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Kids, animals and faces of meth


Started Topics :  296
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Posted : Jul 20, 2011 17:39
Calling the cops on a festival is not wise for many reasons,the right attitude is to inform the organisers and present your thesis right and tell them that if they dont take some measures to protect the kids and the animals then unfortunately you will have to inform the authorities.

Thats the right way to do things           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 20, 2011 17:40
I seriously do not care if it's not "wise" to call the cops. In my book it's very wise when kids are being abused! Period!

Your right way is to protect the Festival and abandon the Kids (That's what you do when you think the Festival can handle child abuse). In my book that's the wrong way.

Detox what is your interest here? The Festival and it's "image" or the Kids?

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Posted : Jul 20, 2011 17:45
it depends on the community youre apart of, personally i wouldnt want to be associated with a tribe that would create an environment unfit to bring my daughter to,,it seems a lot of folks here speak very negative about the type of gatherings they attend as if they have no say in the manifestation of the event..perhaps being native american and growing up with Greencorn and pow wow culture has helped develop a different attitude towards stomp dance ceremonies and their role in community..

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Posts :  209
Posted : Jul 20, 2011 17:49

I think I would approach it this way:

1. Confront the parents and tell them to take care of there kids.
2. If problem persists report to festival organizers.
3. If problem persists report to authorities/cops.

In the mean time if you can or someone in your group can offer help if possible.

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 20, 2011 17:53
We are talking about a Kid who almost OD on his parents drugs while they were off their rockers. Seriously who would first talk to them and then go to the Festival? In this case there is only one way to go and that's the Cops and appropriate authorities as these people are in no way fit to be parents!

And the Festival has a serious problem allowing such a thing to happen on their ground! I would not trust them anyway.

Started Topics :  296
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Posted : Jul 20, 2011 19:27
Kristian in my original post (which you probably didnt read) i said plain and simple that in my humble opinion children and animals SHOULD BE BANNED from any kind of festival. So i guess my interest is with the kids and animals and not with the festivals and their image.

Now if i was in a festival and i noticed kids for example that are in danger my approach would be to contact the organisers first and if i saw that they didnt do anything about it then i would inform the authorities. I wouldnt speak with the parents in either case because for me a parent who has his kid with him in a festival cant be a serious and responsible parent,thats the way i see and realise things at least,i am sure many people will disagree with me.

Concerning the specific OD case of that kid Kristian,if Kazuku who had already spotted that kid wandering alone BEFORE THE OD INCIDENT had informed the organisers about it (and the authorities if the organisers didnt do anything about it) then the whole situation would never occur. Thats how i would act in order to protect both the kid and the festival.           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 20, 2011 19:45
wow, sorry to hear about the meth; that really sucks. i guess the psytrance scene is quite different over there in Europe than it is here in the US.

one of the things that initially attracted me to psytrance gatherings was that it was a safe-haven for people who were anti-meth. I came from the rave scene which back in my hey-day (2001-2004) was getting crazy polluted with crystal; I myself fell victim to that demon's ploy for a bit of time. you're right, the stuff is the pure essence of evil and doom: worst drug ever.

you gotta take a stand against it; make signs and protest, if thats what it takes. pass out anti meth propaganda; harass people you hear offering or asking for it. seriously, do anything and everything to make meth know that it is not welcome in the trance community.

IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 20, 2011 19:46
ANY kind of festival? Or do you mean something more specific by "festival"?
Inactive User

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Posted : Jul 20, 2011 19:47
My point was to just say that more action should be taken , but knowing that talk is cheap , I must be honest and say that maybe i would also not do anything, maybe i would be too fucked up to do the right thing, so no hard feeling against Kazuku, because talk is cheap and maybe neither kristen , Detox or I would do or not do anything , who knows the situation in which Kazuku was in, ,, but it would be the right thing to take some action , either with the organizers or the cops, .
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 20, 2011 19:51
Beat agency I think you have too much faith in the police. In many areas the police are more interested in squeezing money out of the festival organizers than they are in protecting people, and reporting something like that to them will only help them do that.

You want to talk to the festival organizers FIRST so that THEY can talk to the police. Tell them in no uncertain terms that you will call the cops if they don't, and they should do it pretty fast.

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Posted : Jul 20, 2011 19:57

I don't think the festival organizers would call the police. They would probably be better off simply throwing the people out of the festival perhaps with a warning first.

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 20, 2011 20:59
I am amazed some here seriously suggest that the Festivals should be talked to first. In a case where a child OD (And that was the sad situation at the Antaris-Festival) there's no need to small talk with Festival organizers or the parents who all probably just smoked the Bong. There is a need to take extra extra care of the child, get the Child to a Hospital instantly and make sure it never happens again! Simple as that!

I find it shocking that some of you rather protect the Festival than do what's right

P.S! In Germany they Authorities do care a lot for the Children as the system is the same as in Denmark (even though mistakes are done).

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 20, 2011 21:07

On 2011-07-20 19:47, mica wrote:
My point was to just say that more action should be taken , but knowing that talk is cheap , I must be honest and say that maybe i would also not do anything, maybe i would be too fucked up to do the right thing, so no hard feeling against Kazuku, because talk is cheap and maybe neither kristen , Detox or I would do or not do anything , who knows the situation in which Kazuku was in, ,, but it would be the right thing to take some action , either with the organizers or the cops, .

Mica, you were not there, you do not know anything about the circumstances, why are you judging? Think twice before you point your naked finger at dressed people buddy. I do not think talking about these subjects is cheap, they need to be discussed. You where not there, so I forgive you. For your information, I have taken action on plenty of occasions, sometimes with positive, sometimes with very negative outcome. First of all it is a) impossible b)not my responsibilility to spend 100% of my time looking out for others. I am an concerned trancer but not Mother Teresa Secondly, view to the camp in question was blocked from our direct view by sheets etc, so what was really going on could only be seen when walking past or by directly adjacent campers. The alcohol was a sign and a cause for concern, but no sufficient reason to call the police yet, as this kind of thing happens frequently, unfortunate as it is. We immediatly enquired on the boys state and do our best to be of assitance, as with any human being or animal. If you would have read my post propably, you would have seen the concern and action we took on trying to help the dog, so naturally we would have done our best to help the kid or anyone else in need of assistance. if we would have known the full extent of the situation. We only realized when the ambulance pulled up and the medics took control of the situation.

Anyhow think what you like.

Of cause you can go to the cops, the festivals in question is legal, in their 17th edition and the cops dont give a fuck about the drugs, they know what is going on in full extent and let it be. They only care if you drive when fucked off your nuts and endanger others, at least down my neck of the woods.

Started Topics :  418
Posts :  3816
Posted : Jul 20, 2011 21:23
I was at Antaris, and in my opinion it had the best, most relaxed atmosphere I have experienced at a Germany trance-festival for many years. Therefore I am truly shocked to hear about the situation with the child - and I hope he is ok!

Concerning what to do, the most important step is of course to help as much as you can yourself, and call for medical assistance before anything else. I am quite sure that doctors in Denmark are requested to report it to the authorities when there is clear suspicion of serious neglect by the parents, and it sounds like that's the case here. I guess that the same rules applies (in some form) to doctors/medics in Germany as well.

Pointing fingers at the festival for bad parenting is out of proportions here I think, even though it of course can be debated if kids shouldn't be allowed in at all. But you can't expect the organizers to know what's going on in every camp on a festival with probably +5,000 people (I am guessing on the numbers here).

And suggesting that the organizers are drug-addicts like Kristian did on page 1 is definitely a very low blow...          DJ pr0fane (Iboga Records) | Multiphase | |
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 20, 2011 21:29

On 2011-07-20 21:23, pr0fane wrote:
I was at Antaris, and in my opinion it had the best, most relaxed atmosphere I have experienced at a Germany trance-festival for many years. Therefore I am truly shocked to hear about the situation with the child - and I hope he is ok!

Concerning what to do, the most important step is of course to help as much as you can yourself, and call for medical assistance before anything else. I am quite sure that doctors in Denmark are requested to report it to the authorities when there is clear suspicion of serious neglect by the parents, and it sounds like that's the case here. I guess that the same rules applies (in some form) to doctors/medics in Germany as well.

Pointing fingers at the festival for bad parenting is out of proportions here I think, even though it of course can be debated if kids shouldn't be allowed in at all. But you can't expect the organizers to know what's going on in every camp on a festival with probably +5,000 people (I am guessing on the numbers here).

And suggesting that the organizers are drug-addicts like Kristian did on page 1 is definitely a very low blow...

Profane, you are right, Antaris is one of the nicest festivals in Germany and has always been for as long as I remember. Unfortunatly, like any larger festival, it has accumulated excess dark dross. I still love it, but just wanted to reflect on some of the issues that concerned me. Other than that it was brilliant as allways.
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