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Is there a "Name and Shame" area anywhere?


Started Topics :  23
Posts :  743
Posted : Oct 15, 2009 11:20
Personally, I think Bagginz you are doing the right thing, in naming and shaming. Helps, imho to "get the shit out!"

I personally would NEVER get "high" with anyone who had treated me so disrespectfully. I get "high" with a little help from my friends, as the song goes.

Started Topics :  20
Posts :  130
Posted : Oct 15, 2009 11:40

I've since heard through the grapevine that Harel got stiffed as well as the deco team, as well as at least 3 other DJ's playing both the main floor and the Techno floor.



Started Topics :  40
Posts :  251
Posted : Oct 15, 2009 11:42
Write an info for the Sweden IRS denunciating this jack ass (not joking...)

Sorry to hear this Billy, full support 2u!


Started Topics :  19
Posts :  1055
Posted : Oct 15, 2009 11:49
Funny thing made short...... i know Philip

And like mentioned earlier i´ve heard that plenty of people didn´t get payed for this party.
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IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 15, 2009 14:50
no problem bill,
free advice is all i can offer you for those endless hours of trance music you provided me

thanks to people like you i am slowly becoming an israbelity which i define as someone who has evolved from a PLUR loving to a SLUR writing alias ...israbelity are those who you would recommend to the Noble Commisssion for a prize - any one will do           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
Wizack Twizack
Wizack Twizack

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Posted : Oct 17, 2009 21:12
I talked to that guy and he said he will fix the problems.
Lets hope he do it.

bOm..           For Contact & Bookings:
New Album Out: Wizack Twizack - IV (Ovnimoon Records 2011)

Started Topics :  20
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Posted : Oct 18, 2009 01:02

On 2009-10-17 21:12, Wizack Twizack wrote:
I talked to that guy and he said he will fix the problems.
Lets hope he do it.

Thanks Tommy,
I really appreciate that.

Though it remains to be seen whether he actually does what he says.

Talk is very cheap from some people.

I'll post back if does pay.

Billy Cosmosis


Started Topics :  20
Posts :  130
Posted : Oct 23, 2009 12:47

23rd October 2009

So, just to conclude this Dodgy Promoter Alert

After many emails to him via Facebook, he finally emailed me back at last!

So what do you think he said?

He told me that he was NOT going to pay me. (In his words, "It's not going to happen.")

So just to be clear on this, it's not a late payment. It's theft.

Two days of my time and my expertees were extracted from me under false pretences.

So, the final score:

Philip Shiraz didn't pay:

1. Cosmosis
2. California Sunshine (The other main Live act)
3. The 2 DJ's on the Techno floor
4. 1 other DJ on the Trance floor
5. The decor team which set the party decorations up.

It's important to note that the party went reasonably well. It was pretty well attended, many people enjoyed themselves and had a good night. Financially, I would guess around the break even point, maybe slight loss or slight gain.

I've also had 2 DJ's contact me about a previous event he made where they did not get paid at all and another 2 DJ's for an additional event of his that didn't get paid a penny either.

So my conclusion is that this Philip Shiraz guy is simply a liar and a con man, plain and simple.

So please feel free to spread this information so other people do not get ripped off by him.

Billy Cosmosis


Started Topics :  23
Posts :  743
Posted : Oct 23, 2009 12:50
That is truly sickening....

To not even try and make restitution... well that is below the par for acceptable human behaviour.... imho

He'd definately be on the my "shit list" now. 

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Posted : Oct 23, 2009 23:22
Thanks for the heads-up Bill.

It's a small world and word spreads quickly.


Started Topics :  150
Posts :  3315
Posted : Oct 24, 2009 00:02
Sounds like another one of those suckers who "promotes" trance, first they promise you the blue in the sky, and then they tell you it was all for the spirit and blablablah.

What an asshole!
I have had similar experiences, but not on that level!           Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:

Started Topics :  20
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Posted : Nov 1, 2009 01:08

On 2009-10-23 23:22, Ott^ wrote:
Thanks for the heads-up Bill.

No worries Ott.

Y como estas amigo, hablas espanol ahora?

I do like living here in Switzerland for many reasons but I do miss the weather in Spain big time, especially now...


On 2009-10-23 23:22, Ott^ wrote:
It's a small world and word spreads quickly.

Yeah, the bloke's a total plonker...


Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posted : Nov 1, 2009 01:51
I think you should post his contact info if you haven't already.

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  5
Posted : Nov 1, 2009 17:52
Wow, that just plain sucks. Hopefully with you speaking out it'll stop others getting burnt by him.

In Oz there was a promoter, spiro who organised earthcore, who was notorious for screwing artists over. He'd drastically cut their originally agreed pay then threaten to sue them if they didn't come to the event.

Thankfully he's no longer organising 
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : Nov 1, 2009 18:05

On 2009-11-01 17:52, Iapetus wrote:
Wow, that just plain sucks. Hopefully with you speaking out it'll stop others getting burnt by him.

In Oz there was a promoter, spiro who organised earthcore, who was notorious for screwing artists over. He'd drastically cut their originally agreed pay then threaten to sue them if they didn't come to the event.

Thankfully he's no longer organising

earthcore , dance aid , and some more names to him.. he still working and his parties are too well attended. most punters allready know but gen pop arent aware of it.

he is the one also promoting the fake shpongle gig in oz. (just to fuck around other gig at same night - and offcourse selling fake tickets)

but offcourse tribadelic made it (shpongle) happen for real

In israel you want to be carefull specialy with dude named Yoni (sunshine pro.)
he is well known to fuck around anybody that worked with him from artists djs deco and promoters to his events.

but you see this is exacly why upfront payment shows real serious person.. i know when i did event i paid everything .. 50% deposit along with flight ticket and 50% before the artist play...
so i ask the same for myself. it turns down lots of gigs from people who think to pay from the gig gate cash but i cant be sure that it will happen or that they will have it and as much im having fun they asked for my time (wich i could be working) and the bills stay the same ya know..

Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Is there a "Name and Shame" area anywhere?
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