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Is Goa Dead

Started Topics :  10
Posts :  84
Posted : Mar 28, 2009 00:27
i think the poptrance era is over and artists are looking searching again to create the emotions and state of mind that goa trance has always had... between the so called prog (more like minimal these days) and the 200bpm music there are alot of new interesting sounds and like i said the poptrance seems to be dead so its back to the roots now

Well said, I think you're exactly right

none can make goa in's so simple!since the production and mastering became from analogue to digital,you can't make goa with the new ways..goa was the madness and the unique sounds camed from analogue machines and not some vst..these so called new goa sounds are realy ridiculus to my ears just because is digitaly mastered and produced..I saw Filteria live the last summer and was sounding so bad..a copy from the past digitaly produced = no sense!Goa is over,stop dreaming about it,you can make retro parties with old stuff but no with new stuff or digitaly remastered oldies..the magic of it has gone.We are in the age of sampling now

Why are some of you so psuedo-scholarly about the technology aspect of it? Music is a feeling, the hardware is just the tools you use, and as for Goa / oldschool psytrance being simple??? Let me tell you how simple it is to make full-on: Its totally simple: The only difficulty is in achieving a pristine balance with levels in the frequency spectrum and maximizing the dynamic range..but when everyone does this in nearly identical ways, the larger dynamics of a genre start to suffer. The oldschool days are gone, definately, but I don't at all think people who make goa today are doing it just to reproduce old sounds. There is way more than Filteria out there, and a lot of full-on artists are embracing the melodic trance aspect of goa in their music, I think its just that after 6 years we've figured out that glitched out robot noises at 150BPM are trippy, but after so long they aren't so psychedelic anymore. People embracing melodic sounds are discovering it anew.

As for hearing this stuff: just do some research maybe start here -->

And about the comment that music from 95-99 wasn't mastered? Thats simply completely wrong, however some of those tracks were made on 75mhz ataris and 8MB samplers, bounced to a tape deck 30 seconds at a time. Integrity with production has always been present, simply around the year 2000 new methods were achieved allowing more freedom, but somehow mysteriously limiting variety for the most part...

but honestly there was a lot of bad music back then too, maybe its simply the ratio of inspired to uninspired work we should be looking at.

Oh who cares

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Posts :  16
Posted : Mar 28, 2009 03:20

On 2009-03-16 04:38, bukboy wrote:
I think its not so much that goa is dead. Its more like the people with talent don't see psy as a creative or financially worthwhile outlet.

The guys who started the scene came from other scenes cos they saw potential in psy, but after a few years of dwaf dwaf dwaf and compliments exclusively from drug losers they have seen that psy is not the promised land.

The only people who are left making psy are the ones who peaked at learning how to make a kick sqeauk and bass, not to mention eq, Coz they have no ambition or attitude for success, but plenty of attitude for spiritual self-confidence regarding their contributions of absolute shit. (I wish there was a masturbating icon)

But I could be wrong. Im moving to Cape town in august, will give you guys an update if 99% of what I hear is not regurgitated fullon. (it could just be the durban parties - where I stay)

I think you are right. I think that the problem is that Goa/Psy is considered to be nothing more than dance music AKA disco. Disco has been dead for years here in the states. No one really wants to associate themselves with trance or house or anything with a *thud thud thud* (unless of course it features a hip hop artist and is slower than 130 BPM). Trance is such an underground niche thing I do not think people feel a certain sense of ambition when it comes to revolutionizing the genre. Why? Because regardless of how much work/heart/soul you put into it it is always going to be disco to the masses, not a an art form.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 28, 2009 15:03
none can make goa in's so simple!since the production and mastering became from analogue to digital,you can't make goa with the new ways..goa was the madness and the unique sounds camed from analogue machines and not some vst..these so called new goa sounds are realy ridiculus to my ears just because is digitaly mastered and produced..I saw Filteria live the last summer and was sounding so bad..a copy from the past digitaly produced = no sense!Goa is over,stop dreaming about it,you can make retro parties with old stuff but no with new stuff or digitaly remastered oldies..the magic of it has gone.We are in the age of sampling now

Why are some of you so psuedo-scholarly about the technology aspect of it? Music is a feeling, the hardware is just the tools you use, and as for Goa / oldschool psytrance being simple??? Let me tell you how simple it is to make full-on: Its totally simple: The only difficulty is in achieving a pristine balance with levels in the frequency spectrum and maximizing the dynamic range..but when everyone does this in nearly identical ways, the larger dynamics of a genre start to suffer. The oldschool days are gone, definately, but I don't at all think people who make goa today are doing it just to reproduce old sounds. There is way more than Filteria out there, and a lot of full-on artists are embracing the melodic trance aspect of goa in their music, I think its just that after 6 years we've figured out that glitched out robot noises at 150BPM are trippy, but after so long they aren't so psychedelic anymore. People embracing melodic sounds are discovering it anew.

As for hearing this stuff: just do some research maybe start here -->

And about the comment that music from 95-99 wasn't mastered? Thats simply completely wrong, however some of those tracks were made on 75mhz ataris and 8MB samplers, bounced to a tape deck 30 seconds at a time. Integrity with production has always been present, simply around the year 2000 new methods were achieved allowing more freedom, but somehow mysteriously limiting variety for the most part...


Hey!I don't mean with the "so simple" that goa was simple,just to mention that goa can't be goa nowdays..Goa/Old school was very difficult music,I agree with that.
As for mastering,of course it was mastered but in different ways and maybe this is the secret..anyway,personally I don't want goa to come back because it won't be something new.I have tons of updated new music from many genres to listen and have the same pleasure when I was listening goa back in days..


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Posts :  16
Posted : Mar 28, 2009 18:09
^^Agreed. I think the major problem with psychedelic trance is that it is completely reliant on it's pristine equalization. It almost seems like the actual songs that are produced are more of an after thought. It always seems like equalization is core of any psy trance track.
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Mar 28, 2009 18:58

On 2009-03-28 18:09, Lunar_Cycle wrote:
^^Agreed. I think the major problem with psychedelic trance is that it is completely reliant on it's pristine equalization. It almost seems like the actual songs that are produced are more of an after thought. It always seems like equalization is core of any psy trance track.

That's not a problem with psychedelic trance, it's a problem with some psychedelic trance artists.
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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 29, 2009 06:02
Yes, Homicide.           So drunk i can brarely spell.

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Posts :  385
Posted : Mar 29, 2009 09:12
How can a musical style be dead if there are artists still making it and people still talking about it?
Started Topics :  10
Posts :  84
Posted : Apr 1, 2009 02:23
I think Junosis has single handedly layed the smack down on this topic

Goa is just a cult, you can't kill it.
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Apr 1, 2009 11:58
Digital synths with complicated algorithms and with abundant parameters are not to blame for the "lack" of Goa releases today. You can still dial in a single saw/square oscillator through a "conventional" resonant filter to get the old Goa riffs.
It is the artists' choice to use a complicated FM multi oscillator lead through 12 band pass filters in a wall of glitches, or a single square resonant LPF lead, in a spacious arrangement.

The technology presents us more options, but it does not exclude the basic ones.  

Started Topics :  49
Posts :  938
Posted : Apr 1, 2009 16:56

On 2009-04-01 11:58, pipe&slippers wrote:
Digital synths with complicated algorithms and with abundant parameters are not to blame for the "lack" of Goa releases today. You can still dial in a single saw/square oscillator through a "conventional" resonant filter to get the old Goa riffs.
It is the artists' choice to use a complicated FM multi oscillator lead through 12 band pass filters in a wall of glitches, or a single square resonant LPF lead, in a spacious arrangement.

The technology presents us more options, but it does not exclude the basic ones.

word!           Sérgio Xamanist

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  233
Posted : Apr 5, 2009 21:49

On 2009-04-01 11:58, pipe&slippers wrote:
Digital synths with complicated algorithms and with abundant parameters are not to blame for the "lack" of Goa releases today.

I'm note sure why digital vs analog is coming up here. Most old goa wasn't made on analog synths, they were already extremely expensive by the mid 90s. Korg Prophecy and and Roland JD 880 have alot more to do with the goa sound than real analogs.
The biggest difference though is that mastering and production were much more transparent than now. If you compress the shit out of an sh101 then slam it through a limiter its not going to sound much different than a software sh101 with the same thing done to it because you will mostly be hearing the sound of of the compressor and limiter more than the synth itself.
If you want to make new stuff sound more like old stuff then simply stop over limiting every release. Also, move the bassline back a little in the mix. Alot of classic tracks wouldn't even be considered to have a bassline by modern standards.

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  233
Posted : Apr 5, 2009 21:52

This is incorrect Townhouse, Tape2Tape and other mastering studios did pretty well out of the Goatrance scene in the 90s.

To me the gold standard for production should be Lone Deranger or Shpongle 1...
The best part of the mastering on those albums is that you can't hear it!!

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  233
Posted : Apr 6, 2009 05:16

Why are some of you so psuedo-scholarly about the technology aspect of it? Music is a feeling, the hardware is just the tools you use

the other side of that mode of thought is this:

The equilibrum between those 2 modes of thought probly has more to do with reality than either taken seperate.
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Apr 6, 2009 11:50

On 2009-04-05 21:49, braininavat wrote:

On 2009-04-01 11:58, pipe&slippers wrote:
Digital synths with complicated algorithms and with abundant parameters are not to blame for the "lack" of Goa releases today.

I'm note sure why digital vs analog is coming up here. Most old goa wasn't made on analog synths, they were already extremely expensive by the mid 90s. Korg Prophecy and and Roland JD 880 have alot more to do with the goa sound than real analogs.
The biggest difference though is that mastering and production were much more transparent than now. If you compress the shit out of an sh101 then slam it through a limiter its not going to sound much different than a software sh101 with the same thing done to it because you will mostly be hearing the sound of of the compressor and limiter more than the synth itself.

How many plug in compressors were around in the mid '90s? And even if you do compress the synth parts in a manner that the compressor can be heard working on the patch, you'll still hear the intricate sound of the true analog. I am not starting another analog vs digital debate though, I my self think digital sounds good enoung to not care about using soft synths a lot in my tunes (although I do use minimoog, JP8, sh-101, tb-303, monopoly sampler instruments an awful lot).

On 2009-04-05 21:49, braininavat wrote:
If you want to make new stuff sound more like old stuff then simply stop over limiting every release. Also, move the bassline back a little in the mix. Alot of classic tracks wouldn't even be considered to have a bassline by modern standards.

Its is a lot more than limiting, its the arrangement that is very different today, them tunes were quite minimal sounding, there was a lot of space to enjoy the elements in the mixes.
One thing I did not like in old goa tunes, was the kick with the slow pitch envelope decay and the fact that a lot of tunes were very basslight.
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  21
Posts :  210
Posted : Apr 6, 2009 13:06
was there some sort of big psy meeting in 2002-2003 where everyone voted that the machine-gun 16 notes was the only bassline you're allowed to use?

Seriously listen to mid-90s stuff and there's all kinds of bassline rhythms

listen to stuff made today and it's all just BA-da-da-da-BA-da-da-da...
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