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is protoculture comercial??

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 26, 2010 01:29

On 2010-07-25 23:37, DETOX wrote:
Maine Coon i am sure that Protoculture just like every artist out there is creating music straight from his heart [...]

If that's the case, then his music is not commercial – regardless of how well it sells. If it’s not the case, his music is commercial, even if he does not make a penny out of it. It’s entirely the matter of his intentions. This is the real argument here and not how his style may have changed or how many people may like it. You’re right, there may be many reasons why people’s style changes. It may have nothing to do with marketing. Although, I suspect that marketing has something to do with IM’s metamorphosis, for example.

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Posted : Jul 26, 2010 02:17
Well i asked Duvdev when Infected Mushroom played for me last April and he said that he got bored of their old style and that he is very exciting with the new music that they produce and also the new roads that are now open for them.

By the way some of their new tracks (Smashing The Opponent and Killing Time for example) are very very good in my humble opinion and are a great example of how good commercial psy trance can be produced.           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!

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Posted : Jul 26, 2010 04:25
Is it okay to merge Commercial with Cheesy for a second? Some feel this definition works for "Cheesy Commercial" without the selling-out theory : Trying too hard, lacking authenticity, not genuine. Wifs dat said... Let's look at the title "Love Technology" by Protoculture per NANO RECORDS. Many many year ago a psychedelic music band named ManMadeMan released tunes under the FLYING RHINO tribe, titled "Love Technology"... Protoculture has a track named "1998" and manMadeMan has two tracks with names "1920" and "1947"... Both "Love Technology" albums also have tracks like "Lunar Lammas" vs. "Midnight Mass", Lunar Lammas could reflect artist values in historical information dealing wifs rituals and Midnight Mass could reflect baby Jesus. Protoculture commercial? Sure seems dat way without even hearing one track...

Commercial music is great, as long as it gets fed from the source, the underground, the innovation... Psytrance needs a few tunes to sign contracts with the suits, It helps convert or influence others to see what Goa has to offer in dancing, if dat the sort of shit you feel is required to further our scene... I'm not a RADIO DJ/ARTIST, so you would never here me play an Infected Mushroom, Simon or his group of Spongeled friends during a set/performance/sound therapy session including protoculture as of yet...

From what we hear, veganism is a diet that excludes saturated fat and cholesterol, like cheese, for reasons per their health choices...

To some people, music isn't a job and its okay to think dat ways in terms of senseless money, the very greed, the vampire it can become in self breeding...

Nasty!!! It smells like someone broke wind, what hole did it come out from? I don't know but it smells like non-organic bacon chunks mixed with Mountain-spew           

"If You Always Think What You've Always Thought, You Will Always Feel What You've Always Felt"
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 26, 2010 05:06
So, what you’re saying is that marketing was there: even if it’s not obvious from the sound it’s obvious from track names. Interesting...

I am a bit confused with your vegan statement (regarding Shpongle). Do you play psybient at all?
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 26, 2010 06:19

On 2010-07-26 02:17, DETOX wrote:
Well i asked Duvdev when Infected Mushroom played for me last April and he said that he got bored of their old style and that he is very exciting with the new music that they produce and also the new roads that are now open for them.

And what did you expect them to answer? Come on, they are not going to say: yes we decided to sell out and go suck satans cock for fame and fortune.

Selling out is the type of thing that they probably wont even totally admit to themselves.

IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 26, 2010 10:44
As soon as you depend on your music for livelihood or luxury, you are "selling out".

On the other hand, how else are you supposed to make a living if you spend all of your time making music?
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 26, 2010 10:48
To me the only sin is to make music that you hate because it will help you make money.

If you have a choice between making two different kinds of music, and one will make you more money, but you enjoy both of them, then no one will blame you for making the kind that makes you more money.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 26, 2010 10:51
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 26, 2010 10:58
“I think ‘sell out’ is yelled by those who, when they were selling, didn’t have anything that anyone wanted to buy.” – Patton Oswalt
Cosmic Tandav

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Posted : Jul 26, 2010 13:21
Protoculture is definetly good music...
I ve lost the understanding of the word commercial..

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 26, 2010 14:30

On 2010-07-26 02:17, DETOX wrote:
By the way some of their new tracks (Smashing The Opponent and Killing Time for example) are very very good in my humble opinion and are a great example of how good commercial psy trance can be produced.

You should really stop misusing the term "psytrance" in connection with IM. They are far far away from anything psychedelic these days! 
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 26, 2010 14:38
I think people on this forum use the word "psychedelic" to mean "music I personally approve of"

and then they use terms like "fullon" and "dark" to mean "music I don't particularly like"
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 26, 2010 15:29

When a producer writes his music with an eye on what sells at the moment – it’s commercial music, that’s it. Sometimes composers don’t hide this fact and churn formulaic clones. Other times they can cleverly disguise their intent by producing interesting, yet commercially viable, music. Let’s not forget that almost all classical music was commercial to begin with.

When somebody wrote music straight from his heart, it’s not “commercial music”, even if it became a super-hit and made him a millionaire.

I think Maine Coon said it very well
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 26, 2010 21:52
I don't get the point of what ppl think is psy.... lol

I've always loved minimal psy like SONUS. And, if u think about the definition, its not so psychedelic... As for nowadays fullon music.

But for me its all psy! Its much more the feelling when hearing, then the sounds itself.

PS1: I can agree that Smashing the Opponent is almost 100% Electronic Rock. But I still hear IM psy sounds and textures! But ppl blame Infected even when they release Suliman, that was kind of old, and for me very psychedelic!

PS2: Who never danced to IM's Merlin??? I'm almost sure ppl would blame it as a "shit comercial" music if its released now...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 26, 2010 23:28
Protoculture began as one of the more melodic/epic projects in psytrance. I don't know how anyone in their right mind can accuse him of "selling out" for continuing along that trajectory.
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