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Is anyone else being ripped off by Wirikuta? Help Please!

Hero #1
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  14
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Posted : May 26, 2010 16:20

On 2008-08-13 19:40:05, imknowbody wrote:
I am not putting name on this because my friends tell me not to do it. They say I could get in trouble with scene so I am not using name.

I want to know how many artists and labels are to being screwed over by Wirikuta?

I have talked to lots of artists and labels who tell me this all the time. My friends label is one who is getting messed up lot of times and has almost went broke by this sh%%.

I have a new label and we signed "exclusive" deal for to be on Wirikuta. We give them our first VA and also I give to them my own split CD with a few friends for them to make and sell.

Now they not doing anything with CDs and they tell me they own my label and I can't have anyone else make the CDs or use my label's name. Is bullsh&* f you ask of me. I am not stupid but I am a still young kid who raised money from friends and family to do my own business.

Now Wirikuta f;;; us hard and we are not even getting out CDs or making any money to pay artists. I already paid some artists but still have to pay my friends and other close people.

Please someone talk about this. I know it is big news on IRC and chat for a few weeks, but no one wants to make a discussion about it. Why not people want to talk about this???

Please help all the new label who is to get ripped off. We all need to know this so as to be not doing it again.

Wirikuta BAD!!! Sorry &8&*& people and bad ^%$%&*^()& business to run that way.

anonymous mudslinging is disqualified

who aer you ? not to accuse but any chance sanathana recs ?
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  168
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Posted : May 26, 2010 17:32
Notice the date on the original post... this one has been dredged up from the archives.
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : May 26, 2010 18:05

On 2010-05-26 16:20, Hero #1 wrote:
anonymous mudslinging is disqualified

With all due respect, that has to be one of the funniest and most ironic posts I've read on here in quite a while!
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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 26, 2010 23:22

I reckon that anonymous factual allegations present a set of concerns largely unrelated to people being mean to one another on the basis of posts on isra.
Cosmic Conspiracy Records
Cosmic Conspiracy Records

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  62
Posted : May 27, 2010 04:46

On 2010-05-26 17:32, Basilisk wrote:
Notice the date on the original post... this one has been dredged up from the archives.

Indeed it has...

By us as well, after searching google for wirikuta+Rip off+problems, this thread came up
Read our previous post...

If need be we can start a new thread on the same topic.

Albiet without all the anonymous

The bottom Line is, Wirikuta refuses to answer there phone since 5-6 months now, and they are not replying to any Emails (again we have sent over 50 now) However They continue to sell our CDs and recieve money for them!

If they are about to pull a "Cosmophila" or go bankrupt they should have the decency to at least explain so...

Posting publicly as we mentioned to wirikuta in our lat 20 emails, is the last resort before getting lawyers involved.

However it seems that this is now the only way forward.           
Cosmic Conspiracy Records
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  13
Posts :  297
Posted : May 27, 2010 05:25
this is some serious shit talking about bankrupcy
of wirikuta 
Minimal Criminal

Started Topics :  43
Posts :  134
Posted : May 27, 2010 19:18
There is no excuse for not responding to emails or answering phone calls. Wirikuta is supposed to be a professional company so they should be answering their mails and picking up their phones.
Since they are not, something fishy must be going on.
The truth will be revealed sooner or later.

Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Is anyone else being ripped off by Wirikuta? Help Please!
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