Kali Earth Records (label announcement, news & updates)
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jan 15, 2018 17:51:28
Hei trippers and trancers, this is a label announcement with news + updates on whats going on within KER.
discogs: https://www.discogs.com/label/1393052-Kali-Earth-Records
bandcamp: https://kaliearth.bandcamp.com/
Kali Earth was established as a new label on the 28th of December 2017. The first release was on the same night. The release is a single track by Material Music (a talented artist) given to the psytrance event organizer Love&Magic, in 2015. It was only now let loose, just the way it is. A proper Record label, i think we most agree on is a label that publish and release physical formats (CD, Vinyl) as well as the new digital formats like i.e FLAC and Wav. We've chosen a tad unconventional way of starting up the label in these new times. Therefor we use mainly Bandcamp but we will when things are more ready and steady move onto other distributor pages as well to be more accessible to the general wider public. Right now, we only offer a CDr/Files of our debut release (KER001) . And the single is a grower, so expect it to get more tracks added soon.... Our aim is in general great psytrance and chillout music, and we're not afraid of pushing the envelope or to creating a new style on the way. The label name Kali Earth Records is in direct inspiration to the legendary label, Shiva Space Technology (SST). In retrospect, you could say that the world is also too full of bad kali, and hence, Kali Earth Records.
We come with much love, and true peace of mind.
Boom shanti *
  Tommy The Bat 4:06 "Please, tell them. That I am God."
".. -Hmmmh?" (ahhaha, good one)
https://tinyurl.com/99mlwgo 42 ~ Love is the Answer |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jan 15, 2018 17:53
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Feb 15, 2018 20:26