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Trance Forum » » Forum  Israel - Israeli flags at Ozora festival
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Israeli flags at Ozora festival


Started Topics :  2
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Posted : Aug 10, 2016 09:43:54
I just came back from a wonderful experience at the Ozora festival in Hungary. It was overwhelming to receive so much love and meet so much beautiful people. There was a feeling of oneness among all participants. Nobody brought flags from there country except some people from Israel. At the opening they had this big flag like if it was the beginning of the olympic games. Later on on the main dance stage they were waving this huge flags of Israel and it was very disturbing. While other people where holding flags about the earth reminding we are all one, they Israeli people did not get the concept of this festival. It somehow killed my mood many times and I want to kindly ask not to bring this big flags anymore as it creates separation.
Tim Trip

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  56
Posted : Apr 12, 2020 13:36
dont't take it too seriously.
I think israelis just love their country so much. I always liked to meet them on festivals and parties. kind and funny ppl.

Trance Forum » » Forum  Israel - Israeli flags at Ozora festival
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