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its already 2010....WHAT HAVE YOU DONE so far

IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
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Posted : Apr 7, 2010 11:51:28
well the 4th month is already upon
and for those who replied to the thread about what will you do in 2010...this is a good reality check...hello, what have you done so far ?
for me i completed about 95 days of the 10950 i promised to complete           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
Posts :  3207
Posted : Apr 7, 2010 12:02
too much man and more o follow.This year is giving me totaly positif powers.Changed a whole chapter to a new one.Love it. 
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

Started Topics :  158
Posts :  5306
Posted : Apr 7, 2010 12:08
released free EP
played couple of nice sets
done with new 'tsabeat' album - soon release
started some new style beats (psybreaks)
and most of all - i got new job and seems i like it 
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Apr 7, 2010 12:48
Saved my dog "Fotis" from dying due to his mid diaphragm breaking (probably got run over by a car, or jumped from a terrace) before I found him 6 months ago. It was a long risky operation, but my boy survived!

Released an album. (you did ask )

Sort of got together with this girl that understands that music is my priority in life, although its early days so we'll see how she keeps up...but she's smart, pretty, funny, and she is the best cook (after my mother obviously) in the world.

Released a techno tune with a big label: Dave Seaman's Audio Therapy.

Got feedback from Carl Cox ( ) saying he dropped my tune in Brazil to great response.

Barely going to the gym due to working on the 3rd album like there's no tomorrow and shifting the gym time to enjoying my missus', extraordinary cooking.

Won an iPhone over a pool table game.

Lost tickets with my missus to Barcelona over a backgammon game. I'll be buying hers as well

Still haven't painted my house.

Seriously cut down on alcohol.

Seriously cut down on smoking bud, but that will soon change.

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
Posts :  3207
Posted : Apr 7, 2010 13:03

On 2010-04-07 12:48, disco hooligans wrote:

Got feedback from Carl Cox ( ) saying he dropped my tune in Brazil to great response.

wow..which track of yours was it?
Lots of goodies ..keep up the positive energy.

btw your psytrance Darjeeling Express album is a masterpiece.Real psytrance and not another avarage brain fucker.Love the tunes,really top.

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  116
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Posted : Apr 7, 2010 13:50
disco hooligans i am happy for u .
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  116
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Posted : Apr 7, 2010 13:51
i have alreaeady celebrated new years 2011 yeah !
Inactive User

Started Topics :  131
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Posted : Apr 7, 2010 14:18
Quit my job.

Moved back to my hometown.

MArried my girlfriend/fiancee of 11 years.

AM currently finishing the last week of our 4 week honeymoon in Japan and Malaysia!           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  37
Posted : Apr 7, 2010 14:34
got my first international booking =)
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  200
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Posted : Apr 7, 2010 15:37
not heard a single decent album, thats what ive done.           missing plug-in
Addictive Elements
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  26
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Posted : Apr 7, 2010 16:02
@ exotic ...same here

In any case ive been workin my ass of so far....2010 will be the year im gonna (or atleast plan to) make my first ever trip to the mountains in Sept..... gettin damn hyped abt it !!           ----- Hippies...they wanna save the earth....but all they ever do is smoke pot ----
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  170
Posts :  3642
Posted : Apr 7, 2010 16:06

On 2010-04-07 12:48, disco hooligans wrote:

Got feedback from Carl Cox ( ) saying he dropped my tune in Brazil to great response.


For me- been working lots on production, got a few things completed so far that are definitely better than previous work (plug:

Played some live and dj sets.

Spending plenty of time organizing parties for the upcoming summer.

Trying to figure out how to clone myself because there's too much music I want to produce.  - Midwest based psytrance group
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Apr 7, 2010 16:23

On 2010-04-07 13:03, TimeTraveller wrote:

On 2010-04-07 12:48, disco hooligans wrote:

Got feedback from Carl Cox ( ) saying he dropped my tune in Brazil to great response.

wow..which track of yours was it?


On 2010-04-07 13:03, TimeTraveller wrote:
btw your psytrance Darjeeling Express album is a masterpiece.Real psytrance and not another avarage brain fucker.Love the tunes,really top.

Nice one bruv, cheers. We are happy with how the second album came out, but we are delighted with how the 3rd album is shaping up, more info on that soon...anyway, Darjeeling Express has only been out for like, 10 days

Started Topics :  26
Posts :  660
Posted : Apr 7, 2010 18:34
Finished our first EP (getting mastered, out soon!)
played some great shows
played some good shows
played some mehh shows

dj'd a LOT of 80's music!

called off my marriage engagement
leaving South Carolina permanently on Monday

Preparing to move halfway around the planet, and have an actual grown-up JOB doing what i love for the first time in more than a year.

2010's gonna be BIG!           Quantum Frog / Anomalistic
IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  269
Posts :  7826
Posted : Apr 7, 2010 23:55

On 2010-04-07 15:37, exotic wrote:
not heard a single decent album, thats what ive done.


hehe           ...
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - its already 2010....WHAT HAVE YOU DONE so far

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