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just a really happy cityin tha crowd of this rave

vision dream
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 3, 2010 08:35:23

this is what really know like party or ceremony of trance on life
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 3, 2010 16:02
I think it's just a horny cameraman

which shows again that dancing & music is only about sex

Is this typical for brasilian parties?

and what's up with waving the brasilian flag @ 3.10..??

Run Lola
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 3, 2010 18:23
there are pretty girls in any rave in the world, so I don't understand what's special about this! but crowd looks crap, sorry but...true

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Posted : Apr 3, 2010 21:05
Stop bastardizing Depeche Mode songs.
Thank you, the management.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 4, 2010 00:19
Are you sure it's not a summer camp for cheerleaders?..
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 4, 2010 02:38
Being caged in with a dj worshipping hoard of etards at a Hommega party hopefully does not represent the pinnacle of psychedelic amusement for everybody....
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 4, 2010 13:16
once upon a time...

          "no one ever sweats on a plug-in" -moby
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 4, 2010 20:21

i think i saw Jesus!!

b'om b'om!!           "... b'om ..."
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 4, 2010 22:16

On 2010-04-04 13:16, Outolintu wrote:
once upon a time...

great Let's hope real psytrance will arise from the ashes so the parties become atleast as they once were.Full Of grown up expirienced Freaks! With mystical and magical vibes!
And music for flying spirits.


Started Topics :  129
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Posted : Apr 9, 2010 03:07
in order for that to happen we have to be the flames and the ressurrection there is no way to start rebuilding something if it hasnt crumbled yet. Top 40 can have their idea of what psytrance is. We are adaptable and will create a new idea of what psytrance is, based on deviation from what it already is. one that industry and tourists dont want to touch... that is the power of 'weird'. You make it weird enough it cant be consumed or duplicated. id choose 10 enthusiastic people a small sound system and a wooded clearing over a party of 2000 sweaty wasted people that leaves a scar where it happened.
This is this what trance is about? oh ya dont forget champagne and sunglasses that is also pretty trance.

So its up to the people who have a distaste for commercialized psychedelia to bring their idea of 'meaning' back to trance parties.

We need to create the experience instead of consuming it.

You dont go to a party to have fun you go there to make fun happen. You arent given an experience by the dj and the deco. you are given a setting to create your own experience. Since you are around so many others your energy bleeds into their perceptions so its just as important to be aware of how you are effecting others as it is to take note of how they are effecting you.

Im not saying this event is populated by the empty. Its just that bigger and badder may work for rocknroll but it doesent jive well with fundamentals of collectively connectively oriented psychedelic experiences.

IF theres one thing im noticing in contrast between the goa vid and the trance parties i see today are, that the macho level is waaaay lower it seems.

People just being.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 9, 2010 05:40

On 2010-04-04 02:38, kuzuku wrote, "etards"

I just learnt a new word
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 9, 2010 13:27
i would rather go in the forest with some friends and turn up the sono of a car insteed of going in parties like that .
trance should stay underground for a good scene imo
Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 9, 2010 13:50

On 2010-04-03 08:35:23, vision dream wrote:
this is what really know like party or ceremony of trance on life

here my friend
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - just a really happy cityin tha crowd of this rave
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