Kids, animals and faces of meth
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 20, 2011 00:11:37
I´m back from Antaris festival and had a blast like every year, but there are a few things I have to get off my shoulders which I found disturbing and pissed me off more than usual.
1. Parents who take their kids to festivals better take good care of them. I saw so many examples of bad treatment of young children who should not be there in the first place. Our neighbors with their 2 kids (9-11 years old)were encouraging them to drink and left their kids alone in the camp (not even in the family area) for hours on end, both parents getting wasted and dancing for hours.
Something was bound to happen, and it did on Sunday. While both parents were on the floor, the boy must have got to their drug stash or something. An ambulance had to pull up in front of our camp and carried the unconscoius boy out to treat him. No need to say this is not the kind of thing you dont want to see as it severely drags you down. While the kid was being treated in the ambulance the mother rocked up and seemed more bothered with the inconvenience than concerned. Messed up. Thankfully he was finally ok but we were holding our breath as it looked like they had to revive him.
Even at night parents were carrying around there small kids/toddlers around the dancefloor, some even without ear protection. None of them looked happy to be there.
Imho large psy festivals are not suitable places for children unless they have very, very sensible parents who look after them well for the whole duration. There are also many good examples - parents who stay off hard drugs and alcohol and take turns going to the floors. Why damage your kids, you selfish parents? You are cramping our vibes.
2. Animals. Dogs specifically. You stupid idiots, why take your poor animals if you cant look after them. We had a totally wrecked and dehydrated, malnutrioned dog come into our camp. It looked like it was going to die any second so we told security about it. This was on saturday morning. Nobody knew who the owner was and they didnt want to make an announcement over p.a to collect him. We gave him water and food but he was still straying around aimlessly until sunday night. On monday morning we saw him again with his owner who was totally off his tits. We confronted him and asked himwtf kind of an asshole he was and that he should be ashamed of himself, but he shrugged it off and laughed. Lots of frightend, confused dogs on the floor as well - why? I dont get it and it pisses me off.
3. Meth-heads- they scare the shit out of me. I saw heaps of people who were so fucked up on methamphetame that it is unbelievable. I have seen this before, but some of these guys took the 1st prize in the world facial acrobaics world championship. Scary. Like demons coming through them, face in constant motion in the most unatural positions. One girl had her jaw stretched in an impossible, unnatural position for minutes, I thought she had a stroke untill it jumped to the other side. Faces in constant horrid morph, zipping around and spreading bad vibes all around. Horror movie live, leading role meth trash. The incresed infiltration of the psy scene by this drug has tainted floors, total meltdown is harder to achieve in a meth contaminated environment. Meth=evil&anti-pschedelic.
Parents with kids at festivals? You like to have your kids around meth heads? Maybe leave them in the camp alone? Let them see them pulling their demonic faces on the floor, eyes popping out of the skull. Truly a wonderful sight for kids to see.
/rant off
Other than that great festival as allways
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Posted : Jul 20, 2011 01:09
Wow, that's heavy shit man. I hope the boy is ok. I have always wondered about this, a solution would be for festivals to open care centers for a fee, where parents can drop off their children, where the kids have their own space and maybe can still choose through a kids group to be part of the action, like a kids scene with supervision. It would have to be made mandatory, and I am sure a lot of parents would pay something to know that their kids are in good hands without complaint. Same goes for animals... it is all possible.
I doubt you can make a cage for meth heads tho, maybe throw them into a dungeon?
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 20, 2011 03:45
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Posted : Jul 20, 2011 04:04
Kids and animals shouldnt be allowed in festivals under any circumstances in my humble opinion.
Entrance should be restricted to 18+ and kids should be banned no matter if their parents are with them or not. After all some parents are more irresponsible than their kids. A festival area with thousands of people during a multiday period can be a very dangerous place for a young kid in many ways, he can get lost, he gan get hurt and he can have any kind of accident or trouble you can imagine no matter if someone is looking after him or not. All things should take place in the right time and this kid will eventually grow up and will have the chance to enjoy on its own any festival he likes responsibly and safely. A multiday trance festival is not a 3 hours concert where someone can take his kids with him and then just return home after couple of hours of good music, a trance festival is something much more complicated.
About animals its common knowledge that dogs for example have a very sensitive hearing and the loud music damages their health in many ways. Also its easy to understand that animals (since they are no humans) can react in unpredicted ways when surrounded by thousands of people even if none of these people has the intention to harm them, they can just get scared by someone dancing next to them and react in an aggreesive way.
  Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!! |
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Posted : Jul 20, 2011 05:04
Look I get methheads around the city I live in as well as other junkies so I fail to see what the fuss is. You're gonna get 'em at any large gathering of music no matter what style. I generally ignore them, and if they cause troublems then get the cops or security on to them.
I have never ever had any respect for parents exposing children to the music festival culture unless it's aimed specifically at children in a professional manner.
It's one thing that completely turned me off festivals in this scene, watching the poor kids crying & begging to go home being ignored by their stoned/tripped "parents".
Social services should be made aware of such "parents" for sure.
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Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 20, 2011 05:18
I would instantly call the Cops and suggest and hope the kids are permanently removed from their junkie parents!
People with dogs should be kicked out of the Festival and reported to appropriate authorities for animal abuse Period!
Meth-heads should be banned!
I also put a BIG blame on the Festivals for allowing such shameless abuse on Children and Animals. But then again some of the organizers are also druggies so I am not surprised.  www.beatagency.dk |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 20, 2011 06:30
It depends on the atmosphere of the festival. Here in california a lot of psy festivals are smaller, very chilled out and not terrible places for kids or dogs. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 20, 2011 10:02
it's a shame,
I would like to believe that we as a movement can do better than this.
I don't think there should restrictions or rules about age or animals, because I have seen many beautiful moments happen at festivals and parties with whole families enjoying the party responsibly. I also respect that many people's family includes animals.
This sort of thing is a shame, but what to do? When you see something like abuse happening at a party. I have witnessed things like people harassing women or fights, and I have also seen people try to say something or address the issue directly, sometimes it's outcome is good, sometimes not.
People generally don't respond well to someone telling them what to do about their kid, partner or dog. so maybe it's best to try to implicate a better alternative, like I have seen kids camps at festivals, where there are volunteers in shifting groups taking the kids on hikes, or doing crafts or even going to the dance floor as a group.
Maybe their could be a pet kennel, away from the sound stages.
I have heard that at rainbow, there was some lord of the flies-esque band of adolescent boys roaming the woods without any supervision... that sounds kinda insane.
The kid in the video actually looks like he's having fun (ears protected too), makes me want to drive a rascal scooter around a dance floor (someday)
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 20, 2011 11:53
The festival offered activities for kids/family camping all that but some parents dont care. I have also seen enough parents who are sensible enough not to expose their childeren to danger, normally those who do not have much to do with excessive alcohol or drug consuption. At small festivals or mellower, family friendly events the situation is indeed much easier to handle. Imho community and security (at larger festivals) need to look out for the weakest links in our family, children and animals more. I understand people love their animals and want them there, but the animlas dont get a say in this. We have a dog who is member of the family, but it never crossed our mind to take him to a festival. They are better off at home imho.
As for the meth heads, I guess there is not much to be done to keep them away from large festivals. Maybe layer in a frequency into the sound that drives them out Or everyone start moving in slow motion for an hour to make them think they are buzzing so hard that its time for them to leave.
All I know is that they bring rancid vibes and do bad deeds. I know we are all one, but it stresses my psyche to be forced to engage in psychedlic unification with vile meth addicts that reak of doom. Hey I need to work on my tolerance level obviously
I think Beat Agency said it really well and concise.
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Jul 20, 2011 14:06
Kazuku i really liked your input, on these subjects.
funny how parents not all of them of course, do not worry to endager their kids with their druggie habbits. having a child is one of the most wonderfull things in the world, and children should be raised and created with the respect they deserve.
about animals, well, right now i am on the side of organizing a party this weekend, with some international names on the line up, and so hopefully, i expect some many people to show up, so we decided (the org), that animals are a no go. animals usually seems to suffer with the sounds, and all the amount of people they look disorientated. so animals are not allowed, for the safety of the animals themselves, either the people attending to the party, not be exposed to sudden burst of crazyness of an animal.
about the meths, i rather not speak my mind.
so the bottom of all this is:people sometimes do not even know how to take care of themselves, so how do they want to take care of kids and animals?
kids and animals are a big responsability!
  ... |
Perma Fry
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 20, 2011 14:24
Kids and animals should not be allowed inside festivals.
I do not think any other way about it.
kazuku your post was shocking
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 20, 2011 15:05
yeah well, most of the people with children and dogs on festivals do not realize the responsibility it is to have them. so they only go with their habits as before having them.
indeed the festivals is not a place for the young ones and animals, although at ozora festival i have seen some really peaceful and well organized camps with children and animals which i never saw approaching to the dancefloor.
but sure ozora's playground is unique and also suitable for that reason.
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Posted : Jul 20, 2011 16:36
instead of chit chating on a forum maybe what you should of done was call the cops once you saw children that age unattended at a fucking drug fest and drinking booze, , just saying , you know as a citizen who witnesses such a crime,
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 20, 2011 16:56
On 2011-07-20 16:36, mica wrote:
instead of chit chating on a forum maybe what you should of done was call the cops once you saw children that age unattended at a fucking drug fest and drinking booze, , just saying , you know as a citizen who witnesses such a crime,
I would have called the Cops instantly and personally made sure those parents did not escape. But why did not the Paramedics call the cops? Weird attitude.
A Festival with loud music (All Festivals), Meth-heads, LSD Junkies, Coke Junkies, E junkies, Drunks etc. (All Festivals) is no place for Kids. PERIOD!
Maybe it's time for some of the Organizers to live up to their responsibilities and stop their own drug habits (supported by their festivals income) blurring their ethics. Or admit they are not the right kind of people to be behind such Festivals.  www.beatagency.dk |
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Posted : Jul 20, 2011 16:56
i agree too,a festival is not a place for a kid
as for dogs...they should be there only whith the owner and of course not on the floor!
now as for meth...every drug when is abused has terrible effects!imo never bad vibes only love n dance...but it always depends!