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Is Psychedelic Getting Boring ??

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Nov 4, 2009 15:57
next time you listen to psy
rub you nipples and then your belly
it will take some of the boredom away           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive

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Posted : Nov 4, 2009 16:34

On 2009-11-04 11:03, day_tripper wrote:
Q>Is Psychedelic Getting Boring ??
A> No, you're just not doing enough acid

Cardinals Cartel
Black Machine

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Posted : Nov 4, 2009 17:25

I believe music is music .. This is an open world and every 1 can find the right tunes for his taste and ears .

For your question (If im trying to get in to your mind .. Even if i dont realy think there is an boring music) . Every artist whenever he is , His culture , Had somthing to say . Maybe you cant connect or find the point that this specific artist was try to express and bring , That normal and natural .

But boring .. ? This word (Imo) realy out from the musical lexicon (Think about ..) .

If you dont like an chocolate cake try an apple , Cheese or even nut cake with some wine that for sure delicious .

Do you think the baker man try to make you advisedly an bad cookies ?

Belive me not . He want the best for u !

All are matter of taste on this planet .

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 4, 2009 17:27
i just came across a new minimal techno project headed by the psychedelic producer Gabe (aka Wrecked Machines) ...

What? Now heīs gonna bring his bad music to the techno scene? I donīt believe he will survive there, because tecnho lovers canīt stand lack of talent.


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Posted : Nov 4, 2009 17:56
why producers turn to minimal tech?
I see two big reasons..
1. they see a new trend and get interested and inspired and wanna try do something else.
2. and of course, this trend could mean money and prehaps in the end easier to make a living out of, which perhaps attracts some producers aswell.

itīs always fun with different styles and so on..
the problem as I see it is that minimal tech is already starting to become what psytrance already is (and more or less all kinds of music). A few artists making something interesting and trying to expand the sounds.. and then there is tons of minimal that is just plain boring without anything special to it. just because you have 128 bpm and a shuffle beat and some noisesounds in it doesnīt make it fun...

and.. the same with psy. Psychedelic isnīt getting boring, itīs just hard to find something fresh for the ears that actually challenges your mind...

but then again, thatīs just my point of view

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 4, 2009 18:23
^so finely put mr. procs (and big thanks for breaking the ice of today's psytrance...I am a huge adorer of your masterpieces)

other points that I would add about this "boredom theory" as a solution would be either:
1) by listening to old goldies while the process of new fresh psychedelic sounds are being baked and finished (and there are plenty but you have to dig a bit deeper...which actually is the interesting and rewarding part about it)
2) by trying to produce your own sounds and give your best liable and caring contribution to the psychedelic scene
3) by stopping complaining about bullshit theories if not liking (or not interested) to listen/make mind-expanding sounds anymore...and returning to their regular candy music.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Nov 4, 2009 19:02
People get stuck in the delusion that music from the past was better--the truth is, you remember the good tracks from back then, but you forget the bad ones, so it seems like there were more good tracks and less bad ones in the past.
Inactive User

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Posted : Nov 4, 2009 20:13
Yeah I agree... I went back to my classic CDs on the weekend and found them dead boring compared to my newer chillout and "dark" psy purchases. The classics were great, but after listening to them I find myself getting much more bored compared to modern psy. I really do think memories of the old days are muddled by the experiences we had when we were younger than the actual music. I think you just need to be more careful what you choose to listnin' to know. I know the few labels I like and stick to them. I'm rarel dissapointed and always enjoy money well spent. Also I took a 6 monh no psy break and have come back with fresh ears enjoying the music so much more. I suggest go explore other music for a while and come back In a few months to psy, a change isnas good as a holiday
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 4, 2009 20:50

On 2009-11-04 17:27, goa-ganges wrote:
i just came across a new minimal techno project headed by the psychedelic producer Gabe (aka Wrecked Machines) ...

What? Now heīs gonna bring his bad music to the techno scene? I donīt believe he will survive there, because tecnho lovers canīt stand lack of talent.

I disagrre: Popof, Lutzerkitchen, Beckers, D-nox, Butch, Fergie, .... just to name a few have succes and their music is (or has become) boring, repetitive and formulaic.

The same goes for Hawtin's Minus label which is as boring as hell these days.

          "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 4, 2009 21:28
Dark Fader is pretty cool and D-Nox & Beckers still bang out a good tune every now and then. Fergie hasn't really moved me. Actually, there are very few producers working on the techno side that consistently bang out tunes I really enjoy--usually it's a matter of cherry-picking. Fiord is an exception to the rule.

Although I am loving the new techno fusion it is still subject to the same kind of quality distribution as any other music seems to be these days... 95% of everything is crap but that 5% that isn't can be absolutely enthralling.

Oh, and I have few a little tricks for when I get bored of psytrance. One is really simply: take a break and then listen to some new Electrypnose. Or: just listen to some oldies. The spirit will return to you.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 4, 2009 21:52
If you can really be bothered sorting out through all the different trance releases, there is an awful lot of gold dust in there.

I for one have been able to find some amazing music in every type of trance enough to keep me interested for a long time. Every few months I'm finding something exciting for myself.

It's all about finding the good full on, the good dark psy, the good suomi, the good progressive, the good minimal, the good goa. I move through them in cycles and by the time I've gotten back round there's some amazing new stuff out. Also a truly amazing album will hold your attention for many listens

I hear so many people saying there are no classics in trance and I HIGHLY disagree.

Also psy trance has a way of getting you into much more music that's related to the scene somehow and that has expanded my musical taste 10 fold.

You just need to work hard at it when you're in a relationship
Inner Demon

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Posted : Nov 4, 2009 23:19
Not at all.
I don't find it puzzling at all that producers move on to new genres. Heck, when I finish a tune I never feel like writing another one just like it - and I'm still just learning. I can only imagine that people who have done a couple of albums of a certain style must be sick of it and no wonder they wanna try new things.

That doesn't mean anything about psytrance, or for that matter, the newly chosen genre.

What puzzles me is people staying in the genre but making worse music than they used to. No names

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Posted : Nov 4, 2009 23:51
No it's not. Find the ones worth listening to. There still are gems coming out you just have to dig deeper
Cardinals Cartel
Black Machine

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Posted : Nov 5, 2009 00:22


On 2009-11-04 23:51, blom wrote:

No it's not. Find the ones worth listening to. There still are gems coming out you just have to dig deeper

Exactly .


Started Topics :  2
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Posted : Nov 5, 2009 00:56
if you are following the trend
then it is getting boring...
if not then not...
i like the minimal music it deepends on the mood 
Trance Forum ŧ ŧ Forum  Trance - Is Psychedelic Getting Boring ??
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