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Is the Psytrance tribe the Dajjals tribe ?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 19, 2010 02:56:30
for all the shenanigans visionaris, suvuia surfers, people who go to the psytrance for the occult and not just fun etc etc etc...

can u guys share the opinion bout this ?

after years of trancin, mostly in festivals..i have come to suspicio something....

the psytrance scene s some kind of occult dajjals ( anti christ ) worship....

BUT im not sayin that people inside psytrance are SATANIST .... but that the DAJJAL watch us all in the dance floor, and the people behind the most significant festivals are Jewish people who are somehow envolved in those secret groups as masons, skull and bones, and stuffs like that...

anyone can share opinions bout this ?


IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jan 19, 2010 07:45
nothing wrong with being anti-christ
some people like some people dont like
big deal...if you have problems with satanism and occultism stay at home with your mommy...if you are feeling suspicious about something continue feeling that way or do some investigation and even when you find the truth it doesnt matter as there is no judge and there is no court room ...there is a dancefloor, there is a dj, there are your fears out.           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 19, 2010 15:22
Many of us are just trippin out too much sometimes, its fun and cool as long as it dont go too far..
The occult is there even for those that wants to have fun... the magical mystical!
People from all kinds of religion comes to a party and have their own experience.. I think the music is the main thing, rhythm and dance, all the rest is just our own ideas
on how this world is, Also people take drugs which can really confuse things but also give other kinds of perspective... i think everyone should try and find their reallity in such a pure state of mind as possible without too much hokuspokus.

"the people behind the most significant festivals are Jewish people who are somehow envolved in those secret groups as masons, skull and bones, and stuffs like that"

I dont have a clue which people hold the big festivals, One thing is for sure they like money! hehe

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 19, 2010 21:55

On 2010-01-19 15:22, Freeflow wrote:

The occult is there even for those that wants to have fun... the magical mystical!

ai ye i agree with that, the occult s happenin even for those who dont believ it , BUT im talkin bout people doin it conscious...


People from all kinds of religion comes to a party and have their own experience.. I think the music is the main thing, rhythm and dance, all the rest is just our own ideas

aa i dont know if the music s the main thing, i used to think like that but nowadays i have my doubts.. it seems to me the occult is the main thing , and the occult would be the whole thing, the music, the deco, the place, the people, the spirit etc but as u said it s just bout our own ideias....


I dont have a clue which people hold the big festivals, One thing is for sure they like money! hehe

im not so sure bout it, well if u mean that they do it for money , i dont agree, if it s just like as enjoy money , well who doesnt like money nowadays lol

anyway, im also not sure bout those people bein envolved in those secret people BUT oone thing s for sure THEY LIKE A LOT TO USE symbols and stuffs from those kind of groups, sacred geometry , the ONE EYED REPTIL pyramid , the compass, the 2 pillars from solomon arctecture, the checked floor, stargate, politheism etc etc

all those kind of symbols have been learnt to be used in rituals from those type of groups...

whats ur opinion bout it ?

i know it can be made just to impress the people out of the party , but doesnt look like that....

bout the satanism part , i related it to satanism not as LUCIFER THE EVIL( i dont think such thing exist) , but bout that entity that in the conspirancy theories they say the big guys from the world worship....

like if there were a guy watchin us all , the all seen eye , who judges us all, and gives redemption or punishment....and in the festivals they summon big time the JUDGER the deceiver ( alright lets trip a little if u guys doesnt care )

ps: im not talkin bout the roots of the scene since i have no ideia what goa , israel were.....

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 20, 2010 07:59
I never visited a festival with demonic luceferian or free masons signs like pentagram or skull and bones etc regarding psytrance.
I live in an environment where I see skulls and bones around me though.
I dont think that this are some true signs in this envirionment cause there lies not really any big money.
I would be interested to visit sth like that though.
Mostly I think it is to impress people.
And there are some guys who might think they are devil worshippers or sth like that - in fact they are more lightful then they would self suppose - my opinion only.
There exist no one satanist in this scene. My honest opinion

Soul Kontakt
Soul Kontakt

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Posted : Jan 20, 2010 10:18
There exists not satan anywere in my opinion there is only good and bad energy...And i see oly great amazing energy in the dancefloor even when it's dark or whatever it's the oneness of it all that makes the difference...People created God and people created Satan, it's all in your mind man! People created everthing because god is everything and the people are god!

My humble opinion,
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 20, 2010 13:06
yeah I agree this are only inventions.
For me supreme sounds more convincing than god but that is a matter of taste in my opinion.What really is sure there exists two sides,two total states ,if it is ying yang,god and devil,darkness and ligth ,good or bad,positive and negative etc.
We are the sum of mass collectif mental waves of thaughts expansions and their actions as well.
I like to believe in good.Even in a dark mood often.


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Posted : Jan 20, 2010 18:57
Satan is only in our mind! Don't believe him!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 20, 2010 19:12
..or throw him onto the mental fire

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 21, 2010 10:26
no ... the right people in this scene are more about the eternal truth than the deception of the dunya!

however, every community will have it's black sheep!


          "... b'om ..."

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Posted : Jan 21, 2010 10:56

On 2010-01-20 10:18, Soul Kontakt wrote:
There exists not satan anywere in my opinion there is only good and bad energy...And i see oly great amazing energy in the dancefloor even when it's dark or whatever it's the oneness of it all that makes the difference...People created God and people created Satan, it's all in your mind man! People created everthing because god is everything and the people are god!

My humble opinion,

Good one dude
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 21, 2010 23:30

On 2010-01-21 10:26, Psynaesthesian wrote:
no ... the right people in this scene are more about the eternal truth than the deception of the dunya!

however, every community will have it's black sheep!


exactly my friend, thats the way i see it too , but to complete it, i came to suspicio that the right people in this scene moved to the eternal truth with the permission of that REAL POWERFUL AND DECEIVE energy ( known as satan , dajjal , lucifer etc )that try to fool the fools and the people who are not fooled gain the permission for the eternal truth ( which would be the lack of truth ? )

so when i say DAJJALS TRIBE it would be in the way that its the tribe that DAJJALS permited to go away and find `god s way` again....

like if the `creator` and the `destroyer` they aint realy `fighting` but workin together....

the dajjals hold the keep for the creator...

IMHO ( and it can change tomorrow ) 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 22, 2010 09:30
occultism is sth very positif.Even if it is a dark or black zone,those who feel believe to whomever they think as a Name they use their souls and hearts.
OFten you find very lightful spirits there in fact.
Even if them walk in black and have pentagrams on their hearts.
It would be strange to call them so but they wouldnt feel really bad after deep thinkig I guess.
Only those guys who don't feel own heart are in serious need of a psychetrist ,there is no believe really ,there is a projection which can be very dangerous and is for sure not funny.May they find their love.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 23, 2010 02:33

OFten you find very lightful spirits there in fact.
Even if them walk in black and have pentagrams on their hearts.

( maybe i understood it wrong cos english aint my first language but for what i understood thats my replica )

could it be for the reason of SO MANY VAMPIRES in the festivals today ?

i mean , i agree with u , there are many shinnin people around the scene, and what i see today s most of those people hidden in DARK moods or as u said as exemple pentagrams on their heart....

and in the scene ( at least here in brasil ) we have a problem of people who go to parties not to DANCE and ENJOY it but to SEE the other people dancin or to try to catch ATENTION from other people... which s very disturbing in my opinion, i see those people as vampire....

SO the dark mood from those people practicin the occultism would be to scary those people away from leeching?

its like changin from the MANDALA CREW to the SKULL CREW :

>i wont wear mandalas to look coool in the parties anymore but i ll wear SKULLS so people will not disturb me while im in deep meditation.....<

something like that  
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jan 23, 2010 08:39
well i have seen this bunch of psytrancers in brazil who come with a big Cross with strings sort of like a human puppet and really go nuts...that means there is Christian and Roman catholic invasion and a conspiracy can be created around it... basically the scene acknowledges the existence of everything...and all symbols are used in their own way...
organized crime and organized religion go hand in hand...dancing and music go everywhere...and as long as the frequency matches thats all that matter.           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
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