IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Oct 6, 2008 17:53:42
I just bought this yesterday and wow...its just super...i think this one is another classic. Its 2 discs, 90 minutes of pure unadultrated heavy metal, more on the softer side sort of like epic metal...sort of like anthem album. I think i am going back into the metal scene as its safer to be a heavy metal listener in india than a psytrance listener
Act 1
1. "Dawn of Creation" * – 2:31
2. "Prophecy" – 5:26
3. "Awakening" * – 0:52
4. "Revelations" – 7:05
5. "The Four Horsemen" * – 1:35
6. "War" – 5:04
7. "Sands of Time" * – 2:36
8. "Pestilence and Plague" – 5:08
9. "Death" – 7:33
10. "Peace" * – 2:21
11. "Conquest" – 4:42
12. "Lost Love" – 4:28
13. "Persecution" – 6:34
Act 2
1. "Solitude" * – 1:22
2. "Exiled" – 6:32
3. "Alone" – 7:50
4. "Shadows in the Flame" * – 1:10
5. "Visions" – 5:28
6. "Hope" * – 2:09
7. "New Beginnings" – 4:56
8. "Calm Before the Storm" * – 2:05
9. "Nostradamus" – 6:46
10. "Future of Mankind" – 8:29
  When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive |