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Kids, animals and faces of meth


Started Topics :  36
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Posted : Jul 21, 2011 01:27

On 2011-07-21 00:14, supergroover wrote:
Why in earth's name should they prevent hard drugs from entering the festival? The only reason i can think of is because the police wants it that way..

To keep things safe, and NOT shady??? Do you not care about the quality of attendees? WTF!            WARNING: The Reality Master General has determined that Mr. Vomit may significantly alter your reality. Usage of the knowledge provided by Mr. Vomit may be perceived as dangerous and subversive by those in authority.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 21, 2011 01:55

On 2011-07-21 00:44, Beat Agency wrote:
Seriously I do not care if the organizers or the parents are getting into trouble for allowing a kid to OD on the Festival

I would call the cops any day if I was witnessing parents on a Festival off their rockers while their kids was walking around alone finding drugs to try out.

Me too, I'm saying that by not telling the organizers you risk the cops being delayed by them if they don't understand the situation.  - Midwest based psytrance group

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Posted : Jul 21, 2011 02:20
Hang on BA you appear to enlarge the story line from what Kazuku said in the first place.
He said they were drinking and in allot of countries that is not against the law depending on the circumstance.
The rest was speculation. Next thing you will be saying the parents forced them to deal drugs and be prostitutes LOL

Maybe you should call the cops about this if you feel so strong. If they think it so serious like you they will investigate for sure.


On 2011-07-21 00:44, Beat Agency wrote:
Seriously I do not care if the organizers or the parents are getting into trouble for allowing a kid to OD on the Festival

I would call the cops any day if I was witnessing parents on a Festival off their rockers while their kids was walking around alone finding drugs to try out.

1. Parents who take their kids to festivals better take good care of them. I saw so many examples of bad treatment of young children who should not be there in the first place. Our neighbors with their 2 kids (9-11 years old)were encouraging them to drink and left their kids alone in the camp (not even in the family area) for hours on end, both parents getting wasted and dancing for hours.
Something was bound to happen, and it did on Sunday. While both parents were on the floor, the boy must have got to their drug stash or something. An ambulance had to pull up in front of our camp and carried the unconscoius boy out to treat him. No need to say this is not the kind of thing you dont want to see as it severely drags you down. While the kid was being treated in the ambulance the mother rocked up and seemed more bothered with the inconvenience than concerned. Messed up. Thankfully he was finally ok but we were holding our breath as it looked like they had to revive him.

Started Topics :  150
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Posted : Jul 21, 2011 02:23
I have seen numerous posts about banning children and animals from festivals altogether here, and am surprised no one even commented on a supervised approach to the whole thing, it is absolutely possible for any party organizer to make a mandatory care camp, where every parent who brings children has to drop them off, put a few bucks charge for every person, some people who get paid to watch out for the kids, so that the "problem" is taken care of, it is not really a problem, they are kids and having been on numerous live concerts myself as a kid I can say that kids also can have fun on parties, just supervise them, make a kids group, and do it with fantasy, create painting workshops or even music workshops, something to keep them entertained, even within the genre, make them a part, because they are a part, just do it right, supervised, and with true care, just like you care about deco and sound quality ! ! !

I prefer a positive solution to a negative one any day, especially when it is possible...
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Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 21, 2011 04:09

On 2011-07-21 02:20, saintcarl wrote:
Hang on BA you appear to enlarge the story line from what Kazuku said in the first place.
He said they were drinking and in allot of countries that is not against the law depending on the circumstance.
The rest was speculation. Next thing you will be saying the parents forced them to deal drugs and be prostitutes LOLm.

You are wrong. This is what he wrote.


On 2011-07-20 00:11:37, kazuku wrote:
While both parents were on the floor, the boy must have got to their drug stash or something. An ambulance had to pull up in front of our camp and carried the unconscoius boy out to treat him. No need to say this is not the kind of thing you dont want to see as it severely drags you down. While the kid was being treated in the ambulance the mother rocked up and seemed more bothered with the inconvenience than concerned. Messed up. Thankfully he was finally ok but we were holding our breath as it looked like they had to revive him.

Maybe ready it again. OK? He mention drugs and not alcohol! I do not enlarge anything and your petty comment on prostitutes and dealing drugs is anal and juvenile!


Started Topics :  2
Posts :  209
Posted : Jul 21, 2011 04:24

Sounds like he did not know what happened "or something" could mean anything. Could be the drinking could be drugs could be some other medical problem they have.
Not trying to be a dick but that's how it looks to me.


On 2011-07-21 04:09, Beat Agency wrote:

On 2011-07-21 02:20, saintcarl wrote:
Hang on BA you appear to enlarge the story line from what Kazuku said in the first place.
He said they were drinking and in allot of countries that is not against the law depending on the circumstance.
The rest was speculation. Next thing you will be saying the parents forced them to deal drugs and be prostitutes LOLm.

You are wrong. This is what he wrote.


On 2011-07-20 00:11:37, kazuku wrote:
While both parents were on the floor, the boy must have got to their drug stash or something. An ambulance had to pull up in front of our camp and carried the unconscoius boy out to treat him. No need to say this is not the kind of thing you dont want to see as it severely drags you down. While the kid was being treated in the ambulance the mother rocked up and seemed more bothered with the inconvenience than concerned. Messed up. Thankfully he was finally ok but we were holding our breath as it looked like they had to revive him.

Maybe ready it again. OK? He mention drugs and not alcohol! I do not enlarge anything and your petty comment on prostitutes and dealing drugs is anal and juvenile!

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 21, 2011 04:35
Who cares what they were on. Fact is the kid almost died because of irresponsible parents off their rockers on something! No excuses! 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 21, 2011 12:03
Just to clarify a few points: I cannot be 100% sure about if the kid took drugs, or the parents drugs or whatever. The point is that the kid was unconcious and the parents were not there when it happened, for whatever reason. Even if the kid was simply not feeling well, at least one parent should have been there. It was raining heavily at the time (Sunday late afternoon)so I dont think it was heat, and it took quiet a while till they took him out of the ambulance again. To us it looked serious, but then again anytime an ambulance has to come for a child is sad if it could be avoided. The reason I brought up the possibility of drugs being involved is because the parents were definetly not impartial towards them. This is underlined by their unwillingness to camp in the family area where open drug use is much less accepted and common.

I can understand why people want to bring their kids if the festivals are small and family friendly. An "innocent" trance gathering has nothing to be ashamed of and nothing to hide. In my time I have witnessed plenty of events where the kid situation was handled really well.
Traditionally Antaris is one of the more melow festivals in Germany in terms of crowd and general PLUR. Nevertheless, Antaris, like any larger festival, has atrracted elements that have shaped a bulging underbelly which flaps around quiet a bit and exposes itself alot, so children get to see alot of sights they should propably not. I am talking about witnessing sights that are, imho, not suitable for the eyes of young children, such as rampant open speed snorting. Parents should not have to explain what those people are doing and why at such an early age. Not all people are nice and oozee good vibes and shanti shanti.
That is what the family area for - Antaris provides alot of options and activities for kids, story telling, a spiritual area which is very mellow. I think all parents with kids should camp in the family area, as the people around them elsewhere are not likely to be ultra responsible the whole time. They should be directed there straight from the entrance. I think Upavas has a good stance on this too, with providing increased supervision for kids etc.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 21, 2011 12:30

On 2011-07-21 01:27, cinderVOMIT wrote:

On 2011-07-21 00:14, supergroover wrote:
Why in earth's name should they prevent hard drugs from entering the festival? The only reason i can think of is because the police wants it that way..

To keep things safe, and NOT shady??? Do you not care about the quality of attendees? WTF!

Drugs say nothing about the quality of the people that attend the festival. Nor does it say anything about the safety or shadiness of the festival.
People simply use drugs, you are not going to change that. Trying to keep it outside a festival or making (keeping) it illegal is only going to make things worse.

Funny thing is that alcohol is legal and one of the hardest drugs that exist. Most illegal drugs can be used safely if used wisely. People just need to be educated about its use.

To keep it on topic: this family seems to need some serious guidance by professional people.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 21, 2011 14:15
finally a wise comment, really surprised how people here react on drugs etc.
at first place it's each one responsibility to consume or have children. and defentley there are responsible people and irresponsible whether with them self or with their animal or with their children.
I have seen at ozora festival well organized family camps and children arrea with full programm of activities and really they had fun much more then being in a normal camping or hotel.

as for the case here if i see a child in bad condition/shape first thing is to get the medics. Wtf can police do about this???
all the large events have the medics already there ready, so they are professional and is up to them to advise the social services and make the report of it.
as on second place wtf is the difference if someone of the organisation is smoking a spliff after for example weeks of hard work??
i have been self organizing some events, and when you have well organized shifts, duties and responsibilities you can have also time to relax.

          to use your head you have to go out of your mind
Inactive User

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Posted : Jul 21, 2011 14:55
On one point your are wrong Adigroovy. In almost every country medical professionals will not report any form of substance abuse or overdose to authorities unless it results in an actual crime.

My brother is a doctor who has worked in many developed & developing countries, and he says the theory is that if medical professionals automatically report any substance abuser to police the abusers will never seek medical helps, so the law clearly stated in most places that only such things are reported to authorities if death is involved.           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 21, 2011 15:02
I guess in a scene where drugs to some is "god" you'll see people defending hard drugs and abuse no matter what. 
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 21, 2011 15:07

On 2011-07-21 14:15, Adigroovy wrote:
as on second place wtf is the difference if someone of the organisation is smoking a spliff after for example weeks of hard work??
i have been self organizing some events, and when you have well organized shifts, duties and responsibilities you can have also time to relax.

Do you also think it's OK to smoke weed and driving?

Point is when you organize such a huge even you have the main responsibility for the whole festival and all the people's safety and by that should stay clean and sober in case something happens that need you to stay 100% focused with a clear mind. IMO.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 21, 2011 15:43
ok we are mixing up things here. just to clear up:

@V3nom, I was referring of abused child, when a child is in bad shape or with signs if abuse, any medic should and would report it, and here we are talking about germany, this kind of things are reported usually to the right authorities.
and btw police would not give a fuck anyway about.

as for BA:
it's not Ok driving and being under any influence but that's not the point in here.
if you event has the responsible team for emergencies, and all is well organized in case of any incident there should be no reason to not relax if is your time off.
btw is not about drug being god or so, it's more the point of anything you forbid it just get worse.
you can't tell anyone what should he take or not, you just can supervise and make sure bad things do not happen.           to use your head you have to go out of your mind
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 21, 2011 15:50

On 2011-07-21 15:43, Adigroovy wrote:

as for BA:
it's not Ok driving and being under any influence but that's not the point in here.
if you event has the responsible team for emergencies, and all is well organized in case of any incident there should be no reason to not relax if is your time off.
btw is not about drug being god or so, it's more the point of anything you forbid it just get worse.
you can't tell anyone what should he take or not, you just can supervise and make sure bad things do not happen.

When did relaxing = weed?

I don't tell anyone what to do but that does not mean I do not think smoking weed, getting drunk, dropping E's or acid or sniffing is OK when you are in charge of an event where 1000's of people attend. 
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