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Is Goa Dead

Martian Arts

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Posted : Apr 6, 2009 13:29
16ths have their place and although they've been done to death, they have been an integral part of the scene. that can be good or bad, depending on what you like, but varying in lenght notes that also coinside with the kick are fantastic.
and the monotonous 16th bassline plays its part in the whole hypnotic feeling. some tunes focus on the bassline, some dont. i dont mind as long as the general vibe is something i can get lost to, yet drives me when i am on the dancefloor.  
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 6, 2009 14:10
look here, an interesting article about how goa and hippies met the electronic music and the prove that goa trance wasn't just about psychedelic trance but many music styles

so goa never died as music, it just evolved and its true evolution maybe has to do nothing with nowdays psychedelic trance (or just small part of it) but to other music styles that the "true" psy trancers blame


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Posted : Apr 7, 2009 09:40
What is goa?

I have no idea. All I know is that I listened to hallucinogen deranger/twisted and cosmosis cosmology back in 1995-98 and it tripped me like hell.

So I started to create music that trips me like hell too.

And I'm still making music to trip me, to make me whole, to make me myself, to clean myself, to express my self, to send me shivers down my skin, to touch me so deep, to make me dance, to make cry, to make me float away and become one with all... and all of that simultaniously!

And every time I can make that happen with my music, I feel like I have contributed something to this psychedelic movement. But is that "goa"?

Is goa dead? I've no idea what "goa" is in the first place. all i know is what psychedelic music has to feel like for me. And believe me guys, I wont stop doing it.
So, if what I wrote above describes "goa", well, I didn't know that this is "goa" I always thought that I'm creating electronic emotional psychedelic music. But if that is the case, goa is not dead and will not be as long as I'm alife.

By the way. Nice words ocelot!

By the way 2: If there is goa or not definitly has nothing to do with equipment.          Most of my music for you to download at:
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 7, 2009 10:20

And I'm still making music to trip me, to make me whole, to make me myself, to clean myself, to express my self, to send me shivers down my skin, to touch me so deep, to make me dance, to make cry, to make me float away and become one with all... and all of that simultaniously!

And that's what in the end its really all about if you ask me. Music ideas can evolve, instruments can change but as long as we keep this spirit pure and strong something soul satisfying will come out and the psychedelic essence that got us hooked into this wont die.

It is within us. Less important are the synths you use and creativity should not have limits anyways. What matters is the spirt/soul and feelings of the music. So that every beat resonates with your true inner being and ignites your every cell in freedom, truth and love.

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Posted : Apr 12, 2009 09:09

I need a description of GOA as a kind of music...

If there's no one then please show me a map of the landscape ..

"is goa dead ?" .. what kind of a question !

It's a person, he ?

When you're talking about music .. it's an development..

progression in sound ... not mixed up with progressive trance ... -nonprogressive for x years ...

your choice ...

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 12, 2009 11:45

On 2009-04-12 09:09, 1jAdE3 wrote:

I need a description of GOA as a kind of music...

If there's no one then please show me a map of the landscape ..

"is goa dead ?" .. what kind of a question !

It's a person, he ?

When you're talking about music .. it's an development..

progression in sound ... not mixed up with progressive trance ... -nonprogressive for x years ...

your choice ...


On 2009-04-06 14:10, Tasos_NOtrea wrote:
look here, an interesting article about how goa and hippies met the electronic music and the prove that goa trance wasn't just about psychedelic trance but many music styles

so goa never died as music, it just evolved and its true evolution maybe has to do nothing with nowdays psychedelic trance (or just small part of it) but to other music styles that the "true" psy trancers blame

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 12, 2009 17:16
nah not dead!

i saw him at Goa Gil gig in Delhi!           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.

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Posted : Apr 13, 2009 14:33
Its like Elvis

its dead, but now and then it makes sudden apears in malls and the ocasional Goa beach.

and I agree, techno is the new goa

at least is evolving, who wants to go back and listen to goa trance ffs?
Started Topics :  10
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Posted : Apr 14, 2009 09:18

On 2009-04-13 14:33, Spasm wrote:
at least is evolving, who wants to go back and listen to goa trance ffs?

Try it.
Play 20 awesome tracks from before 2001 and then play 20 awesome tracks from after 2001 and note the trend of gravitating towards the same kind of sound, rythms, formulas etc in modern music, and then note the diversity of the pioneering tracks. Or if you don't have a massive collection of music, look up the oldest tracks from artists today.

Its all a matter of taste in the end but its always been my observation that oldschool psychedelic trance was much further out of the box than today's tracks. The vibe back then seemed richer, more pure, and more, well, underground.. I like hearing a unique story told through an artist's music... today its still like that since the essence of music is to tell a story, but the medium through which they are told (monotonous full on basslines and glitched out robot noises) is so similar from track to track. The whole evolution arguement is fine, music evolves, but I'm not talking about music as it sounds on the surface, but rather the feelings the experience as a whole leaves you with, and that this is more diverse in oldschool tracks than in much of today's scene.

There are some freaking epic glitched out robot noises out there today and I do dig them, but not for 12 hours straight in the sense of a party, or for 9 out of 10 tracks in the sense of an album.

Its very strange to me that the majority of isratrance doesn't really have a grip on goa, or oldschool melodic psytrance (there is your definition for those who lacked it). The vibe is expressed all over psychedelic music, but its strongest in, well, goa trance, and a huge amount of people like this kind of music and are longing for it. We've had our fill of glitched out robot noises at 150bpm, and so the last 5 years goa has come back with new artists and labels...suntriprecords leading the band.

You guys voted Suntrip as the #3 top label in isratrance's polls this year, so to answer your question...a lot of people listen to goa.

But I guess few know what its about. Just dig for some old tracks, you'll be surprised.

I don't know about goa being dead, this is a stupid discussion in my opinion. It was the source of the trance music we groove to today.

Techno is the new goa? Sorry, techno is techno, and I love minimal techno, it is epicly psychedelic in the right settings. But it has nothing to do with melodic, psychedelic trance since techno inherently focuses on percussive processing and reptition rather than harmonic stories.

Bottom line: Goa trance is what melodic oldschool psytrance is about. Around 2001 it shifted for darker, more technical sounds and then for 8 years straight settled into full-on. Morning psytrance is a breath of fresh air, but it mostly stays in the same key and its own definition prevents it from really going out of the box, plus it has softer more commercial sounds as opposed to an uplifting psychedelic trance experience found in goa trance. Some people just miss the melodies, the rest of you I'll assume just never heard them.

Oh and goa gil? Crazy duder who lives in goa india and plays darkpsy for 24 hours. Thats about it. Has nothing to do with goa trance
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 14, 2009 13:21
well put

and just a personal observation - x-dream was never melodic but in their techy goa years they made their own distinct version of goa trance and thats what was so beautiful about goa trance - artists took on different approaches yet kept the emotion part of the goa trance, which is something you can hardly say about todays tech trance/minimal - and yet in some of the delta's tracks you can feel the roots (altho in my opinion those are very few tracks but still...) - and to spasm - by the interest this topic raises and other topics around here you can see exactly how many people listen and want to listen to goa

Started Topics :  49
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Posted : Apr 14, 2009 13:43
well put, Aerosis and goaren           Sérgio Xamanist
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 14, 2009 15:10
Well why techno has to do nothing with goa? I don't actually care about it at all, but the first techno and acid house were the music that goa trance came from.. Actually the term goa trance was just a label for the music industry.. Goa trance was many kinds and styles of not only electronic music but instrumental was just all the kinds of music that had been played in Goa hippie parties, even before the 90's ... I guess you didn't read the link for the article about goa and electronic music that I previously posted. Personaly I don't want the scene to evolve back to goa sounds as many people dream about it.. There is plenty of music nowdays that you can offer you the same pleasure.. Of course it depends on you, to open your mind and don't get upset with labels like tech house, minimal techno etc ..


Started Topics :  3
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Posted : Apr 14, 2009 16:04

On 2009-04-14 09:18, Aerosis wrote:

On 2009-04-13 14:33, Spasm wrote:
at least is evolving, who wants to go back and listen to goa trance ffs?

Try it.
Play 20 awesome tracks from before 2001 and then play 20 awesome tracks from after 2001 and note the trend of gravitating towards the same kind of sound, rythms, formulas etc in modern music, and then note the diversity of the pioneering tracks.

I agree on you in several subjects, especially on this one, but you have to realize something.
The main reason why goa-trance made such a impact when it appeared, in that exact period in time, was exactly because it was different, innovative, creative, etc etc . And yes well produced technically (for those days standards anyway) and it even had that extra, spiritual warm feeling about it, that made the difference from the rest of the EDM.
People went like wtf is this? At least I speak for myself.
15 years later people still want different, innovative and creative music, that’s the whole point of EDM, your brain gets tired of old patterns, not just in music.
I used to like goa back in the midst of the nineties, just like I enjoyed AC/DC in the midst of the eighties (still enjoy), wouldn’t you agree that AC/DC rocked much harder and better than today´s indie flavorless rock? Well I do. Well there you have it , it’s pretty much the same thing.
Only in my opinion and my own personal taste, at this point in time, I want to hear music with groovy innit, that’s just what I need, not melodic, not spiritual, not fast, I want groove, and something that will surprise me and makes me feel barriers are being surpassed.
All in all, it’s just like having a child, as much as you love him someday you got to let him go.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 14, 2009 16:37
and techno surprises you? techno may sound great and have an awesome groove... but as far as surprises go i think techno is the farthest it can get from surprises from its very definition... i think youve summed it all up as being personal taste and tastes do change - i stoppped listening to trance when i was about 18 and i had a period where i listened to clubtrance and hiphop/rap/rnb only - but after 3 years i felt something was missing on all the other types of music i listened to and i found it back in the trance i used to listen to and a couple of years later i realized that what i love so much about this music and what differntiates it from anything else i heard was its "soul" and the emotions it evoked and the atmosphere it created and now i find myself listening to goa trance all the time along with new music i hear - but in the end of it all what got me hooked on this music is something i (sadly) find almost only in older goa tracks - i mean there is other good music out there with its own uniqueness - but there is nothing like goa trance.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Apr 14, 2009 19:11
for me i have found so much in goa trance music that even if something is lost or missing or changes, i still find one of the many things it has given me and it comes to life.           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
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