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Trance Forum » » Forum  Party Promotions - J.Viewz + BLT & Danny Makov live @ The Fusion
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J.Viewz + BLT & Danny Makov live @ The Fusion

IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  155
Posts :  2035
Posted : Apr 16, 2004 08:57
All of you who weren't there (and there weren't too many people) missed two of the best live electronic music shows in Israel. And there aren't really many real live shows made here.

J.Viewz started with an amazing jazzy chill performance with 4 people on stage singing, playing piano & Keyboards, guitars, trumpet- just amazing show with amazing music. I don't think this will happen a lot here again, but if it does, do yourself a favor and catch it, as it is the best electronic music project in Israel these days, and I predict that in a couple of years you will have to pay a lot and even to go overseas to catch them.

Next came BLT & Danny Makov, with a different set than their usual one, more progressive, lower bpms, tribal feel- just amazing- Danny Makov does unbelieveable job on the drums and percussion- the energy, flow and most of all livelyhood of their live show is the best I've seen in trance. I can't even imagine what it would do to a crowd of thousands in a festival in 8-9 in the morning.

Thumbs up to the Fusion, to the musicians, the little crowd, and most of all to that 50 or so year old guys who knew nothing about electronic dance music, but unlike too many trancers I know, had no blocks in their minds and started dancing           ---------------------------------------------
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IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  100
Posts :  1480
Posted : Apr 16, 2004 10:48
Damn those tests...
Next time I'm there!
Trance Forum » » Forum  Party Promotions - J.Viewz + BLT & Danny Makov live @ The Fusion
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