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Kids, animals and faces of meth

Horrordelic Records

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Posted : Jul 24, 2011 11:46
Yeah the toxic waste is just a product of the society , banning it .. There is no way to get this cleaned now with the rules.. Probably the same with pther drugs aswell ...            3o~ kriz aka krize 3o~ ....Horrordelic Records....
- Think for yourself -
Inactive User

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Posted : Jul 24, 2011 18:41
I don't think people should talk of criminal acts as far as bringing a kid to a festival.
It is not abuse, it is just bad parenting and disrespectful to the other people IMO.

It is just not a place for children. If you can't find a sitter then don't come.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 24, 2011 18:52
If a kid pick up drugs and eat it because their parents are not looking after them then it's indeed abuse. Now no one know what happened to the kid at Antaris but one thing is sure. he was alone and his parents did not look after him. 
Inactive User

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Posted : Jul 24, 2011 19:19
As if people scatter drugs all over the ground all the time and 10 year old eat whatever they find on the ground.
It is just an absurd example.

If the parents are not watching a kid and some guy molest the kid it is abuse, but not by the parent still.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 24, 2011 19:27
So in your worldview a child who is almost dying, caused by whatever situation but where it's evident the parents was not there to prevent it, is not abuse? Man what a weird view on things.

Inactive User

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Posted : Jul 25, 2011 02:43
Hey atomist, this is the official definition "Child abuse is the physical, sexual, emotional mistreatment, or neglect of children."

So by leaving a child alone in an unfamiliar environment that would no doubt upset the child, emotional mistreatment, and neglecting them whilst going off to party & take illicit substance the parents have committed child abuse under the international legal definition.

If I see a parent, and I often do, neglecting their child I walk up and let them know. You obviously have no clue about the possible psychological damage caused by even minor parental neglect later in life.

I have been doing work experience as part of my psychology studies exactly in this since the start of the year. The ongoing fx are shocking & it's a shame to see ppl like u fail to understand it.           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!

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Posted : Jul 25, 2011 22:32
Atomist...i hope you never have children lol            WARNING: The Reality Master General has determined that Mr. Vomit may significantly alter your reality. Usage of the knowledge provided by Mr. Vomit may be perceived as dangerous and subversive by those in authority.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 25, 2011 22:52
Meth (tik) isn't tolerated at parties. I've seen people getting handcuffed and thrown out for getting caught selling it and usually just escorted out if they're caught smoking it.

At the entrance, a few party organizers have a sign saying You Tik? U-Turn - it's good practice although I think a lot of the stuff getting passed around as MDMA is mostly meth. 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 25, 2011 22:53

On 2011-07-24 19:19, atomist wrote:
As if people scatter drugs all over the ground all the time and 10 year old eat whatever they find on the ground.
It is just an absurd example.

If the parents are not watching a kid and some guy molest the kid it is abuse, but not by the parent still.

What about drinking from a bottle of water loaded with LSD drops, leaving the bottle behind and having a dog start chewing at it like a toy and subsequently go insane? 

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Posted : Jul 26, 2011 00:04
good to know what it's called in other it's referred to as "clear" or "ice" or a girls name, "tina"
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 27, 2011 15:34
"Remember kids! Do something cool. Don't smoke acid!"

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Martian Arts

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Posted : Jul 27, 2011 16:07

On 2011-07-27 15:34, Templar^ wrote:
"Remember kids! Do something cool. Don't smoke acid!"

Choon and a half this! I've tripped my balls off to it outdoors and what a nice ride it was.

Peace out.  
Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

Started Topics :  128
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Posted : Aug 9, 2011 19:10

Is opium the new party substance?
Just asking cuz i have never seen it on a trance party until last weekend.
Horrordelic Records

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  1247
Posted : Aug 9, 2011 19:27
Nothing new, and as i see not a big trend.. I have gotten people wanting to sell that and h eroi n on festivals in Fr ance, but never seen other places but sure it is there.            3o~ kriz aka krize 3o~ ....Horrordelic Records....
- Think for yourself -
Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

Started Topics :  128
Posts :  2899
Posted : Aug 9, 2011 20:48
wierd shit to sell at a trance party. :/
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