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Is Goa Dead

Chimp in Space
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 16, 2009 03:24:05
So is Goa the fundation of psy dead, every time I hear a "goa" track today it sounds more fullon that is trying to be goa. Someone that have some good info on this? seems like an old dog have died, say it isn't so! all the music we love came from goa first and pionoeers like sfx. Right?

Always nice with some nostalgia music

Where or who is playing the Goa today?

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Posts :  350
Posted : Mar 16, 2009 03:52
while digging in my archive, which reaches 10+ years back in time ...
i found out, that they had no mastering at all.

on Avatar Records there sometimes are re-releases.
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Posted : Mar 16, 2009 03:54
What do you mean by no mastering?
Chimp in Space
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 16, 2009 04:16
The sound isn't the best, I hear that! but no mastering?
Funny that today everything is so technical but the old schoolers did great without most of it.

Damn. Great respect to the pioneers.

I was listening to a synth band called KOTO yesterday and found that they where having "fullon" basslines in 1993 or 1994. Listen to them! inspiring

Forgive my English grammar I'm drunk and Swedish slesian(polish) jew, a wonder I can even spell:D

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Posted : Mar 16, 2009 04:38
I think its not so much that goa is dead. Its more like the people with talent don't see psy as a creative or financially worthwhile outlet.

The guys who started the scene came from other scenes cos they saw potential in psy, but after a few years of dwaf dwaf dwaf and compliments exclusively from drug losers they have seen that psy is not the promised land.

The only people who are left making psy are the ones who peaked at learning how to make a kick sqeauk and bass, not to mention eq, Coz they have no ambition or attitude for success, but plenty of attitude for spiritual self-confidence regarding their contributions of absolute shit. (I wish there was a masturbating icon)

But I could be wrong. Im moving to Cape town in august, will give you guys an update if 99% of what I hear is not regurgitated fullon. (it could just be the durban parties - where I stay)


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Posted : Mar 16, 2009 06:17
whats your means of, "no ambition or attitdue for success"
Inactive User

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Posted : Mar 16, 2009 06:32

On 2009-03-16 04:38, bukboy wrote:
Its more like the people with talent don't see psy as a creative or financially worthwhile outlet.

Who voted you spokesperson for people with talent?

Inactive User

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Posted : Mar 16, 2009 07:10
no mastering I gathermeans the track were released str8 from the home studio onto a cd.

Not sent to a Tim Schuldt type tojazz it up like they do now-a-days           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
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Posted : Mar 16, 2009 07:23

On 2009-03-16 07:10, Buddha Monkey wrote:
no mastering I gathermeans the track were released str8 from the home studio onto a cd.

Not sent to a Tim Schuldt type tojazz it up like they do now-a-days

and vinyl?

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Posted : Mar 16, 2009 08:03
No, vinyl melts in the hot Goa sun. As far as location, Goa is very much dead for trance. However, Goa trance music is making a comeback these days and many still love it. Check out Suntrip records. It's pure Goa Trance.
Inactive User

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Posted : Mar 16, 2009 08:11
So Goa Trance is only played in and produced in Goa?

This sounds like the same kinda of snobbery that the middle and upper glasses have with Champagne here in Europe.
the daleks
The Daleks

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Posted : Mar 16, 2009 10:42
check out Jikooha!           Gamma Riders EP out now on iTunes and!

The Daleks :
A-Boys :
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 16, 2009 11:03

On 2009-03-16 08:11, ~d2~ wrote:
So Goa Trance is only played in and produced in Goa?

This sounds like the same kinda of snobbery that the middle and upper glasses have with Champagne here in Europe.

Well, technically Champagne can only be called Champagne if its made IN Champagne. Everywhere else its sparkling wine.

Music in genre can be made anywhere.

The production levels may have matured and modernised in Goa music, but I thought Goa typically has a more real-percussion element (Bongos, Tabalas), less digitally sounds and more guiar/sitar, Indian scales and more nice Indian lady vocals instead of the the classic cheese trance singing.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 16, 2009 12:13
^^hey! nice avatar!           -.-. .... --- --- ... . / .-.. --- ...- .
Martian Arts

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Posted : Mar 16, 2009 12:19

On 2009-03-16 04:38, bukboy wrote:
I think its not so much that goa is dead. Its more like the people with talent don't see psy as a creative or financially worthwhile outlet.

The guys who started the scene came from other scenes cos they saw potential in psy, but after a few years of dwaf dwaf dwaf and compliments exclusively from drug losers they have seen that psy is not the promised land.

The only people who are left making psy are the ones who peaked at learning how to make a kick sqeauk and bass, not to mention eq, Coz they have no ambition or attitude for success, but plenty of attitude for spiritual self-confidence regarding their contributions of absolute shit. (I wish there was a masturbating icon)

a) people with talent can make great music, in any genre, new or old.
b) not everyone who loves music, decides what kind of style he is going to start producing depending on the financial prospects of making such music. Ambition and/or attitude for "success" is (should be?) irrelevant to the people who simply do it for no other reason than, love.

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