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Juan Verdera @ The Muses Rapt boycotting Israel

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  170
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Posted : Mar 17, 2010 21:55

On 2010-03-17 21:40, Xolvexs wrote:
when does the section "Bitch & Moan" start?

I thought the Trance section was already renamed to this?  - Midwest based psytrance group
alex nave

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  15
Posted : Mar 17, 2010 23:25
Juan verdera totaly make people lost money but more then this and the main is that he make people said and with bad karma

this is totaly not real goa psy trance artist


On 2010-03-15 20:56, JohnTaramas wrote:
there is nothing worse than loosing a few shekels.. last time it happened to me i almost faint, it was aweful i can tell.
please alex, keep us informed about those serious artists that steal our hardly earned money!

alex nave

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  15
Posted : Mar 17, 2010 23:25
all canada???


On 2010-03-15 22:42, KINO OKO wrote:
I had call with Juan Verdera hour ago and i get information from him that he loves Canada.

alex nave

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  15
Posted : Mar 17, 2010 23:28
Juan verdera is big liar because we have recipt of all the western union money he get all the money

and we lost 700 usd flight money we never not get it
so if he want be ok he need send it

also even after that people really angry about him

and btw about the bad words people sent to juan its not ok totaly and we are not support in this even he make us damage big damage

but what sure juan dont gonna play in israel in the next few years


On 2010-03-16 01:33, DETOX wrote:
The following text was taken from Juan's facebook account.

"2 months ago somebody from a booking agency contact me to play in some parties in March. I didnt knew this people so i ask to other artist i saw at their ´DJ list. This artist told me he was not payed from them and say to me to be carefull. Other organicer told me the same. My decisión was to ask all the money for my in advance and must to be payed the same day closing the flight ticket reservación.Then this agency send me flight ticket reservación but not the money as was the agree. I said to them to send me the money as soon as possible.The time was passing...Then 5 days befote the flight i recived an email saying they just send me only a part of the money 60% and discounting commisions from the Western Union transfer they said me for the first time wich parties i must to play. I was very disagree. Because they don´t contact me before the transfer to say and because they are discounting the commision. I said the party is cancelled because is not serious to do the things without my agree. Then they said: please wait to the day befote the flight and they gonna send me the rest of the money. I was waiting till last moment and just when western union close the office to take the money transfer, they call me saying they still not have the money . I cancel the party at this moment. Then they called me many many times by my phone. And they promise me and to take the money after the flight some days befote but i didnt trust them and i said to cancel the parties. The was calling me all day one call after the other for hours. I was talking with them but i said the parties are cancel because was not the agree. They said was not possible to change the flight ticket and they will lose this money.The next day they send me and email telling me they just send more money but still not all the money and change the flight ticket without asking me. This people make decissions for themselves without asking meIt was the harder negotiation in my lifeAfter all this discussions i must to be with them for 12 days alone and i was afraid to be not good taking care of me, like food or to have the flight ticket for the come back canceled like happens to me other timesSo i didn´t go and was canceled. Was my decissision and i have the right because the didn´t made the agree.Now i am having emails from unknown person saying me this:
we will distroid you putaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa madraaaaaaaaaa you never dont back to israel if you come here you are dead man putaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you will see what is mafiaaa putaaaaaaaaaa madraaaaaaaaaaaaaisrael hate you and we fuck you on the asss putaaaaaaaaaaaaa putaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa putaaaaaaaaaaaaa
An other ONE IN the facebook
An other picture said i hate Israel
I want to said sorry to the people wants to go to this parties i canceled and to the organicers of the partiesAnd i want to say I LOVE ISRAEL with all my heart
Sorry for my poor english
Juan Verdera aka The Muses rapt"

In my humble opinion since the organisers didnt follow the original deal they aggreed with the artist then the artist has the right to cancel the party.Personally i am against paying artists 100% in advance (i worked with Tiesto and many big names in the past and they didnt asked all money in advance but just the 50% of their fee) but thats just me and since the organisers aggreed on this deal with the artist then they were obliged to follow this deal.

Now what the artist has to do is to return all the money he received so that he is also fair with his dealings.

IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  155
Posts :  2035
Posted : Mar 18, 2010 11:17
Enough.           ---------------------------------------------
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