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Is Psychedelic Getting Boring ??


Started Topics :  5
Posts :  1331
Posted : Nov 5, 2009 01:04


Im listening now and Im not bored at all

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 5, 2009 12:45
Until I listen to the new Ghreg on Earth and Zen mechanic releases his new album its going to be BORING
          missing plug-in
Inactive User

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Posted : Nov 5, 2009 13:34

there will always be beautiful music around

Started Topics :  140
Posts :  1730
Posted : Nov 5, 2009 15:04
When you have stuff like this.... How can it be


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Posts :  157
Posted : Nov 5, 2009 16:52

On 2009-11-05 13:34, gutter wrote:

there will always be beautiful music around


Whoever is bored should listen to this one also:

There ARE gems I tell ya
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 6, 2009 13:02
dont know about you guys but i still find plenty of stuff to listen to - and theres nothing wrong about listening to music from years ago... hell i for one am one happy camper since this whole goa comeback is happening nowdays... its started with the so called "new school goa" and it actually caused oldschool artists to get back to the studios and pump out some new tunes and besides there are plenty of prog releases which actually sound like progressive trance and not electro/house/whatever you would call this downbeat crap which has nothing to do with psychedelic music...

i honestly think that 2009 so far has been great - just learn how to pick your albums from the lot
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 6, 2009 15:53
Boring? wtf!!
Pop music is getting boring, psy is just about to get even more interesting....

just think about it! If the musicians that have been doing psy since 1995(or even way back) continue to create this music and put all their knowledge in it and also open up for more fusion and stay true to them selfs we will have a music revolution anytime soon!

Also i would love to see the knowledge on Psychoacoustics spread more... i mean things that will make sounds jump out of the speakers... More of that! auditory illusion´s

We are just in the beginning of this!
Thats my opinion....
IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  269
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Posted : Nov 6, 2009 19:16
after 8 years of listening almost exclusivle to the so called psy music (and this is solo my fault, should have listened other genres-hopefully i am fixing it now), i can tell you sometimes it gets boring..specially with the lack of inovation, and all the clones out there..           ...
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  42
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Posted : Nov 6, 2009 21:34
I dont like to complain bout the quality of music released but still this year has been relatively dull Of course there are the exceptional goodies. It comes and goes in cycles as always.           `Bottomless wonders spring from simple rules, which are repeated without end` Mandelbrot
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