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is full on dead?

Inactive User

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Posted : Nov 26, 2009 00:48
man I have real bad diorrhea today... when it came otu with cramps it made me think of full on style trance... fast rapid and a real fucking mess!           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 26, 2009 00:59

On 2009-11-26 00:48, Buddha Monkey wrote:
man I have real bad diorrhea today... when it came otu with cramps it made me think of full on style trance... fast rapid and a real fucking mess!

hahahhahaha yes most full on is just like diarrhea, especially that cheesy israeli shit with vocals, really makes u wanna cut the cheese
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 26, 2009 01:23
There is good full on and bad full on, some people like it some don't.

If you think about fullon when you have diarrea I think you have a serious problem, probably being secretly in love with it           0´s and 1´s
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 26, 2009 04:47

On 2009-11-17 12:38, Markus wrote:
Very few line up's have 2-3 dark psy artists and this only for the "hardcore fans" to feel happy. Let's be serious, nobody fills the dance floors bringing dark artists only.

well maybe then you need to come and attend one of our parties ........... but some parties we have maybe one morning act....... coz good morning is still killa........

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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 26, 2009 08:02

On 2009-11-26 04:47, psykomaniac wrote:

On 2009-11-17 12:38, Markus wrote:
Very few line up's have 2-3 dark psy artists and this only for the "hardcore fans" to feel happy. Let's be serious, nobody fills the dance floors bringing dark artists only.

well maybe then you need to come and attend one of our parties ........... but some parties we have maybe one morning act....... coz good morning is still killa........



Still i cant help digging a cheesy uplifting fullon track now and then, but more seldom..
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 26, 2009 09:31
Thats the thing it doesnt really need to be cheesy/with vocals to make it uplifting but producers just take the easy way out.

There is definitely uplifting non cheesy psytrance out there but its harder to make and there is cheesy stuff in abundance as its easier to make.           "Whoever said the best things in life are free... obviously grew their own bud"
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Nov 26, 2009 10:44
We have a thread running on full on without cheese.. there are lots of projects making some very good full on music, so it can never be dead.

Cheesy full on like indra etc are dead for me, and dead is subjective here.. imo israeli cheese is dead and the new alienn album is alive all of a sudden. One dies another rises.

           “What we need is the development of the Inner Spiritual man, the unique individual, whose treasure is hidden in the symbols of our mythological tradition and in man’s unconscious psych.” - CJ Jung
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Nov 26, 2009 11:48
two words:


el presagio

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Posted : Nov 26, 2009 12:38
There are more than two words mate. It´s all a matter of taste and prespective ;-)

In my opinion this questions are a litle bit retoric, because the answer will not matter.

For same people full on is dead,
for others is dieing
and there other people that think full on is suffering a thing that calls evolution
and last but not least their are people that think full on is better now than ever was
Materia Records
Materia Records

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Posted : Nov 27, 2009 04:32
you right El Presagio...
And we Are part of those who think that Full On is better now than ever was... we have minimum 6 Labels in mind that cook super stuff..          ···
The Best Of (Free Download)

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Posted : Nov 27, 2009 17:12
no, the people who turn to electro, minimal techno ect, are the really dead, because they have no idea who are they, they are dead. very dead they dont have id

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Posted : Nov 28, 2009 10:55
Perfect Stranger has no ID?
Dacru Records
Dacru Records

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Posted : Dec 5, 2009 13:13
full on is not dead, you just need to listen to the good stuff           Dacru Records
Talamasca, U-Recken, DigiCult, Alternative Control, Ephedrix, Bitkit, Aquila, Tropical Bleyage, Spirit Architect, Chronos, ...
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 5, 2009 21:39
Full on it's not dead.. It's just evolved and keep evolving the last 2 years... Labels such Nano, Alchemy, Neurobiotic and others with similar sound evolved the crappy melodic/cheese full on to a realy great high quality groovy music. It became more mature, acidic, techno/mechanic and spacey..more psychedelic for sure!Of course the techno backround of some people from this labels helped the full on to escape from it's crappy form to high quality crossover music. Even TIP brand new comp sounds as one of the most mature releases that came from that label the last decade.

@ lord_bhairava :About fake ID and electro techno etc, perhaps have you asked yourself if these people with fake id were already fans of these kinds of music?now more people like techno so these producers nad djs took these styles more seriously .
Of course the most important think is that techno scene brings tons of high quality music (and crap also) and trance people seems to enjoy techno 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 5, 2009 22:40
Dead has allways been full on.
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