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is the forum dieing?

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 24, 2010 20:41

On 2010-05-24 12:32, kazuku wrote:

A need to change the name never occured to me, if people cant seperate political ideologies from Trance music maybe they need to open their mind a little more...

It’s because it did not occur to you at the time you joined.
I spent 2-3 months looking for information about psy trance anywhere but on IsraTrance – because of its name. The first time I came here was when I wanted to find out more about Nitzhonot. Because I thought that IsraTrance = Full On + Nitzhonot. Not too surprising, is it? Only after reading the Nitzhonot thread I realized that this is a truly international forum. I also realized that this music does not observe national borders (seeing that the biggest fan of Nitzhonot is Belgian ). I started reading other threads. And a month later I joined. And now I don’t care what the site’s name is. It’s just a reminder to me that people who created this space for all of us happened to be Israeli. Cool. I thank them. My views on the political mess in their country do not affect my gratitude to these particular people. But I can see how the name could be a turn-off to somebody else. Not necessarily for political reasons but just because of not realizing that this forum offers more than discussions about Full On and Nitzhonot.


On 2010-05-24 13:09, Beat Agency wrote:

But why not just improve this one and gain new members (females too if it's made more female friendly that is).

Interesting point. It’s strange to see about 1:1 sex ratios in party and festival videos and about 1:200 in the forum posts. I thought it was because IsraTrance has more producers, and those tend to be males. I am not sure anymore. Anyway, how would you make this site more female friendly? It’s not like it’s hostile to them now...
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 24, 2010 21:11
More focus on things like interaction between members alá facebook (maybe a chat also would be the thing?) Heck I dont have the 1 million dollar answer how to gain more female members but one thing is for sure. The current model is not working on that account. My experience is that women are less into technical aspects and all the Top 10 repeated topics and male ego's. They probably want a bit more depth to the community and the content. It's surely a challenge but one that has to be considered for this community to evolve. 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 24, 2010 21:21
On 2010-05-24 19:09, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:

last but not least, most people come here to make promotion, it is clear. and the bigger it is, the better for them.... they are not here to communicate.

The problem is that web2.0 is not just about promotion, is about engaging your fans, make them feel part of something. It is not anymore a one way communication, but a two way.
If all you do is produce music and promote it, then as a label you are doomed to face failure sooner or later, unless you can afford to cover the losses.
The labels that have been able to build a loyal fan base around them in years of activity are more likely to be the one that will keep surviving.           Track the best in Trance with

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Posted : May 24, 2010 21:26

On 2010-05-24 21:11, Beat Agency wrote:
Heck I dont have the 1 million dollar answer how to gain more female members but one thing is for sure....

Why don't we ask them!

Turns to his missus' and asks her....

"Because its full of dicks...." she replies.

Hmmm Catch-22 me thinks....


...They probably want a bit more depth to the community and the content.

"They" aren't the only ones.... 

2,000,000+ views and counting.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 24, 2010 21:35

On 2010-05-24 20:16, Bom*shankar wrote:
ppl here won't pay for the music they like, you think they'll pay for being a part of a social network? dreams dreams...

you never know what the future will bring.
communicating and being a part of an 'intelligent' social network can be more attractive to certain kind of people than paying for 30 new cds. that is why i first pay my internet and phone accounts, before i pay for any music.

paid models can work, especially if the people see some special services that wait for them after they become a member. for instance i pay 15 euro per month to be a member but then get access to the best mixes on the web or to the newest tracks of the month. the producers could get a percentage of the revenue of the paid access.

communicating and being a part of like minded community is a basic need of a human. i am sure lots of people out there need this type of networks which fit to their return on investment of time. which is not the case with any trance network nowadays - they are all made for the masses. you go there and you have the feeling you lose time.

but actually may be i am just another female that doenst like the current model of the trance networks. i dont really feel well among a much bigger number of males that mostly shout on me anytime i have/ want to say something. i would like to see more females too - but of course not any, but more deep and psychedelically minded. why not just start a section for female power. i believe they deserve this special treatment cause they are simply too underrepresented. there must be a reason about it, no???

you could probably get more females if you satisfy the main needs of every female - to get attention with what they have . most of them are mostly after the fashion - so allow pictures and photos in the profiles and you will have more females. most of them probably feel to unimportant among all trance producers and listeners talking about releases and artists.

anyway, to me, this woul dnot be satisfying either. i just miss something in these networks. they are too free. it doesnt have to have a paid access. may be just another barrier of entry.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 24, 2010 21:45

On 2010-05-24 20:16, Bom*shankar wrote:
ppl here won't pay for the music they like, you think they'll pay for being a part of a social network? dreams dreams...

You don't have to necessarily charge the fans. As I listed in my first post there are many different categories of people that frequent this site and they may pay a monthly fee if you can offer them some exclusive services that they find valuable and worth the investment.
You just have to identify the needs of the various users, understand how you can answers those needs and develop a sound web business around it. This would be difficult in a big industry, but the Psy Trance music community is fairly small niche, so a research of this kind wouldn't even take long as long as it is done properly and some interesting aspects may emerge that we did not know anything about or that were underrated until this moment.

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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 24, 2010 21:53
Hi Moki,
that are of course your ideas and don't get me wrong I respect them,but I doubt that paying for the service is a solution.Espescially in these times.
And no matter if you get the best mixes here for this wont solve this issue.
You get the mixes on other sides and use simply other forums if you can't get it here.
I think this are simply such times,wheter it's the summer,the age or other circumstances why this forum maybe gets less visited.
Nothing will last.
Those who like it will stay.
I like more this forum itself than the prodution section for instance,that'S why I visit it that often.
Lots of nice guys here,and often good vibes

I think your whole point about females is absolutely right.
And a barrier of entry to some areas (maybe not for trolls so to say) is a nice idea too. 
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 24, 2010 23:15

On 2010-05-24 21:11, Beat Agency wrote:

More focus on things like interaction between members alá facebook (maybe a chat also would be the thing?) Heck I dont have the 1 million dollar answer how to gain more female members but one thing is for sure. The current model is not working on that account. My experience is that women are less into technical aspects and all the Top 10 repeated topics and male ego's. They probably want a bit more depth to the community and the content. It's surely a challenge but one that has to be considered for this community to evolve.


On 2010-05-24 21:35, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:

but actually may be i am just another female that doenst like the current model of the trance networks. i dont really feel well among a much bigger number of males that mostly shout on me anytime i have/ want to say something.

I was just about to say that I noticed the North American forum has a more laid-back, social feel than the general trance or production forums. And you do see more girls there. Now, correlation is not the same as causation, blah-blah-blah... but it’s still worth looking into.

Which immediately brings me to another point: all the options, all the variety of topics and formats are already here! Look into the local forums. And remember that nobody will shoot you if you wander into the “wrong” country’s forum. Look into the off-topic forums. There is nothing there about filter cut-offs and bit crushers. Plenty of “social” topics are there. If you feel you need a separate “girl zone” – just ask admins and I am sure they’ll be happy to add another forum to the off-topic bunch.

About people shouting: I have not noticed much of that. Certainly, not to the same degree as other forums on the Net. I’ve seen very few crude remarks here so far; and usually moderators are pretty good at keeping people on topic. Sometimes wrong buttons get pushed. That anti-American rant by Gutter actually pissed me off. So, I can understand how sexist jokes may upset you. But come think of it, even Gutter was OK most of the time. I don’t think anybody comes here for the purpose of boosting his ego by putting down somebody else.

People come here for different reasons, and I believe that IsraTrance provides a good space for all of them. I came here to find out about different sub-genres of psy music. I found my answers. Then I wanted to find out what’s new – this forum keeps me up to date. I even cleared up a few misconceptions (about origins of darkpsy, for example). But most importantly – I can feel the positive vibe here. Somebody shares a good tune. Somebody else writes something worth thinking about. Somebody else takes time from their busy schedule to share their professional secrets. Somebody sent his music to me out of the blue – just because I wrote once that I am strapped for cash and can not buy CDs. I have not seen an online community this positive before. I can feel more of the authentic friendship here – among people who never met each other – than I can see at most real life gatherings.

I really don’t see how charging a fee will improve anything. Maybe it will make things a bit easier for the site’s owners. I don’t think an average Joe (or Jill ) will benefit from this. As for the barriers to entry, I completely agree. It could be a silent period (a month or two) in the beginning of one’s membership. This would immediately decrease the number of posts like “I just downloaded that Super-Duper DAW – would somebody tell me what buttons to click to sound like Astrix?”

P.S. Could it be that most people are just out partying in forests and fields? I am sure they will come back to their computers and tell us all about it soon.

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 24, 2010 23:29
A fee would kill the community and also then who would be in charge? The paying costumers, who surely will demand to have further rights because they pay and by that wanting to overrule the rules etc. Or the owners/mods? I can already see a huge mess and huge fights on that account. Naaaahh keep it free but improve what's already here. 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 25, 2010 18:17
I don't think the forum is dying, rather the interest in music and parties seems to have died for a number of people who post here. Everyone is always complaining about this and that- doesn't seem like many people come here to talk about how awesome their last party was or how awesome a certain track is they just heard.

It's not the forum, it's the members of the forum.  - Midwest based psytrance group
Hero #1
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 25, 2010 19:11

On 2010-05-25 18:17, Ascension wrote:
I don't think the forum is dying, rather the interest in music and parties seems to have died for a number of people who post here. Everyone is always complaining about this and that- doesn't seem like many people come here to talk about how awesome their last party was or how awesome a certain track is they just heard.

It's not the forum, it's the members of the forum.

Ascension for president

All voters will receive boxed wine and bacon fried bacon with baconnaise
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  170
Posts :  3642
Posted : May 25, 2010 19:51

I shall rule with a strong hand (full of bacon)!!

Boxed wine for everybody!!!!!!! - Midwest based psytrance group
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 25, 2010 21:15
Ah, those perfect geometric shapes of “Franzia” carton boxes...
I remember a professor who shared that stuff, sandwiches and fruits with students in his advanced topics class. It’s surely much easier to discuss dopamine and serotonin, when your own levels are OK.

Seriously, though, I suspect what you wrote about people complaining is a sign of a generational gap. This music is almost 20 years old – that’s a span of a whole generation! Somebody who got into it with / because of the early Goa pioneers will probably have different views and preferences from somebody who got into it with / because of the recent machine-gun horror darkpsy. I have a hard time getting into progressive stuff, for example. Why? Because it sounds to me like an extension of the ‘80s German disco (of which I had more than enough already then). Somebody who hadn’t had his fix of Modern Talking and Bad Boys Blue, on the other hand, may find progressive refreshing.
Do you think I am onto something here?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 25, 2010 22:00
Well that's all pretty obvious imo, I was trying to point out that the feeling of the forum dying is because those are the people who post here- people who think the scene is dying or that the world will end if more music is released above 160 bpm.

Other psytrance forums I'm on have plenty of older trancers, but they don't share the glum outlook a lot of people post with in this section. I think it's regional, not generational.  - Midwest based psytrance group
Hero #1
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 25, 2010 22:18
No Ascension , you're wrong

The music was better, the chicks were hotter, acid was cleaner.............all "back in the day"

ps : I've been listening to this rant(well atleast about the music and teh scene) for a decade+

imo the music , the scene etc etc is aliiiiiiiiiiiiiive
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