Israel on Fire '07 Late Summer
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Posted : Sep 30, 2007 08:42
So, 4 commercial Festivals. 4 tryings to explain unexplained. As usual I wasn't even on one of them, but as can I see from the pictures and hear from amigos, IT WAS GOOOOOD
1. Moksha's Mini
special 10x for Music, you did it babas!
2. T.A.Z
special 10x for Atmosphere, incredible Mother Earth healing
3. Shagaat
special 10x for commercial night music, where Children play for Adult
4. Holy Rave
special 10x for Asher for unbreakable resistance activity when trying to achieve arsim's minds. Genius
Have a nice Millenium!!!!!!!!!
  Sea>Israel>Ben-Gurion>Tel-Aviv>Ramat-Goa>Marom Neve
is this pure reality could we be led?
25500 NIS for 1 hour DJ set
30500 NIS for 45-50 minutes of Live~ |
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Posted : Oct 1, 2007 19:32
millennium? i think we are over that already trillennium is the next one to come
  pot and lsd. lsd can not be smoked, but if you get pot spiced with lsd, and you make the joint : while preparing the bud to be smoked alot of lsd will go through your fingers into the blood stream. so yes pot spiced with lsd does have an efect on it´s own |
d.j k-pax
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Posted : Oct 2, 2007 14:47
dont forget all the other massive "new wave" partys like TFN or morning glory......
israel getting comercially psychadelic
  K-PAX/EMOTIVE spintwist records
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Posted : Oct 2, 2007 15:09
On 2007-10-02 14:47, d.j k-pax wrote:
dont forget all the other massive "new wave" partys like TFN or morning glory......
israel getting comercially psychadelic
too much commercially for my opinyon, and this one of the reasons to the police "heavy hand" in this year.
********** |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 2, 2007 18:10
My Opinion-
I can't understand why, but most of the hardcore of the Trance scene doesn't like the "commercial" events at all. Actually - they really hate it !
Now, I can understand the desire to be "underground", but there will be NO underground without mainstream !
Also, our "mainstream" events or as you call them- "commercialized" events are not THAT commercialized.
TFN & Morninglory for example -
Not everyone attend these raves. They still have their uniqueness and beautyful colors. These events also being closed down by police, and take place in some godforsaken spot.
The only thing I see that separate them from the small underground events, is the number of people.
I - for example, love both ways.
Also I think that as much raves will take place and more people will be part of the scene, we will be able to party on with less interfere from the authoritys.
Which I belive will cause us to envolve into a festivals & raves empire, and not only producers & DJ's empire. This will bring more tourists and psy-people from all over the world and will improve our image. |
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Posted : Oct 2, 2007 22:26
millennium? i think we are over that already trillennium is the next one to come
Not millenium and not trillenium but Millenium and soon Trillenium, if you pay good ))))))))
  Sea>Israel>Ben-Gurion>Tel-Aviv>Ramat-Goa>Marom Neve
is this pure reality could we be led?
25500 NIS for 1 hour DJ set
30500 NIS for 45-50 minutes of Live~ |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 3, 2007 10:47
the way i see it... we had a really great year - i mean 4 massive festivals, serious productions took place and the way i see it i wont call it commercial but an evolution of the small underground parties - with more thought on the concept of the party and yes its bigger and most of the times ive been there it was worth it, altho the first time i got to such a party i thought to myself what the fuck?! but then again the crowd in those abovementioned productions was so amazing and everything connected so well - that it just came out the best way it could and the vibes were incredible - and thats the reason i look at it as an evolution and not commercialism - they take a careful look for their crowd and who gets in or not... altho i do like the small ones still
on the other hand it might be just me but i think this summer the police closed ALOT of parties and it was very hard to find a party that wouldnt close when 3 parties get shut down each weekend... it was a tought summer for alot of pro's and for the crowd but i think these 4 festivals made up for it
all in all i think we are going in a positive direction and maybe after the cops have seen those festivals they will lay off of us seeing how things really are in this scene... go to haoman or tlv ffs there is where the real crime takes place |
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Posted : Oct 3, 2007 20:46
People don't like commercial? Bullshit
  Sea>Israel>Ben-Gurion>Tel-Aviv>Ramat-Goa>Marom Neve
is this pure reality could we be led?
25500 NIS for 1 hour DJ set
30500 NIS for 45-50 minutes of Live~ |
Gaia Earth
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Posted : Oct 4, 2007 11:06
Andrey I have to say I like your posts. You're one of the few here that actually tells the truth without being so damn "righteous".
Trance is not what it used to be and that's a normal part of evolution. Either it dies or gets commercial. Seems like it got totally commercial. We can cry and bitch about it, or we can move on to other interests. My boyfrend and myself have stopped going to parties for a few years now. I find the Israeli band "Tapuchim" (Apples) or even "The Giraffes" far more interesting than a trance party of festival (eventhough their last album is not that good). |
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Posted : Oct 4, 2007 18:05
Trance is not what it used to be and that's a normal part of evolution.
Trance is Arts and State of Mind.
Either it dies or gets commercial.
There is no such a thing as Death, There is no such a thing like Commercial Trance
Seems like it got totally commercial
Promotion is part of the Buisness
We can cry and bitch about it, or we can move on to other interests
Only Clear Mind can cry, and Only Dirty Soul can bitch. You cannot move your interests, cause it's Inside Of You
My boyfrend and myself have stopped going to parties for a few years now
Me too, cause I was selling Playstation stuff and Toys. It's a buisness - You Sell Good when You Have No Time to Chill
I find the Israeli band "Tapuchim" (Apples) or even "The Giraffes" far more interesting than a trance party of festival (eventhough their last album is not that good).
That's Ok. I Find Israeli Band called "People" as Most Interest Israeli Band Ever
than a trance party of festival (eventhough their last album is not that good).
So maybe You should visit Doof Records parties. Best vibe Israel Ever Had
Thank you, Gaia Earth!
  Sea>Israel>Ben-Gurion>Tel-Aviv>Ramat-Goa>Marom Neve
is this pure reality could we be led?
25500 NIS for 1 hour DJ set
30500 NIS for 45-50 minutes of Live~ |
Gaia Earth
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Posted : Oct 4, 2007 18:19
I was refering to trance music as it is known, not psy. Psy (art) is something else and yes it is a state of mind. I find other styles today much more psy than trance. Yes I can change my interests since psy is inside me, not trance music. I prefer to read a good book by McKenna for example than go to a party or listen to some "repetitive power music" known as a trance track. I've been to Doof parties many years ago, I was one of their steady party people for many years, but again, the music is simply not for me. Make a distinction between psy and trance. Today it has no connection whatsoever.
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Posted : Oct 4, 2007 18:38
Remember, There is No Trance Music.
There is the Music. And it has its influences, style etc. Trance is State of Mind and also SubStyle of Global Media Network. Very simple
Doof is gonna Rock as usual, Next Year even more Doofer. As usual. They R probably the best example of Perfect Combination of Arts and Smart Buisness
Zirkin is a genius, and it's a fact
  Sea>Israel>Ben-Gurion>Tel-Aviv>Ramat-Goa>Marom Neve
is this pure reality could we be led?
25500 NIS for 1 hour DJ set
30500 NIS for 45-50 minutes of Live~ |
Gaia Earth
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Posted : Oct 4, 2007 20:13
On 2007-10-04 18:38, Andrey wrote:
They R probably the best example of Perfect Combination of Arts and Smart Buisness
Zirkin is a genius, and it's a fact
If you call the music being played in that festival art, I guess we're speaking on different levels. He may be a genious in his way of doing business, but after being in the first festival (which I enjoyed very much) and then after being at the second, my partner and I decided not to go to such events again. I guess many call this art, but not us.
Enjoy your art, we enjoy ours in different ways. |
Inactive User
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Posted : Oct 4, 2007 20:43
You're choice - Your future
Pleasure to speak with such an open-minded person like You
Thank You!
  Sea>Israel>Ben-Gurion>Tel-Aviv>Ramat-Goa>Marom Neve
is this pure reality could we be led?
25500 NIS for 1 hour DJ set
30500 NIS for 45-50 minutes of Live~ |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 5, 2007 21:56
omg comeon..............
andrey u are full of bullsh*t throwin slogans all over the forums
ive read alot of threads with ur posts and all i can see is man without his own opinion,that speaks only by others quotes....
give me a brake man
"Trance is Arts and State of Mind"
"There is no such a thing as Death, There is no such a thing like Commercial Trance"
"Promotion is part of the Buisness"
"Only Clear Mind can cry, and Only Dirty Soul can bitch. You cannot move your interests, cause it's Inside Of You"
"It's a buisness - You Sell Good when You Have No Time to Chill"
wtf man
are u some preacher or somethng???
or do u get %%% from marom for each post u promoting those filthy thieves?
  Jesus didnt dance,but his beat goes on