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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 15, 2009 04:23

On 2009-01-15 03:32, Colin OOOD wrote:
The easiest way to get that sound is to put the kick in a sampler and loop it. Then you can just pitch-bend it or use a pitch envelope or whatever to change the speed of the loop. Nice and smooth, nice and easy.

If you are using kontakt just add a few pitch bend mods to the source that modulate the pitch of the kick drum (say 4 for example). That way when it's looping you can get a very large pitch bend range.
~Unoccupied Mind ~
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jan 15, 2009 10:53

On 2009-01-15 04:23, psylevation wrote:

On 2009-01-15 03:32, Colin OOOD wrote:
The easiest way to get that sound is to put the kick in a sampler and loop it. Then you can just pitch-bend it or use a pitch envelope or whatever to change the speed of the loop. Nice and smooth, nice and easy.

If you are using kontakt just add a few pitch bend mods to the source that modulate the pitch of the kick drum (say 4 for example). That way when it's looping you can get a very large pitch bend range.

Could you explain this a little further?
How do I do this?

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 16, 2009 11:04
Lots of different ways to doing this. Very interesting thread.

I tried this in Ableton Live today.
*Create a new midi clip.
*Put a note for 1 bar in your piano roll.
*Add Sampler to it.
*Drag and drop your favorite kick into the sampler.
*Add Arpeggiator to the channel.
*Below are the settings I used:
Rate : Sync should be changed to free.
Gate : 50%
Steps : 1
Rest all Default
Tweaking the rate gives you the desired roll.

Once again this may not be the best way to do it, but it gives a similar effect.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  67
Posts :  633
Posted : Jan 17, 2009 15:58
Colin OOOd and psylevation can yuo both make a step by step tutorial or description of doing what you advised, sounds interesting to me and wuol dlike ot try them both.

Many thanks

Mark           Check out my site for Video tutorials and other tips & Tricks
Colin OOOD

Started Topics :  95
Posts :  5380
Posted : Jan 17, 2009 17:46

On 2009-01-17 15:58, Soundmagus wrote:
Colin OOOd and psylevation can yuo both make a step by step tutorial or description of doing what you advised, sounds interesting to me and wuol dlike ot try them both.

Many thanks


LOL you're joking, right?           Mastering - ::
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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 18, 2009 02:49

On 2009-01-17 17:46, Colin OOOD wrote:

On 2009-01-17 15:58, Soundmagus wrote:
Colin OOOd and psylevation can yuo both make a step by step tutorial or description of doing what you advised, sounds interesting to me and wuol dlike ot try them both.

Many thanks


LOL you're joking, right?

No Colin, he's not joking. He really wants to know how to do it. Its a nuisance that you act like your time is so valuable that you laugh at someone who wants a short video tutorial from you. Then you proceed to direct them to pay for cubase lsssons.

this whole thing of paying for classes bites me the wrong way. we use the internet. you can learn everything you need to learn on the internet. don't get me wrong i'd love to sit down with Colin or some other guys and see how they do, but I definitely wouldn't pay for lessons. the cubase help file explains quite a lot and the unlimited sources on google does as well.

perhaps it's just because i teach people for free and have been for a long time (long before i started making videos). i'm an amateur though. i make tutorials for 2 reasons. maybe i'm jealous that people like Colin are actually known enough that people would pay to have lessons from them.

me on the other hand. i will never be known for anything relating to music. i have never made 1 cent off of music. yet, i've invested well over a thousand USD in it. not to mention the countless hours of studying and playing in various daws for the past 7 years. and if you count my minor in music at the university i've spent much more.

it'd be nice to see some income from any of this. it is just fun that is why i continue to do it despite hearing shitty psy release after shitty psy release from ho humm artists and dark psy enthusiasts without an ounce of musical background who only know how to operate an LFO knob.

the two reasons i make tutorials:

1. help out the community, because when i started not a damned person was there to tell me where to start.

2. to promote my own music, but barely anybody that visits my youtube which averages over 200 hits a day at the moment visits my myspace. so this aspect of it is failing. however, i will still continue to make tutorials.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  60
Posts :  3709
Posted : Jan 18, 2009 02:59
I respect anyone who wants to earn money on music creation..

But maybe this section is the wrong place to promote the business?
and i also think its wrong to ask Colin who also make a living out of this to make a tutorial to another person that tries to make a living out of music creation..

And really! why would you want a tutorial for everything, its inspiring many times but its also very inspiring to experiment!

really its too bad its so much about the money sometimes...

Though i really think you should keep some secrets to your self...

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  60
Posts :  3709
Posted : Jan 18, 2009 03:02

On 2009-01-18 02:49, dija wrote:

On 2009-01-17 17:46, Colin OOOD wrote:

On 2009-01-17 15:58, Soundmagus wrote:
Colin OOOd and psylevation can yuo both make a step by step tutorial or description of doing what you advised, sounds interesting to me and wuol dlike ot try them both.

Many thanks


LOL you're joking, right?

No Colin, he's not joking. He really wants to know how to do it. Its a nuisance that you act like your time is so valuable that you laugh at someone who wants a short video tutorial from you. Then you proceed to direct them to pay for cubase lsssons.

this whole thing of paying for classes bites me the wrong way. we use the internet. you can learn everything you need to learn on the internet. don't get me wrong i'd love to sit down with Colin or some other guys and see how they do, but I definitely wouldn't pay for lessons. the cubase help file explains quite a lot and the unlimited sources on google does as well.

perhaps it's just because i teach people for free and have been for a long time (long before i started making videos). i'm an amateur though. i make tutorials for 2 reasons. maybe i'm jealous that people like Colin are actually known enough that people would pay to have lessons from them.

me on the other hand. i will never be known for anything relating to music. i have never made 1 cent off of music. yet, i've invested well over a thousand USD in it. not to mention the countless hours of studying and playing in various daws for the past 7 years. and if you count my minor in music at the university i've spent much more.

it'd be nice to see some income from any of this. it is just fun that is why i continue to do it despite hearing shitty psy release after shitty psy release from ho humm artists and dark psy enthusiasts without an ounce of musical background who only know how to operate an LFO knob.

the two reasons i make tutorials:

1. help out the community, because when i started not a damned person was there to tell me where to start.

2. to promote my own music, but barely anybody that visits my youtube which averages over 200 hits a day at the moment visits my myspace. so this aspect of it is failing. however, i will still continue to make tutorials.

I just wanna say Kudos to you man! you make a nice effort and i really feelt inspired by your tutorials!

you made other people share! and i think you have inspired others aswell..

Keep it up man!

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  48
Posts :  483
Posted : Jan 18, 2009 03:26

On 2009-01-18 02:59, Freeflow wrote:
I respect anyone who wants to earn money on music creation..

But maybe this section is the wrong place to promote the business?
and i also think its wrong to ask Colin who also make a living out of this to make a tutorial to another person that tries to make a living out of music creation..

And really! why would you want a tutorial for everything, its inspiring many times but its also very inspiring to experiment!

really its too bad its so much about the money sometimes...

Though i really think you should keep some secrets to your self...


Agreed, I did not know the person requesting the tutorial was a professional in the same area. But perhaps Sound Magus has something that Colin would like to know and they could trade.

I'm just trying to learn and help other people learn. I actually learn a lot by doing these tutorials because of some of the responses I get. There's been a few threads where people posted followups to my video that I watched that inspired me and helped me out. We're never done learning.

But yeah, if somoene who makes money at music wanted me to teach them one of my techniques I'd probably either trade them or tell them to hook me up with some work  (tutorials)
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  48
Posts :  483
Posted : Jan 18, 2009 10:35
Sorry for double post but...

I'd like to apologize to Colin. I thought he was advertising his cubase lessons. I did not realize he was pointing out that soundmagus(the person requesting the tutorial) was offering cubase lessons.

Still though someone who is good enough to offer lessons still needs to read up and think to come up with creative production techniques. However, I can understand not wanting someone to make money teaching your techniques, Colin.

Sorry for the misunderstanding. I got out of line  (tutorials)
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  67
Posts :  633
Posted : Jan 19, 2009 23:57

Colin - The courses i offer ON CUBASE are technical courses based on learning Cubase.
I also offer my knowledge on music production.
I simply asked for a demo in this way of doing things as i myself have never done it this way and found the ideas mentioned interesting and would like to learn them. I can do this many other ways from those i asked for a demo of but prefer to keep growing my knowledge for as long as i can.
Just because i teach doesn`t mean i know everything, and every technique used by every other producer, so please forgive me for not being as obviously well versed in all things music production as you obviously are, but to bring my skills as a teacher and to try and discredit what i do is frankly sad.

The reason i ask for payment for my Course NOT tutorials (i have been doing free video tutorials for years) is that it is my one and only job and the Cubase course i teach is the only course created and sanctioned by Steinberg which i had to pay for and is over 100 hours in length with full cpr`s, royalty free samples, worksheets, self assesments etc, the same type of course you would find in a college.

dija - thanks for trying to stick up for me, i appreciate it but there was no need, Colin has the right to say whatever he likes and, as you mention above, not want anyone to teach his methods whilst getting paid for it. As i have mentioned all ready, the course i teach is technical with certain aspects of production, but not in the manner of anything which would be gained here related to psy trance.

I teach because i love to do so, i make music for the same reasons, i let me teaching speak for itself.

all the best,

Mark           Check out my site for Video tutorials and other tips & Tricks

Started Topics :  150
Posts :  3315
Posted : Jan 20, 2009 00:10
Amazing, Colin keeps providing excellent tips on here! Don't you guys think that is time enough?
Now you want him to make a tutorial, when all you need to do is browse through the link he has provided you with. Greedy suckerz!           Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  60
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Posted : Jan 20, 2009 00:27

On 2009-01-20 00:10, Upavas wrote:
Amazing, Colin keeps providing excellent tips on here! Don't you guys think that is time enough?
Now you want him to make a tutorial, when all you need to do is browse through the link he has provided you with. Greedy suckerz!

Colin hasnt provided any link to anything related to creating a kickroll as such was asked for..

just a link to Marks Cubase course...

anyway this just shows how we humans work, we are greedy and wily! i dont see a bright future for us any time soon

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  67
Posts :  633
Posted : Jan 20, 2009 01:25
Hmm greed or human curiosity and "The joy of finding things out?" - Richard P Feynman          Check out my site for Video tutorials and other tips & Tricks
Colin OOOD

Started Topics :  95
Posts :  5380
Posted : Jan 20, 2009 20:13
Ok time for some clarification on my part.

Although I have indeed posted a good deal of information about the way I produce music (I've never thought of any of the techniques I've learned and developed to be 'secrets' because even if you knew everything about the way I make my music you still wouldn't make music like me ), and have helped a lot of people out with Cubase-specific problems, I do this less now than I used to for several reasons; I got tired of answering the same questions over and over again, I'm trying (and mostly failing lol) to spend less time on forums, and because there are many other people on here who do a great job of helping people out. I still help a lot of people out - for free (although yes, I do offer production tuition for a fee too) - in my off-forum time, so please, there are some fingers being pointed at me on this thread that are wildly off-target.

As for the reason why I posted what I did (if anyone's actually interested) - I humbly offer my opinion that ANYONE offering production tuition for a fee should not need me - or anyone else - to make them a step-by-step tutorial on how to load a sample into a sampler, loop it and apply pitch-bend modulation to it. If you know anything at all about sampling (which I assume you do if you offer courses in electronic music production) it really is that easy! I don't mind helping people out (when it's my choice) but to be asked to design someone else's course material under the guise of helping out a n00b just pisses me off.

Kudos to everyone sharing their knowledge and making tutorials.
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