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is full on dead?

Inactive User

Started Topics :  54
Posts :  3018
Posted : Feb 1, 2010 16:47
fullon iz timelles like Stradivarius violins, one track of Mahamutra and U-Reggaen will cost 3 million $ @ Christies in the year 2250.
grab yours now !!

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  58
Posted : Feb 16, 2010 19:57

On 2010-01-21 06:07, TimeTraveller wrote:
to days full on trance should be called trance

Wannabe uplifting trance...exactly the same type of syntsounds and "melodies"(dont know if someone would go as far as call them melodies though)...

...and then you got the cheesier "psydance" type fullon...
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  10
Posts :  68
Posted : Feb 23, 2010 22:21
if you like full-on with some depth

please check my project

i would love to know what you guys think

Thanks for your time !

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