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Posted : Feb 22, 2006 01:08
Killer Instinct project is coming with one new track called "Frozen Demons", which was done under influences of freezing winter '05 - '06 in Poland (up to -35'C what is paranormal for this region), also it's working on a versus track with a belgian friend Azidax, very powerful, hard mentioned and dark style newcomer artist, for sure not for flabby bastards!
Plans for nearest future are also to make a split track with polish fullpower projects called Fobie (Warsaw city-Poland) and Multi Evil (Gdynia city-Poland), maybe with someone else. This will be Dark Life multi-project, also this will be very special connection of polish powerful psytrance. Track should be ready in around 3 weeks time from now =)
Killer instinct is also about to make a promo which i want to be heared out there. Promo will be pulled over the internet!
Hi-speed life of Killer Instinct project is caused by his big potential and fervor to work!
Please check out website:
which is all time improvising. There might be some bugs, so please let me know if you notice any. Also notice that optimal resolution is 1024x768, IE5, Safari (Mac platform)
Soon more infos. Be prepared!
  KiLLER.iNSTiNCT project
Dark Life Records |