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Started Topics :  1
Posts :  147
Posted : Feb 16, 2011 17:27

On 2011-02-15 19:07, TranceVisuals wrote:

On 2011-02-15 18:55, wrote:
what about the roots? tune in, turn on and drop out.
the main thing, imo, is to get what it is about and than let it go

Timothy Leary also made quite a "song and dance" about "dropping back in!" ("turn on, tune in, drop out, drop in" being the full quote), but most people tend to forget that part. Either that or it is some secret initiation, that seperates those that just spout like parrots what they hear or read it some disposable media, and those that go and do some research, and make up their own minds, based on more than just cool sound bites....

Are you sure? I cannot even imagine for what one can will to drop in. What was implied that there is a possibility to discover a life force that is more powerful by itself, without a husk such as a drugs. It has no need in any environment like that. And of course it is not a socio-moral category like 'drugs are bad' or 'drugs are ok'.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 22, 2011 13:29
On 2011-01-14 17:32, Dogon wrote:

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 23, 2011 11:11
Although everyone goes to psytrance parties for slightly different motivations, I would say the lowest common denominator is to experience a sense of freedom, which can manifest itself very differetly for each individual.

I agree many people come mainly for the drugs - the "freedom" to shop to their hearts content. They are overwhelmed by the smorgesboard of psychedelikatessen and neuro-poisons that presents itself infront of every tent or in the boot of every car. A perpetual, constantly shifting "Troll Market" of every narcotic they could possibly crave. The general attitude often is - "drugs woohooo, yeah the sounds good when I´m off my tits". The party/festival simply provides an attractive setting for the drug experience/cocktail of their choice.

I have sometimes been frustrated with people i´ve driven to festivals with who sit in the camp for 99% of the time, engaging in a drugathon from the comfort of their camping chairs, never dancing or exploring. But anyhow, each to their own, if that is their choice to spend their time, good on them.

Imho, there comes a time when there is a limit to "freedom" - the stage when people go to far with stupid actions and endanger every one elses freedom. Let me give an example:

In broad daylight, Sunday, early afternoon, main floor - idiots passing around silver trays packed with lines of cocaine in the middle of the floor, snorting left, right and centre. Next to kids and families and curious locals coming to check out the atmosphere, market etc. Even within total freedom, people should at least keep a fraction of respect and sense. With freedom comes responsibility.

Another example - different festival. Thursday evening, day one of an un-named festival. People still arriving, tents being set up etc. Before midnight, the atmosphere is smashed several times by countless ambulance sirens and even a rescue helicopter swoops in. All within the first few hours. No wonder many outsiders see the psytrance scene as such a horrid cesspool.

The over emphasis on (hard) drugs is something which presents the scene in a light which it does not deserve, because it is much more than a place to smash braincells and has a lot more to offer.

Each to their own, but with respect to others, and with awareness of the surroundings.
Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 23, 2011 12:15

On 2011-04-23 11:11, kazuku wrote:
In broad daylight, Sunday, early afternoon, main floor - idiots passing around silver trays packed with lines of cocaine in the middle of the floor, snorting left, right and centre. Next to kids and families and curious locals coming to check out the atmosphere, market etc.

wtf , where ?
Master Margherita

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Posted : Apr 23, 2011 12:51

On 2011-04-23 11:11, kazuku wrote:


this is a very nice title for an album


Started Topics :  6
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Posted : Oct 13, 2011 12:06

On 2011-04-23 12:15, mk47 wrote:

On 2011-04-23 11:11, kazuku wrote:
In broad daylight, Sunday, early afternoon, main floor - idiots passing around silver trays packed with lines of cocaine in the middle of the floor, snorting left, right and centre. Next to kids and families and curious locals coming to check out the atmosphere, market etc.

wtf , where ?

Even at OZORA Festival. Sorry, it sucks.

Humans have freedom, but they are not free to ruin my experience because of their unhealthy habits. I don't like people behaviour under narcotics, and I don't think it belongs to Psytrance at all.
          Fire Walk With Me

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  367
Posted : Oct 13, 2011 12:35

On 2011-10-13 12:06, ierofante wrote:

On 2011-04-23 12:15, mk47 wrote:

On 2011-04-23 11:11, kazuku wrote:
In broad daylight, Sunday, early afternoon, main floor - idiots passing around silver trays packed with lines of cocaine in the middle of the floor, snorting left, right and centre. Next to kids and families and curious locals coming to check out the atmosphere, market etc.

wtf , where ?

Even at OZORA Festival. Sorry, it sucks.

Humans have freedom, but they are not free to ruin my experience because of their unhealthy habits. I don't like people behaviour under narcotics, and I don't think it belongs to Psytrance at all.

Haha, you have a freedom, but you're not free to do what i don't like. Go and find another scene for you, no, wait, go and hide yourself into a lonely cave and experience the freedom.

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  253
Posted : Oct 13, 2011 12:38
Since I don't want to expose myself as much as many users do, I invite you to read again what I wrote.


On 2011-10-13 12:06, ierofante wrote:

I don't like people behaviour under NARCOTICS, and I don't think it belongs to Psytrance at all.

And also... What is a "scene"? The only scene I know is the human scene.           Fire Walk With Me

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  367
Posted : Oct 14, 2011 11:54

On 2011-10-13 12:38, ierofante wrote:
Since I don't want to expose myself as much as many users do, I invite you to read again what I wrote.


On 2011-10-13 12:06, ierofante wrote:

I don't like people behaviour under NARCOTICS, and I don't think it belongs to Psytrance at all.

And also... What is a "scene"? The only scene I know is the human scene.

Please check the cave reference again.

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  253
Posted : Oct 15, 2011 08:40
So if someone does something hurtful to themselves and others, ruining their and sometimes my party, I simply should stop complaining about it and "get over it"?
And when the line is crossed? If someone high on narcotics stabs you at a party because of the shit he has done, could you "get over it"?           Fire Walk With Me
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 15, 2011 13:14
if you use drugs, use it moderately or for the least be a decent human and dont ruin your own experience along with obviously ruining the others` experience - what i mean by that is one can get fucked up on whatever it is that he's doing, and have an impact on others by either being someone to worry about (whether the worry itself is justified or not) - this is another form of irresponsible (ab)use - know your limits, and if what your trying to do is push them, make sure it doesnt affect others negatively.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 15, 2011 23:13
Why do people complain about the cocaine but not tobacco?

Tobacco use has the biggest negative impact on parties of any substance.

At outdoor parties the crew has to spend tons of time cleaning up cigarette butts that people throw carelessly everywhere.

At indoor parties you either have people smoking inside which makes the party unpleasant to be in, or you have people going outside to smoke in which case you annoy the neighbors and bring the party too much attention.

If I could make any substance disappear from the party world it would be tobacco.

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  253
Posted : Oct 16, 2011 10:55

On 2011-10-15 13:14, goaren wrote:
know your limits, and if what your trying to do is push them, make sure it doesnt affect others negatively.

Great view, friend.

And yes, tobacco use also affect negatively our party experience. I noticed many improvements, like portable ashtrays being used sometimes in open air and tobacco forbidden at indoor clubs, but still not enough.          Fire Walk With Me
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 16, 2011 19:26

On 2011-10-15 23:13, Shiranui wrote:
Why do people complain about the cocaine but not tobacco?

Tobacco use has the biggest negative impact on parties of any substance.

At outdoor parties the crew has to spend tons of time cleaning up cigarette butts that people throw carelessly everywhere.

At indoor parties you either have people smoking inside which makes the party unpleasant to be in, or you have people going outside to smoke in which case you annoy the neighbors and bring the party too much attention.

If I could make any substance disappear from the party world it would be tobacco.

Tobacco is a horrible poison and I can't believe that it's still legal. It actually does ruin more lives than cocaine. Together with alcohol - many more lives. It's no wonder alcohol and tobacco are regulated by the same agency as firearms.

On the other hand, one can quit drinking cold turkey or stop smoking with the help of nicotine supplements (I personally used gum but some people prefer patches). It's not that simple when it comes to quitting cocaine. Not to mention, I've never heard about anybody getting mugged or killed because somebody needed money to buy a pack of cigarettes. To buy a dose of cocaine - that's a different story...

To stick my 2 cents into the main topic: why such snobbism/elitism when it comes to drugs? LSD is God's magic elixir, while cocaine or heroin is Devil's cum - this seems to be the summary of this thread.
Just seems kinda arbitrary and a bit intolerant to me.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  54
Posts :  187
Posted : Oct 17, 2011 00:47
if i see any one doing glue at a party im going to run the fck away from that horrible thing,i had the experience of doing glue couple of times in my young age thank god its was not a long period of time!

as for other shite i think people can do any thing they like as long as it doesn't abuse other people cuz in that case they take your freedom

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