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is protoculture comercial??

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 27, 2010 01:56

On 2010-07-26 21:52, SMS wrote:
PS2: Who never danced to IM's Merlin??? I'm almost sure ppl would blame it as a "shit comercial" music if its released now...

I never did! I never liked IM much. When they came out to me I had heard it all before. There were so many references to artists and bands before them that to me it was all done before.

I do not doubt their talent. Heck it's also a lot of very hard work to get to where they are today. I simply just never got into the hype around them. 

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Posted : Jul 27, 2010 02:04
To be fair, Anton aka Protoculture already admitted he was a "Commercial Hippie", so i do not see any harm in calling his music Commercial...

Besides, the innovation to repeat ManMadeMan's "LOVE TECHNOLOGY" provides limits of perception per this one path of psytrance.. Not really expanding to much from an idea set 10 years ago by ManMadeMan. If anything, Protoculture hopefully paid respects to manmademan for mimicking their originality...

Selling out, me rather avoid dat word altogether... When someone volunteers to join the Military, is it selling out?

"If You Always Think What You've Always Thought, You Will Always Feel What You've Always Felt"

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Posted : Jul 27, 2010 02:13
As said, we need a few to sign deals wifs the man... These crossover artist could very well be pressing forth our freedom to awaken the sleep to the Goa dance. Very unlikely but who knows but the dream...


On 2010-07-26 05:06, Maine Coon wrote:
So, what you’re saying is that marketing was there: even if it’s not obvious from the sound it’s obvious from track names. Interesting...

I am a bit confused with your vegan statement (regarding Shpongle). Do you play psybient at all?

Yes, marketing was there...

Shpongle just falls in the category of commercial per its jam band following... Sorry to have put Shpongle with vegan, its just when Simon is involved, me see things a bit differently per the secret meetings in Goa during the the off season... I haven't paid to much mind to Shpongle since the Tales of the inexpressible along with Mystery Of The Yeti Part 1 & 2, Mystical Experiences, Spaceship of Imagination and Yamabikaya (The Arrival)... I'm very full with what the authority calls psybient, I do play chill, just not to the typical psybient, less linear from dat word...


"If You Always Think What You've Always Thought, You Will Always Feel What You've Always Felt"
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 27, 2010 02:37
"love technology" is a reference to robotech I believe (just like "protoculture" is)
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Jul 27, 2010 03:12

On 2010-07-27 02:04, BrainLizzard wrote:
To be fair, Anton aka Protoculture

His name's Nate.
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Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 27, 2010 05:03

On 2010-07-27 02:04, BrainLizzard wrote:

When someone volunteers to join the Military, is it selling out?

Depends on whose military.

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Posted : Jul 27, 2010 09:20

On 2010-07-27 05:03, Maine Coon wrote:

On 2010-07-27 02:04, BrainLizzard wrote:

When someone volunteers to join the Military, is it selling out?

Depends on whose military.

sweet answer

"If You Always Think What You've Always Thought, You Will Always Feel What You've Always Felt"
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 27, 2010 11:11
There is something strangely familiar about this topic...

10 points for anyone who can unearth that old topic where Nate stepped in to defend himself...

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  338
Posted : Jul 27, 2010 14:59
and just by luck any artist produce for years becomes commercial?
why not explore new production techniques in more underground styles so that they re not bored?
(which underground explores and break bounderies which after years some copy and make mainstream)
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 27, 2010 15:02

On 2010-07-27 11:11, Basilisk wrote:

10 points for anyone who can unearth that old topic where Nate stepped in to defend himself...

Don’t quite understand why he would have to defend himself at all. If you think his music is “commercial” and it bothers you – don’t listen to it. If it doesn’t bother you or you don’t think it’s commercial – listen to it. It comes down to whether you like his music or not either way. And if you refuse to give somebody’s music a try just because somebody else called it “commercial” – well, [finish this rant yourself].
Nomad Moon
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 27, 2010 18:01

On 2010-07-27 15:02, Maine Coon wrote:

On 2010-07-27 11:11, Basilisk wrote:

10 points for anyone who can unearth that old topic where Nate stepped in to defend himself...

Don’t quite understand why he would have to defend himself at all. If you think his music is “commercial” and it bothers you – don’t listen to it. If it doesn’t bother you or you don’t think it’s commercial – listen to it. It comes down to whether you like his music or not either way. And if you refuse to give somebody’s music a try just because somebody else called it “commercial” – well, [finish this rant yourself].


After hearing it a 2nd time , it's in my car now it evolves and intertwines nicely , wish he'd play at boom , glorious afternoon
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 27, 2010 18:39

On 2010-07-27 15:02, Maine Coon wrote:

On 2010-07-27 11:11, Basilisk wrote:

10 points for anyone who can unearth that old topic where Nate stepped in to defend himself...

Don’t quite understand why he would have to defend himself at all. If you think his music is “commercial” and it bothers you – don’t listen to it. If it doesn’t bother you or you don’t think it’s commercial – listen to it. It comes down to whether you like his music or not either way. And if you refuse to give somebody’s music a try just because somebody else called it “commercial” – well, [finish this rant yourself].

Frankly I can understand why artists choose to go more commercial. Nowadays no one really make any money out of sales. And if your passion and life is to create music there's not really much time at the end of the day if you also have to work a full time job to be able to get food on the table. So some (I believe) turn more commercial in order to get gigs paying enough to enable the artist to stay in the studio on week days. Its common known that you get more gigs the more commercial your music is. Its very hard to make any sort of living (including getting gigs) out of underground experimental music in any scene. This scene included.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 27, 2010 19:05
It's pretty humorous to see people complain about an artist's choice of direction with their medium. If you aren't creating something that you enjoy, then what's the point?

We shouldn't define "selling out" as someone gaining more publicity, rather it is about doing something because someone else says so. If you choose to produce music that you and a lot of people enjoy, what's the issue? Selling out is something people readily use way too often without thinking much into its meaning. The only thing ever sold out is artistic integrity, change in focus doesn't always mean selling out.  - Midwest based psytrance group

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Posted : Jul 28, 2010 13:01
@beat agency:umek has much more bookings than any other psy artist(maybe even infected) but never changed his directions...
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 28, 2010 17:04

On 2010-07-28 13:01, daio wrote:
@beat agency:umek has much more bookings than any other psy artist(maybe even infected) but never changed his directions...

I do not know how many bookings Umek got. But facts are still that the majority of underground artists do not get many bookings. 
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