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Started Topics :  4
Posts :  23
Posted : Jun 20, 2008 09:57:24
wow this is the 2cnd time the kid wannabe azax syndrom aka IRON MADNESS doesnt come to hermosillo this is pretty fucked up, i heard from some friends he has this reputation in mexico, come on kid as if you were that great you dont have to be a rockstar and a thief , you are a very lame copy of azax syndrom and yous till dont show up to the partys, please dont come to mexico to steal the promoters money, leave it to professionals please.

and avizz you are a thief also
kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 20, 2008 11:40
my dear psy 101, why dont you share with us what you consider was a rip off???
mind if I ask you for the information before you throw in accusations???
keep it clean, the dirty clothes get washed at home.....


Started Topics :  20
Posts :  225
Posted : Jun 20, 2008 17:11
Hello you guys, Im am speaking as a promoter in northern mexico as well as an artist, these are my two cents:
I really dont know who these promoters are even though hermosillo scene is small and we all know eagh other, so a trust issue could be somehow the cause of this reaction at the end.

First of all we dont know what really happened to iron madness and why he didnt come or play so we cant realy go and blame an artist of being unreliable if for some reason its an emergency issue or just very bad luck.
Second I think its the promoters duty to inform the people either before the event or at least at the door about lineup changes so they decide if they wanna go in, or make a discount due to unreliability from their part.
In any case maybe all this happened because it could have been their first event or a bit unexperienced and not really know how hermosillo scene is, it could be dificult.
So lets not just blame the artist with no actual knowledge of what is goin on.
As for Avizz, he is doin a very hard job in a very unstable mexico scene to help spread some music. Things sometime hapen with promoters/artists/fans the way they shouldnt and therefore we should al just learn from our mistakes to become better artists/promoters at the end... everything takes time y friends.

          -= Acidize / Audiopathik =-
Mr Ponce
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  117
Posted : Jun 20, 2008 18:57
would be a good idea to first talk directly with the artist and his agent to find out what really happened and try to solve things, ami I have the bad experience of the producer of the festival is unwilling to pay or hide and is quite a sensation frustrating, talk and try to solve the problem I think is best 

Shadai / Devil's Rejects

Started Topics :  17
Posts :  453
Posted : Jun 20, 2008 19:03
jejejejeje hey alex thanks for your words, first of all you should learn well and then talk about can not come here and talk about something that was very save for my friend ok. Ziv Iron madness tube a problem and could not quite save go to Hermosillo an infection in the stomach very strong, i have no more to say to a person who is or who is not and comes here to insult people with misinformation ok..................
          Avizz Biomechanix Records
Shadai / Devil's Rejects

Started Topics :  17
Posts :  453
Posted : Jun 20, 2008 19:04
thanks mr ponce Undertaker loco you rock also alex Audiopathik           Avizz Biomechanix Records
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 22, 2008 03:09
Bad Boys, Bad Boys

People don't learn the lesson.

Started Topics :  21
Posts :  476
Posted : Sep 2, 2008 16:06
ziv did the same twice last year when he was suposed to play in far as i remember he got sick,i remember reading somewhere on this forum he missed another party(dunno where),coz he got sick again.

bad luck           

keep music evil!!
Perma Fry
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 6, 2008 22:20
Yaap. Its pure bad luck with this guy.
I am sure he don't lie.

About him copying Azax syndrom... well we all have our sources of inspiration. ...


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Posts :  8
Posted : Oct 27, 2008 23:34

i doesnt know why iron madness doesnt play

but there are some other ways to say it.



Started Topics :  4
Posts :  23
Posted : Oct 29, 2008 09:46
once AGAIN! Avizz the mexican Rat and Iron wannabe azax kid stole money from promoters!

come on grim say something? you had the kid booked

wheres your money?

this kid always gets " SICK " pfffff....

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  124
Posted : Oct 29, 2008 13:54

On 2008-06-20 09:57:24, psy101 wrote:
wow this is the 2cnd time the kid wannabe azax syndrom aka IRON MADNESS doesnt come to hermosillo this is pretty fucked up, i heard from some friends he has this reputation in mexico, come on kid as if you were that great you dont have to be a rockstar and a thief , you are a very lame copy of azax syndrom and yous till dont show up to the partys, please dont come to mexico to steal the promoters money, leave it to professionals please.

and avizz you are a thief also

Ok, i understand your point, but in first time you make a deal with him right? because you wanted iron madness in your party...

What hypocrisy is that? "i want to "some project" in my party but i think than is a "copy cat"?? is ridiculous !! LOL

So, why now after the problem you write bad words about him and not before?, you dont need insult. The only thing than you obtain here with that comments is a big "strike" for yourself.

I dont know you and i dont know to Iron (in person), But think than its better if you arrange the problem with him or not? always exist a solution.

Shalom !

P.S: Of that reason "problems, sickness or whatever" exist the contracts.


Started Topics :  4
Posts :  23
Posted : Oct 29, 2008 21:30
i never said that it was me who booked him ...

cant understand english baba?

he did it to a friend and now he did it to another friend he got sick again and didnt return the money AGAIN
spdball (zero)

Started Topics :  0
Posts :  22
Posted : Oct 29, 2008 21:35
jajaja nothing new

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  124
Posted : Oct 30, 2008 05:23

On 2008-10-29 21:30, psy101 wrote:
i never said that it was me who booked him ...

cant understand english baba?

he did it to a friend and now he did it to another friend he got sick again and didnt return the money AGAIN

yes for sure a friend, all here believe that haha... then what is the problem with you? its problem of your "friend" not yours...

cant understand the term : " Contract " ?

you need told to yourself... ups, sorry to "your friends" than use one the next time

see you boy !

Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - IRON UNPROFESIONAL MADNESS KID

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