Kids, animals and faces of meth
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Posted : Aug 13, 2011 00:37
On 2011-07-21 15:50, Beat Agency wrote:
On 2011-07-21 15:43, Adigroovy wrote:
as for BA:
it's not Ok driving and being under any influence but that's not the point in here.
if you event has the responsible team for emergencies, and all is well organized in case of any incident there should be no reason to not relax if is your time off.
btw is not about drug being god or so, it's more the point of anything you forbid it just get worse.
you can't tell anyone what should he take or not, you just can supervise and make sure bad things do not happen.
When did relaxing = weed?
I don't tell anyone what to do but that does not mean I do not think smoking weed, getting drunk, dropping E's or acid or sniffing is OK when you are in charge of an event where 1000's of people attend.
No offense beatagency, but the criticisms against a festival organizer for smoking weed are fully unfounded. It may be an intoxicant for you, but for many of us weed is a medicine that does not affect our judgement or ability to handle a situation should it arise. Festival organizers on harder drugs is another issue, but leave our precious medicine alone. |
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Aug 13, 2011 00:38
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Posted : Aug 13, 2011 00:44
On 2011-07-21 22:49, randulon wrote:
Perhaps you think I'm being hysterical Colin? I dunno, I just hate all the drug-snobbery nonsense...
I love most drugs, I just can't deal with people who are all snooty and superior because they only take supposedly superior narcs, when one of the main chemicals that fuels our party scene, MDMA, is built on the same chemical that rednecks and Nazis seem to like so much, ie: Meth...
Personally I've never seen meth at parties or events in the UK...
he's making the completely valid point that just because MDMA has methamphetamine in it it does not make meth any safer. |
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Posted : Aug 13, 2011 00:59
On 2011-08-13 00:38, Beat Agency wrote:
awwwww poor you
hey what can I say I'm from california where medical marijuana is not considered a contradiction, and I know many small business owners who would be quite miffed by the implication one can't run a festival or in their case a business responsibly and smoke marijuana at the same time.
So just to set the record straight, nothing inherently unprofessional about managing a business after smoking weed, it's just a matter of how weed affects the individual. |
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Aug 13, 2011 01:12
On 2011-08-13 00:59, doitagain wrote:
On 2011-08-13 00:38, Beat Agency wrote:
awwwww poor you
hey what can I say I'm from california where medical marijuana is not considered a contradiction, and I know many small business owners who would be quite miffed by the implication one can't run a festival or in their case a business responsibly and smoke marijuana at the same time.
So just to set the record straight, nothing inherently unprofessional about managing a business after smoking weed, it's just a matter of how weed affects the individual.
My point was. Stop taking things too personal
  www.beatagency.dk |
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Posted : Aug 13, 2011 01:28
On 2011-08-13 01:12, Beat Agency wrote:
On 2011-08-13 00:59, doitagain wrote:
On 2011-08-13 00:38, Beat Agency wrote:
awwwww poor you
hey what can I say I'm from california where medical marijuana is not considered a contradiction, and I know many small business owners who would be quite miffed by the implication one can't run a festival or in their case a business responsibly and smoke marijuana at the same time.
So just to set the record straight, nothing inherently unprofessional about managing a business after smoking weed, it's just a matter of how weed affects the individual.
My point was. Stop taking things too personal
Who said anything about taking things personal? I think you may have missed my sarcasm. ;D |
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Aug 13, 2011 02:31
On 2011-08-13 00:37, doitagain wrote:
No offense beatagency, but the criticisms against a festival organizer for smoking weed are fully unfounded. It may be an intoxicant for you, but for many of us weed is a medicine that does not affect our judgement or ability to handle a situation should it arise. Festival organizers on harder drugs is another issue, but leave our precious medicine alone.
I think you too my opinion a bit too personal reading this
  www.beatagency.dk |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 16, 2011 07:46
On 2011-07-20 00:11:37, kazuku wrote:
I´m back from Antaris festival and had a blast like every year, but there are a few things I have to get off my shoulders which I found disturbing and pissed me off more than usual.
1. Parents who take their kids to festivals better take good care of them. I saw so many examples of bad treatment of young children who should not be there in the first place. Our neighbors with their 2 kids (9-11 years old)were encouraging them to drink and left their kids alone in the camp (not even in the family area) for hours on end, both parents getting wasted and dancing for hours.
Something was bound to happen, and it did on Sunday. While both parents were on the floor, the boy must have got to their drug stash or something. An ambulance had to pull up in front of our camp and carried the unconscoius boy out to treat him. No need to say this is not the kind of thing you dont want to see as it severely drags you down. While the kid was being treated in the ambulance the mother rocked up and seemed more bothered with the inconvenience than concerned. Messed up. Thankfully he was finally ok but we were holding our breath as it looked like they had to revive him.
Even at night parents were carrying around there small kids/toddlers around the dancefloor, some even without ear protection. None of them looked happy to be there.
Imho large psy festivals are not suitable places for children unless they have very, very sensible parents who look after them well for the whole duration. There are also many good examples - parents who stay off hard drugs and alcohol and take turns going to the floors. Why damage your kids, you selfish parents? You are cramping our vibes.
2. Animals. Dogs specifically. You stupid idiots, why take your poor animals if you cant look after them. We had a totally wrecked and dehydrated, malnutrioned dog come into our camp. It looked like it was going to die any second so we told security about it. This was on saturday morning. Nobody knew who the owner was and they didnt want to make an announcement over p.a to collect him. We gave him water and food but he was still straying around aimlessly until sunday night. On monday morning we saw him again with his owner who was totally off his tits. We confronted him and asked himwtf kind of an asshole he was and that he should be ashamed of himself, but he shrugged it off and laughed. Lots of frightend, confused dogs on the floor as well - why? I dont get it and it pisses me off.
3. Meth-heads- they scare the shit out of me. I saw heaps of people who were so fucked up on methamphetame that it is unbelievable. I have seen this before, but some of these guys took the 1st prize in the world facial acrobaics world championship. Scary. Like demons coming through them, face in constant motion in the most unatural positions. One girl had her jaw stretched in an impossible, unnatural position for minutes, I thought she had a stroke untill it jumped to the other side. Faces in constant horrid morph, zipping around and spreading bad vibes all around. Horror movie live, leading role meth trash. The incresed infiltration of the psy scene by this drug has tainted floors, total meltdown is harder to achieve in a meth contaminated environment. Meth=evil&anti-pschedelic.
Parents with kids at festivals? You like to have your kids around meth heads? Maybe leave them in the camp alone? Let them see them pulling their demonic faces on the floor, eyes popping out of the skull. Truly a wonderful sight for kids to see.
/rant off
Other than that great festival as allways
Here is a solution. Why don't parents enjoy their meth just the way they like and for the while they are dancing dogs can look out for the children. And the other way around!
All jokes aside. The 3 points in the first post sicken me. I am especially sickened by unconsciencious parents and drug use that brings out demons out of people. Blyak
  the sky was pink |
the daleks
The Daleks
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Posted : Oct 3, 2011 10:06
On 2011-07-21 15:07, Beat Agency wrote:
Do you also think it's OK to smoke weed and driving?
Point is when you organize such a huge even you have the main responsibility for the whole festival and all the people's safety and by that should stay clean and sober in case something happens that need you to stay 100% focused with a clear mind. IMO.
yeah driving and just about anything else..
unfortunate that people have this attitude. of course you have to keep your festival/party together, but i would think that any problems with a festival are systemic and less to do with a few people smoking a spliff here and there. of course this should be done discreetly because of prohibition laws.
Personally I would think that organizers not having some fun at their own festival would be doing it only for the money which is less wholesome imo..
i.e. the organizer should be having some fun too, albeit in a responsible way.
of course some people get jealous of a large organizer bringing in large amounts of cash and having to adhere to a higher standard for that reason. i understand that opinion too
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Faxi Nadu / Elmooht
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Posted : Oct 3, 2011 13:54
Horror movie live, leading role meth trash. The incresed infiltration of the psy scene by this drug has tainted floors, total meltdown is harder to achieve in a meth contaminated environment. Meth=evil&anti-pschedelic.
couldn't have said it better. fucking hagigat destroyed tel aviv.
The Way Back
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