring or something! More leads follow through with more mind altering breaks! and then at 6:00 this beautiful melodius lead comes in. Wat a fuckin transition!!! And from there on its just pure mayhem! Absolutely brilliant this and my fav from the cd so far! And wat a ride this is turning out to be.

5. Keep it clean

kick and bass rite from the start. more strange atmmospheric sounds accompany it. Wit those trademark ring leads the track goes pretty 2:00 short breakdown with chorused kcik and bass and intelligent stops. at 3:00 kick gets a lil more hard and bassline starts to change soon. with some nicely constructed leads in the back. At 5:45 the track beings to get more pumping. Nice work on the bassline towards
the end of the track. Dint dig this one quite tht much, but nevertheless, works quite well on the dancefloor when u need some air to breathe after the carnage of the previous tracks

6. Wide range broadcasting

Intelligent intro with stops to start the track off. Kick and bass settles in with more tweaking ring leads. More mindbending tweaks and fx with the usul effects. At 2:15 a nice synth accompanies with the bassline changing. More nice synths folow as the track progresses very nicely. A sstrong buildup starts at around 3:25. After tht the bassline begings to change. Again very intelligent piece of work this is.
Some samples follow from around 4:50. Another synth is introduced at around 5:40 tht continues without mercy towards the end of the track. Very noisy and mind altering sounds at the end. And truly as the sample says " Your freaking us out man!!! "

7. Proto constructor

A hipassed russian sample to start the track. Very storng bassline follows ;Reminiscent of his previous works this. More synths and fx follow With more strange fx towards the 2nd minute; At around 2:50 another tweaking lead is introduced tht just twists and turns ur mind and locks it up into some jar! The same lead follows for a lil while more. Bassline changes at around 4:40. More glitchy breaks followed by shorty leads which sound likea
baby crying!. Then the basslines changes with more leads just twisting turning and a very long glitchy break which just makes u think its done with, but then again the kick and bass starts again, very filtered, and a long buildup. From then the trakc just explodes into total madness which leaves u transported into some multi dimensional field!
Banging banging track!!

8. Spirit of the Wind

Nice atmos to begin the track. Also very intelligent work on the basslines with some super cool percussion. This sounds like a lil more of old Kdd.. with the exception of the bpm being faster. At 2 minutes those tweaking leads come into place with more sharp synths accompaniying and the bassline just pumping and changing. The track is in full throttle at this point with more breaks following. But then comes back again, another teasing lead with some really strange fx along with it. At 4 : 30 a little more musical and melodious synth is introduced progressing to another buildup. Then it comes back with right-on-your face basslines and leads. Filtered and phased breaks follow for a couple of seconds. Again very noisy and strange yet intelligent ending to the track.

9. Rapid life System

Ok. This is pretty fast ..goin at 154! Just no time to waste. Just complete relentless assault with furious leads and rolling basslines and heart stopping breaks. Some eerie atmos at around 2 mins. More tweaking, brain busting leads follow. Very intelligent work with the kick and bass during the short breakdown. More breaks and filtered effects follow and at around 4:20 there is not stopping the flow of this! Just tweaking, tingling, assaulting!
at 5: 50 ... it tweaks ur body like nothing and the basslines are so maddening and the breaks are out of this world filtering out at abt 7:00. From there on another filtered buildup and ends brilliantly. A long atmo to finish the track and this cd! I perosnally dont like anything much which goes above 150 bpm. But this one just shows that if done with intelligence and no requirement of swooshy or scary fx .. it is very enjoyable.This one is just freakin killer!!!!

Overall :

After reviewing i just ask myself, can psytrance get more intelligent than this? Well, we'll have to wait and find out till next time to see what this man has to offer. Because clearly, this has been outstanding to say the least and Leo has shown why he is one of the best around. There isnt any single bad moment in this album i shld say. Fow a while, i did not like much of Leo's work, but this is truly and outstanding release and a milestone in this genre which is hard to achieve. There are certain moments when one might feel tht the fx and leads sound pretty much the same in all the tracks, but when heard closely u cld hear the difference in the patterns. ery clean mastering although i felt it could have better. I loved the artwork of this album too. VEry nice indeed!
This is Leo's best work to date and to me the ALBUM OF THE YEAR!
Spaciba LEO!!!

Favorites : ALL !!

Go get this one.. or else ur missing a great piece of art!


IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  13
Posts :  133
Posted : Nov 2, 2007 17:10
Nicely written review
This is brilliant album, very experienced music! Just great music.
Thanks to Leo!
Big boom           Medulla Oblongata & Xibalba Festival Crew
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Nov 5, 2007 01:36
Very nice album.
Maybe the best Dark album released this year!

Offtopic posts:  4
Posted: Nov 5, 2007
I will get this one soon....           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 5, 2007 21:55
great album.. nice review           Free your mind...

Started Topics :  94
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Posted : Nov 7, 2007 01:23
great album-

my favorite track is Shivaya Voda
brilliant melody that haunts my brain when i wake up in the morning...

overall this album is oozing with great ideas and the feeling i get is one where the artist is taking apart the building blocks and really stripping the essential elements down and playing around with them.
he knows what he is working with and is an expert and tearing apart things and building them up again in a different way.

the sound of this album is big and expensive and glossy and shiny.

people who like tiny thin shitty punk sound will not like this- but fuck those people anyway as there is enough thin shitty punk sound around...
i want it fatter than a midwestern american farm wife.
make it fat dammit!

and this IS fat. also sharp- because kindzadza plays with scissors and razor blades because he is dangerous, not just fat, but dangerous.

but he cares- about more than making little sharp sounds. he cares about making big glorious sounds that make you proud and happy.

i got to listen to this album on repeat on a recent roadtrip- i would say most albums get old after 2 times listening to them.
this album i listened to at least 30 times and i would say i only needed a break every 5 listens or so...

really really really really really good.
Inactive User

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Posted : Nov 7, 2007 05:24
it gave me a headache .. but maby didn't listen in a proper mood .. im sure is nice1 for dancefloor ..
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Nov 7, 2007 10:38
I didnt like the new style either, its scrubbed music.

bye bye            “What we need is the development of the Inner Spiritual man, the unique individual, whose treasure is hidden in the symbols of our mythological tradition and in man’s unconscious psych.” - CJ Jung
Ankur / Virgin Suicide

Started Topics :  35
Posts :  599
Posted : Nov 7, 2007 13:26
when i first heard it i was a little disapointed, i expected mush more violent and dirty russian night sounds with robotic chaos....
but this for me this is the new gerneration of psychedelic daytime music.
everybody who has been to forgotten ritual this year and danced to the master in the morning with sunshine will know what i mean.....
perfect harmonics, completly revolutionear production,
perfectionism of minimalism, well balanced chaos and tricks no other producer even thought about befor.
brilliant for me!!!
leo developed a unic style, so mush more danceble then he ever been befor, but in the same moment still psychedelic as hell.
for me an outstanding album!!!!
maybe the best?

          Freqs of Nature Festival 2012
Lost Theory Label DJ
Ankur / Virgin Suicide

Started Topics :  35
Posts :  599
Posted : Nov 7, 2007 14:10
and i forgot, its a fucking good artwork aswell!
i realy like the print, here gos the same then for the music, perfectionism of minimalism!
with the realy nice poem, the graphics and the fabulous music, all in over a great pack!!!           Freqs of Nature Festival 2012
Lost Theory Label DJ
DJ Milosz
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  26
Posts :  224
Posted : Nov 7, 2007 14:16
I totally agree with Ankur on this one - first a little disappointment but then the CD started growing on me and it still hasn't stopped doing so. Bigup Leo - keep it real!

Favourite tracks: 3 - superstrings and 7 - protoconstructor. They rock the dancefloor hard every time

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  135
Posted : Nov 7, 2007 14:22
Loved this one from the first wave arriving my brain
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  32
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Posted : Nov 7, 2007 17:43
Hmm, I wasn't disappointed with the new sound, like Ankur said, it was amazing in the morning at Forgotten Ritual. However, even though the production on this album kicks ass and is innovative in several aspects, for whatever reason I like his releases on alien fm 2 and frequency transmissions more than this album as they strike me as more dynamic and unpredictable.

But I reckon it's time for a re-listen to the album.
Becoming Intense

Started Topics :  21
Posts :  233
Posted : Nov 7, 2007 18:00
thats groundbreaking stuff for sure! =D
nice review btw. keep it coming! 

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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 8, 2007 17:06

On 2007-11-07 13:26, Ankur wrote:
everybody who has been to forgotten ritual this year and danced to the master in the morning with sunshine will know what i mean.....

Also at Shantijatra, same same...... dancing to master in the morning with sunshine was so blissful & power packed......           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Kindzadza - Waves from Inner space ( Osom Music ) 2007

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