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Is Goa Dead

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 18, 2009 18:17
dear goaganges - your reply is just taking the words out of my mouth... that is the exact essence of this kind of music... and there are still artists out there which have that essence - and in other words the "term" goa trance (and i also mean ambient tracks or just slower tracks with that feeling around them) puts you (or atleast me ) in a state of mind like no other music does - so its not about the exact melodies kicks leads or structure... its just the feel

and faxi i think i share that virus with you but then again i never really stopped listening to the tracks that got me into this music
Martian Arts

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Posted : Mar 18, 2009 20:30

On 2009-03-17 21:07, Suntrip Records wrote:
@ Tasos_NOtrea

Interesting to read what bull shit you wrote, as Filteria is 100% analog, pure synth madness... Go and correct yourself

Most synths in that studio are digital, but not that it matters. The Expander and the Orville alone make that studio, fantastic!  

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Posted : Mar 19, 2009 11:00

On 2009-03-18 07:23, Aluxe wrote:

So how can that be dead? maybe we got lost but the road is still there.

Wonderful quote!!

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Posted : Mar 19, 2009 11:42
goa will never die           Spaghetti fools make the rules

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Posted : Mar 19, 2009 15:20
its totally and completely possible to bring "that goa vibe" into the music again. whats required is rather simple:
1) an interest in creating those vibes
2) assuming the audience is intelligent and evolved enough to handle some complexity
3) an ability to handle melodies and emotions on a deep level without fear or excessive sentimentalism
4) reasonable modern production skills

number one has problems- hard to be interested in creating those vibes when it probably wont be booked on parties as much. why? because organizers are worried if enough people will come who are able to handle some complexity like #2
have you noticed or is it just me? the music has been dumbed down a lot since goa days...

i would tend to think that melodies like the old school would not work twice... we have become very accustomed to the tonic-halfstepup-tonic-halfstepup thing... fullon is mostly blues (pentatonic) scale/mode
it would take some interesting weird melodies to make the spine tingle again...

Started Topics :  94
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Posted : Mar 19, 2009 15:21
on the other hand its probably easier to just bend over and take electro up the ass like everyone else is doing...
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Mar 19, 2009 15:48

On 2009-03-19 15:21, ocelot wrote:
on the other hand its probably easier to just bend over and take electro up the ass like everyone else is doing...

It hurts at first, but then you start enjoying it. you should try it

Agreed on the semitones bit, it works wonders in a scale. I am searching for that vibe as well. Did this tune Clear Skies (top track on ) using a layered bassline, mixing more waveforms in than just a single saw with varying in lenght bending notes that coinside with the kick (God forbid), and has this lead coming in at 1:01 that is what I am talking about...the new stuff we've been doing involves more semitones.


Started Topics :  49
Posts :  938
Posted : Mar 19, 2009 16:48

On 2009-03-19 15:20, ocelot wrote:
its totally and completely possible to bring "that goa vibe" into the music again. whats required is rather simple:
1) an interest in creating those vibes
2) assuming the audience is intelligent and evolved enough to handle some complexity
3) an ability to handle melodies and emotions on a deep level without fear or excessive sentimentalism
4) reasonable modern production skills

number one has problems- hard to be interested in creating those vibes when it probably wont be booked on parties as much. why? because organizers are worried if enough people will come who are able to handle some complexity like #2
have you noticed or is it just me? the music has been dumbed down a lot since goa days...

i would tend to think that melodies like the old school would not work twice... we have become very accustomed to the tonic-halfstepup-tonic-halfstepup thing... fullon is mostly blues (pentatonic) scale/mode
it would take some interesting weird melodies to make the spine tingle again...



with no inteligent music there's no way we will ever get inteligent listeners again!

          Sérgio Xamanist
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Mar 19, 2009 17:20
So we should all listen to Aphex Twin and Squarepusher more, sort of thing?  

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Posted : Mar 19, 2009 18:07
techno is the new goa

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 19, 2009 18:55

On 2009-03-19 18:07, bastardsamadhi wrote:
techno is the new goa

I would like to submit this in my previous posts but I was afraid that some "spiritual people" could be bothered by the term "techno" and we could have arguements ruinning the topic.. I listen a lot of nowdays techno,minimal,tech house,dub techno and I have the same feeling when I was listenig goa back in time..If you remove the hindu hype and keep it alienated goa was an electronic music like techno..

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 19, 2009 21:48
ocelot u have some right points... BUT

1) the intrest is definately there - maybe not as big as other genres... but big enuff to have goa artists as part of the lineup
2) im pretty much sure that the majority of the crowd has had enuff with the poptrance and cat in the blender trance (sadly not take it up the ass electro yet) and is ready for something real and complex... i think that most people want an actual experience when they go to a party
3) sentimentalism is what goa is all about... this is why this music is so special and thats alot of the music in past years has had... this is why people are yearning for new kind of music or back to the roots
4) one word: filteria

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  437
Posted : Mar 20, 2009 17:28
electro house sucks i guess thats what people refer to when they say "take it up the ass" electro.

real electro (808 breakbeats, blippy computer shit) can be sweet...

...but for reals, let's make a techno party geared for real trance dancers. just the play trippiest, most organic/cybernetic/hypnotic good stuff... instant goa vibes, I think!

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 20, 2009 19:01
Goa is not dead.

The old music is still there to listen to, if you need a dose.

It's recreated by Goa-style artists if you want to feel like you're back in the old days, with new music (is this evolving? I don't know).

But if you really want to know where Goa is living and breathing today, look to Suomi.

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  58
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Posted : Mar 21, 2009 12:08
There are still artist supporting old school melodies like Afgin , Filteria , Ra.
Goa Trance is a magic vibration unique in electronic genres, and trascend space and time

it cannot die
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