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is protoculture comercial??


Started Topics :  7
Posts :  338
Posted : Jul 28, 2010 17:32

On 2010-07-28 17:04, Beat Agency wrote:

I do not know how many bookings Umek got. But facts are still that the majority of underground artists do not get many bookings.

agree whith this!
but at least there is an example to show that the opposite can happen...
Inactive User

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Posted : Jul 28, 2010 17:37
i agree. it is sad.

Started Topics :  312
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Posted : Jul 28, 2010 17:50

On 2010-07-28 13:01, daio wrote:
@beat agency:umek has much more bookings than any other psy artist(maybe even infected) but never changed his directions...

Yep, he gave a pretty big gig here a few weeks ago.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 28, 2010 18:44

On 2010-07-28 17:32, daio wrote:

On 2010-07-28 17:04, Beat Agency wrote:

I do not know how many bookings Umek got. But facts are still that the majority of underground artists do not get many bookings.

agree whith this!
but at least there is an example to show that the opposite can happen...


My experience tell me that it's really all about connections and who scratch who's backs. In my opinion the problem with such connections is that it's usually the same names on the lineup on most Festivals (I only speak about festivals now). There's not much room for the big pool of new talents simply because of a few facts.

1. The top artists charge so high fees (many times way out of proportion compared to what they deliver - laptop button push start) that there's not enough money to book a more diverse lineup except if the underground artists play for free and in more and more cases pay their own transportation.

2. Festival organizers are not willing to experiment and prefer the same kind of artists year after year playing the same kind of music. The result is Festivals with 3 days of the same music. Mostly music from the commercial side of the scene (popularity, well-known label's artists etc.)

So I can understand why underground artists seek to produce more commercial music. Music that many times sound similar to the other artists on the label they release with. It's their ticket to getting gigs.

Basically today it's more important to be on the right label than to release music coming straight from your heart. I do not say there aren't artists out there that stay true to who they are. But fact is if you do not release with the right labels and make the "right" kind of music chances are (high) that you wont get many gigs. 

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  338
Posted : Jul 28, 2010 19:35
sometimes an artist has to compromise.this is part of life too...
in this situation music has been,artists have to think like buisnessmen!
at least there are good products in the market today cause there's people who support it!
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 28, 2010 20:37

On 2010-07-28 18:44, Beat Agency wrote:

Basically today it's more important to be on the right label than to release music coming straight from your heart.

This is true in any profession. And the closer to the top the truer it becomes. The more expensive your suit gets, the more emphasis is on which school you went to, rather than what you learnt there. Likewise, it becomes more important with whom you work, rather than what you do. Mere mortals without “credentials” have to gain admission to the club by other means. By producing commercial art, for example.

But this is somewhat of a lame argument. It kinda says that people don’t have any choice in how they behave. What about an option of not joining the club?

It reminds me of complaints (in a different place) about how bankers force businesses into debt. The logic is that leveraged businesses expand faster and produce higher profit. So, “organically grown” businesses are at a disadvantage. True. It’s harder to stay afloat without long-term debt. And you may not make as much profit. But it’s possible, and many people choose to do it. Just like many artists choose not to sell out.


This still avoids the main question here: what if an artist’s style is his genuine preference and just by chance happened to be what’s trendy now? I doubt Cosmosis started producing full on just to increase his bookings.
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