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Is anyone else being ripped off by Wirikuta? Help Please!


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Posted : Aug 13, 2008 19:40:05
I am not putting name on this because my friends tell me not to do it. They say I could get in trouble with scene so I am not using name.

I want to know how many artists and labels are to being screwed over by Wirikuta?

I have talked to lots of artists and labels who tell me this all the time. My friends label is one who is getting messed up lot of times and has almost went broke by this sh%%.

I have a new label and we signed "exclusive" deal for to be on Wirikuta. We give them our first VA and also I give to them my own split CD with a few friends for them to make and sell.

Now they not doing anything with CDs and they tell me they own my label and I can't have anyone else make the CDs or use my label's name. Is bullsh&* f you ask of me. I am not stupid but I am a still young kid who raised money from friends and family to do my own business.

Now Wirikuta f;;; us hard and we are not even getting out CDs or making any money to pay artists. I already paid some artists but still have to pay my friends and other close people.

Please someone talk about this. I know it is big news on IRC and chat for a few weeks, but no one wants to make a discussion about it. Why not people want to talk about this???

Please help all the new label who is to get ripped off. We all need to know this so as to be not doing it again.

Wirikuta BAD!!! Sorry &8&*& people and bad ^%$%&*^()& business to run that way.
Fat Data

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Posted : Aug 14, 2008 10:47

On 2008-08-13 19:40:05, imknowbody wrote:

Please help all the new label who is to get ripped off. We all need to know this so as to be not doing it again.

Wirikuta BAD!!! Sorry &8&*& people and bad ^%$%&*^()& business to run that way.

Maybe yes, but still it don't make you any better. Since you decide to run a business too - your label - you got to do it right. If you don't then how do you expect everything to work out well? All things that you mentioned are probably in the exclusive contract you signed with wirikuta. Did you read it thoroughly before deciding? Did you have a lawyer go through it and explain things that might have been unclear too you?
Don't get me wrong in this but a lot of times new labels are so hasty to make their releases that they just sign stuff without thinking about the consequences and as long as this thing goes on the situation justs gets worse.            Peace, Love, Death metal
Dacru Records
Dacru Records

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Posted : Aug 17, 2008 21:16
We've been working with Wirikuta for over 2 years now, going for our 7th release, and never had any problems with them.
On the contrary I find them correct, always willing to explain, very responsive and a pleasure to work with.

But of course I can only speak for ourselves           Dacru Records
Talamasca, U-Recken, DigiCult, Alternative Control, Ephedrix, Bitkit, Aquila, Tropical Bleyage, Spirit Architect, Chronos, ...
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 19, 2008 08:36

On 2008-08-13 19:40:05, imknowbody wrote:
I am not stupid but I am a still young kid who raised money from friends and family to do my own business.

U are not stupid but still u think putting up psytrance label is wise thing to do, if you would do any research you would find out that cd's aint selling and there is no point of doing psytrance cd's if you think it by numbers.

good luck with your label

and read the contract, if you still think u get hussled, hire a lawyer and sue wirikuta, wirikuta is legit busines and they have to follow the rules.
rules wich they have in contract with you 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 19, 2008 10:40
" not putting name on this because my friends tell me not to do it.."

wrong!! with some accusations like these ones, the least u could do is say who u r...

from what I know and what I ve heard, Wirikuta is very professional, and work with strong motivation and good taste....I agree with what Diskonekt said.."did u read the contract?"...

anyway dear "Imknowbody"
..good luck
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 20, 2008 05:16

Started Topics : 1
Posts : 1
Posted : Aug 13, 2008 19:40:05

That's all a bit suspicious and feels like backstabbing without being (wo)man enough to show your real face and name....seems to me you're embaressed allready b4 u even started the topic...           Mind Funk Records
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Jester Records
Jester Records

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Posted : Aug 20, 2008 22:28
maybe it's psynina in disguise !

but seriously, JESTER RECORDS does business with them and they have paid us for almost all CD's shipped to them and have always been very responsible in all ways. they answer all there e-mails fast and there check's don't come back NSF !!

i doubt they want to steal a no-name label's CD and say it's there own. 
DeadTree Productions
DeadTree Productions

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Posted : Aug 22, 2008 00:11
we're also working with Wirikuta and we haven't any problem so far. good people and very professional.

i think reading the agreement is very important in all cases. verify if you can handle with their rules. and if something goes wrong, try to make a deal.

i wish you luck.

all the best.           Dead Tree Productions
Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

Started Topics :  128
Posts :  2899
Posted : Aug 22, 2008 11:50
i never had any problems with them either, allways good and polite but now i feel there´s something fishy going on.. i tried to get in touch with them for over a month now thru email and phonecalls with no success.

Anyone have a clue of whats going on over there?!

Started Topics :  45
Posts :  745
Posted : Aug 22, 2008 12:46

On 2008-08-22 11:50, Dennis the menace wrote:
i never had any problems with them either, allways good and polite but now i feel there´s something fishy going on.. i tried to get in touch with them for over a month now thru email and phonecalls with no success.

Anyone have a clue of whats going on over there?!

maybe festie and travelling season?           -----------------------------------------------
Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

Started Topics :  128
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Posted : Aug 22, 2008 13:51
guess so =)
Cosmic Conspiracy Records
Cosmic Conspiracy Records

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Posts :  62
Posted : May 26, 2010 08:15
We have been working with Wirikuta for over 6 years now,in the past ,apart from always been late paying invoices, at the moment YES they are ripping us off.

They refuse to reply to any emails (we have sent over 40 now) they do not answer there phone, they have not payed us for any of the last 3 Invoices owed. We have yet to see any money from sales of VA TALL POPPY SYNDROME.

Yet they are still selling our CDs!

Perhaps they are close to Bankruptcy, this is quite possible......however it would be proffesional to at least REPLY to our emails or keep us informed.. or even just pick up the phone.

How ever, they are choosen not to do so..

Any other labels who have exlusive or non exlusive deals, and are been screwed over in the same manner , please contact us .

Together we can hopefully, get some results either in the form of class action lawsuit or "other" path ways......           
Cosmic Conspiracy Records
Cosmic Conspiracy Records
Cosmic Conspiracy Records

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  62
Posted : May 26, 2010 08:23
Moderators, perhaps you could move this thread into the general Psy section?
Cosmic Conspiracy Records
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 26, 2010 15:23
Done           Psynthex [ Vertikal Records ]

Minniq [ Parked Below Records ]

Frequent Pill [ Ultimae Records ]
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 26, 2010 16:12
Bulletproof that some people does not know the first thing about running a label. It's way too easy to start a label and call yourself a label manager. But the Bill has to be paid when amateurs (sorry but that's what you are if you agree to sign exclusive rights with distributors) sign agreements giving away all their rights to a distributor/3rd part. May this be a lesson for people to think twice before they start a business based on absolutely no knowledge or experience.

Now about Wirikuta I got no clue how they are but I would never sign over any rights to anyone except myself. 
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Is anyone else being ripped off by Wirikuta? Help Please!

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