israeli doof festival BASIC STANDARTS
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Apr 19, 2007 14:19
We cant edit the forum every time someone regret about something he wrote or realize a topic he started doesnt go in the direction he thought it will. so maybe it will be a good idea to think twice(or evenj more than that?) before you press the submit button..and not coming to us asking to delete cause things didnt go as planed..
Every user on the forum is entitled to have an opinion even if you dont agree with, no need to get personal here..
  Always agressive never progressive. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 19, 2007 14:25
I remember one of the mods posting in the party review section like a year ago about how lousy and boring most of the 'party reviews' section posts are. Most of the posts having the 'kickass pati!!11' or 'wow amazing event!!' kind of context and nothing beyond that.
Well after reading this thread I figured out the reason behind such behavior. Sadly, many people ( not all ) that dwell this forum tend to just 'go with the flow' about certain sets of opinions, and whoever rudely dares to express an opinion that does not 'fit in', is flamed mocked and laughed at. Does is really have to be this way?
Now take a minute of your precious time and think about it. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 19, 2007 14:37
Also, on the other hand, Id like to point out that to *MY* humble opinion, getting into finances of an organization (publicly) is abit impolite. Unless you are a part or a good friend of the prod' you will most likely not know about all the expenses that were maid, and frankly, it might be not your buisness =)
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 19, 2007 15:55
as a man who used 2 go after the doof records family 2 every spot on the nature that they're digging on, i must say, that if u r dissapointed from the deco in doof parties or something like that, then u dont know nothing about them.
the deco in doof parties was always minimal, in beutiful spots in the nature, with the sound that is unique to doof records artists only, & i personnaly think that they are one of the most professional labels out there in our litle country, & we should respect all the love and vibes that we r getting in their productions, because their way is very steady, & they r trying 2 keep on the doof special enviroment as it is.
& all i said in here is just from my point of view.
i say - doof records karahana, and they deserve lots of respect, and if they made any profit in the festival then im happy for them, and it is not my fucking business.
k-pax :
if u think that u can do it batter, then prove it.
peace & love
  The reality is a result of acidless blood
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Posted : Apr 19, 2007 16:18
On 2007-04-19 14:25, svejk wrote:
I remember one of the mods posting in the party review section like a year ago about how lousy and boring most of the 'party reviews' section posts are. Most of the posts having the 'kickass pati!!11' or 'wow amazing event!!' kind of context and nothing beyond that.
Well after reading this thread I figured out the reason behind such behavior. Sadly, many people ( not all ) that dwell this forum tend to just 'go with the flow' about certain sets of opinions, and whoever rudely dares to express an opinion that does not 'fit in', is flamed mocked and laughed at. Does is really have to be this way?
Now take a minute of your precious time and think about it.
Hey man,
There are many ways to present criticism.
I think that in the original thread about the festival ppl said what was on their mind some more politely and some less, but this is completely normal way ( in most of cases ) to pass criticism upon organization that deals with parties / festivals.
What we witness here basically is irrational flaming that is in the level of possibility of going to court not less.
When a person opens a thread in which he blames an organization of being greedy, giving false numbers, and some not completely accurate details - add to it he is a DJ / party organizer himself, then it looks fishy.
No problem with criticism, what is important is the way u present it. And the most adequate response here was the one of Oran - please read it, he has got a point
  A man with a "master plan" is often a woman |
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Apr 19, 2007 16:56
On 2007-04-19 14:19, Oran wrote:
We cant edit the forum every time someone regret about something he wrote or realize a topic he started doesnt go in the direction he thought it will. so maybe it will be a good idea to think twice(or evenj more than that?) before you press the submit button..and not coming to us asking to delete cause things didnt go as planed..
Every user on the forum is entitled to have an opinion even if you dont agree with, no need to get personal here..
Just to make things clear, my 1st post is not direct to anyone in person since i got few request to delete messages from different ppl..this is also the forum police regarding such requests..
  Always agressive never progressive. |
d.j k-pax
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Posted : Apr 19, 2007 18:00
On 2007-04-19 16:18, Yuli wrote:
Hey man,
What we witness here basically is irrational flaming that is in the level of possibility of going to court not less.
When a person opens a thread in which he blames an organization of being greedy, giving false numbers, and some not completely accurate details - add to it he is a DJ / party organizer himself, then it looks fishy.
think about IT agian..
agree or disagree just dont get my words OFF TRACK
  K-PAX/EMOTIVE spintwist records
DJ Buju
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 19, 2007 18:46
@ K-Pax
M8 is that the first year you are attending the doof festival ?
If not and you've been going b4 then obviously you should only blame yourself for repeating the experience as it seems you're not a "Big fan" of the production.
In any event ( Especially the bigger / more commercial ones ) people tend to complain about how this was bad and that was shit instead of focusing on the positive things.
Would you rather this festival won't be happening ? after all is it true you will be showing up again next year ?
If u answer yes to the second one then you thread is out of place imo
One last thing, leave other peoples money out of the topic, it's non of you nor anyone else buisness, like you don't want anyone to be getting into your pockets on the nights you're promoting or your DJ rates...
BUju |
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Posted : Apr 19, 2007 19:12
On 2007-04-17 12:29, d.j k-pax wrote:
well i gotta say it !!! we are a JOKE
Might be true not for me to decide
been at the last DOOF festival...
lets think.. about 5000 + that payed something like 250 NIS per ticket...
and what did they get>?
Lets see
lousy sound system...
Its a pity but it is well known too, that making a big party on Golan beach @ Kinneret with all permits and totally legal will fuck up your sound. Also the fire that happened last year didnt help much since the org wasnt allowed the previous setup of Hay stacks.
And even now, when I count pro's and con's it seems that there are many that would still go to that spot which is a very cool place to be because of the lake and the shade, regardless of rather low sound quality
almoust NO DECO at all eccapt 2 screens for night V.J....
As so many ppl here quoted - go and visit Doof parties and u will see the same - they dont invest in deco - their crowd doesn't demand deco, so where is the problem?
many many not so plasent faices
Have u seen another party around Israel that big that didnt have some amount of ppl that u rather had outside? Did u think of a slight possibility that there were some ppl that broke thru the fense every single day ( metal fence btw )
and really expanssive prices to get something at the location like food, bar and such.....
Dunno about this since I didn't use these services
i reacken the org' made a FORTUNE from the event and they can be satisfaid....
THAT is an accusation that u undoubtedly have not enough information to to handle. Especially about "satisfied" part which implicates them to be greedy assholes
As Zombi said shame on you is more likely
trhis festival looked like shit....
No, it looked like a festival, and a big one
minimum expances = maximum profits
AGAIN - how do you know the expenses? and derived from that how do u know about the profits????
specially when the production know that they will sell all there tickets like usually
so the think that pppl coming nevertheless
so instead of creating atmosphere ..
we just count the CASH
Wrong again... there is no SAFE production. Ppl come probably because they believe it would be a good party. And well... it was a good party... With the problems that should be fixed ofcourse and with the good moments too
Indeed boom, and I hope that now u cant say I twist your words
  A man with a "master plan" is often a woman |
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Posted : Apr 19, 2007 19:20
And one more point in more general direction.
This is a public forum.
When we state certain things that go on personal level, it's not only offensive but illegal too.
There is no problem whatsoever with criticism, but there are definite ways of saying things.
  A man with a "master plan" is often a woman |
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Posted : Apr 19, 2007 20:11
well, i am usually just a spectator in this forum, but this topic is simply WRONG
i really appreciate the polite and intelligent replies people have posted here, but i for one, think that (ab)using this forum, as a place where you can have an intelligent discussion, to outright slandering (lashon ha-ra) about someone else, is just disgusting.
and please - dont try to disguise it as a "freedom of speech" argument.
we are all entitled to an opinion, but we are not entitled to urinating over some one else's hard work (and as a guest in this festival, i know it took HARD work)
also i dont appreciate mr KPAX attacking me on PM after stating my opinion earlier, but that's a different story and ill leave that out.
basically what im saying, if you cant respect other peoples hard work, (which in this case was hard work as an effort to give people a good time), then just keep it to yourself,
like they say - those who cant do - criticize
those who can - do
and in my humble opinion doof did it extremly well
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 19, 2007 20:32