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Is Psychedelic Getting Boring ??

Ket Sci
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 4, 2009 04:22:36
hello there ...

i just came across a new minimal techno project headed by the psychedelic producer Gabe (aka Wrecked Machines) ...

... and i think he's just following the trend by some mainstream projects of the previous century such as infected mushroom and GMS ... not that i ever listened to their music too much after 2003 or so ... but still ... i can't help but be puzzled by this change in heart from some quality producers ...

on one hand i have to admit it's getting hard to buy music from new artists as most of them are sounding all alike ... but on the other hand i've been listening psychedelic trance music for 12 years or so and i don't seem to get bored of it ... surely quality producers could find a way to be original ... without resorting to lame vocals or remixing lame pop songs ...

which brings me to this question ... do you think psychedelic trance music is becoming boring ?? 
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : Nov 4, 2009 04:56
trends suck
there are million people trying to copy any successful art , but only the true original mind pioneers will be remembered and most appreciated 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 4, 2009 05:29
Never heard a Wrecked Machines song that really moved me. Gabe, on the other hand, has been coming out with some great stuff. Check out his remixes of Terremoto and Cala A Boca for instance.

Is psychedelic trance becoming boring? I'd like to say "no" but I've personally become rather bored with it this year. There are exceptions, as always--you just have to dig. Ultimately it comes down to this: follow whatever musical path seems right for you.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 4, 2009 06:55
The best thing to do is to let it rest for a while, go on an explore other genres, and then go to a good party.

You will enjoy it more if you listen to it in small doses           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
Ket Sci
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 4, 2009 06:57
i agree with the "suck the trends" vibe ... i'm not one to follow any as well ... it's just peculiar to see more and more trance artists leaping out to produce less "rich" music styles ... so to speak ...

but as you said basilisk ... everyones' musical path is different ... gotta respect peoples' choices ... weird thing is i don't recall any house or techno artist starting to produce psytrance after a decade of doing their thing ... go figure ...


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Posted : Nov 4, 2009 08:41
Yes           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 4, 2009 09:00
Psy is boring... it's all about Chedelic now
punk tantrik

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Posted : Nov 4, 2009 09:42
WHT ..WHO ..WHR!!           Ppl with gUns don`t understand!!!

thats baSically the reason why they keep gUns..............too many misunderstandings:)

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Posted : Nov 4, 2009 10:02
I think Psy is anything but boring. House and Commercial Trance on the other hand hahaha....

I think that it really comes down to the almighty dollar for alot for these guys. Lets face it, parties do not have the budgets they did in the 90's and DJing is quickly becoming a fad. So you have two things happening, the economic bottom has dropped out for these guys who are accustomed to mad respect while there is a massive new market opening up for even more shitty and 'accessible' genres of electronic to be purchased en masse online. I think they are just trying to make a living. Of course becoming jaded to the scene may well play a role in it as well. As people become older they tend to gravitate to more subdued cultures such as that found in clubs and commercial electronic venues.

But no, I do not think Psy is dead. I DO think that Dark Psy is incredibly stale and it is time for a new sub-genre to take the lead (suomi with better production quality perhaps?) or for morning to be reinvigorated, something I have been seeing signs of recently. The new Beatnik track titled Qilin is a great example of this happening in my opinion.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Nov 4, 2009 10:13
music is not boring people are
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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 4, 2009 11:03
Q>Is Psychedelic Getting Boring ??
A> No, you're just not doing enough acid           "It's not the fall that kills you; it's the sudden stop at the end." - Douglas Adams
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 4, 2009 12:43
Q>Is Psychedelic Getting Boring ??
A>No, boredom is getting psychedelic
Martian Arts

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Posted : Nov 4, 2009 12:58
I just listen to the old trance tunes, which do not get boring.
I also listen to some techno that I find extremely psychedelic and also I am not bored of listening to it.

In relation to the first post, I never liked Gabe's music, neither did I like IM's nor GMS'. Their music was always boring to me, which brings us to day_tripper's, well thought post, I should have done more acid.


On 2009-11-04 04:56, Elad wrote:
trends suck
there are million people trying to copy any successful art , but only the true original mind pioneers will be remembered and most appreciated

Agreed. The easiest way to identify them is to look up on all the new subgenres of psy-trance that have their own name (dark trance...etc), but will also disappear into time's oblivion, like Nitzhonot did. 
Inactive User

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Posted : Nov 4, 2009 13:53
every music genre is talking the down way from jazz to mainstream, theres always a recurrence, authenticity is hard to be found.
for psychedelic search alot and choose with a dropper.

Ket Sci
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  80
Posted : Nov 4, 2009 15:54

On 2009-11-04 10:02, musick wrote:
I think that it really comes down to the almighty dollar for alot for these guys. Lets face it, parties do not have the budgets they did in the 90's and DJing is quickly becoming a fad. So you have two things happening, the economic bottom has dropped out for these guys who are accustomed to mad respect while there is a massive new market opening up for even more shitty and 'accessible' genres of electronic to be purchased en masse online. I think they are just trying to make a living. Of course becoming jaded to the scene may well play a role in it as well. As people become older they tend to gravitate to more subdued cultures such as that found in clubs and commercial electronic venues.

i'm with that ...

and with disco hooligans as well ... older tracks tend to sound better than the new stuff that's being produced ... which is more oriented towards sound quality than good ideas and uplifting energy ... thanks for your thoughts

i'm not getting bored with psychedelic ... simply because there's always my collection of cd's ... because the last 5 or 6 purchases i've done in 2009 all sound like they've been produced by the same guy ... 
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