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Introducing "Advice", a weekly knowledge exchange

Daniel Lesden

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  1
Posted : Nov 26, 2015 09:10:21
Hello there!

[spam removed]

My name is Daniel Lesden, I’m a Progressive/Psytrance music producer, artist at Digital Om Productions, A&R manager at JOOF Recordings.
Colin OOOD

Started Topics :  95
Posts :  5380
Posted : Nov 27, 2015 18:32
Hi Daniel, Colin here, moderator.

As this is a music production forum we would be very grateful if you put your expertise and knowledge to good use by answering people's questions here, and by posting your tutorials and advice directly on this site.

Isratrance does not exist to drive traffic elsewhere so that other people can build their own brand value and advertising revenue off the back of a community which has been active since 2000. Your contribution is otherwise welcomed

In the light of this I've taken the liberty of editing your post, I'm sure you understand and appreciate the reasons and I look forward to seeing your regular input here.


Colin           Mastering - ::
OOOD 5th album 'You Think You Are' - :: ::
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Daniel Lesden

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  1
Posted : Nov 27, 2015 20:39
Hi Colin, probably you have seen my reply on another place, but just in case i'll put it here too.

I'm sorry to hear you think I'm intentionally trying to drive traffic to my website, because I'm not. I don't have ads or anything like that, so I don't get benefit from having more visitors.

But there are few reasons why I do share experience via my website, not on these pages:

1. With each advice I'm always trying to share as wide and deep insights as possible, with images and audio examples, rather than give a short answer which is typical for forum-type discussions. I'm not saying forums are bad at all, it's just different formats of conversations, and I don't think forums is a good place for long articles in general.
2. Advice series covers much more than just music production, people send questions about DJing, how music industry works, marketing and management in terms of music career, and more. It would be impossible to fit all these topics into one place on the forum, as they usually divided into sections.
3. Although I truly and unselfishness want to help make our music scene better, I very limited in time, just the same as all of us. I'm not able to spend so much time on forums as I probably would love to, hence why I ask to send your questions via my website — that's the only way I can know about your problem, and try to solve it. Realistically, otherwise the whole system won't work for me. "Less is more" is one of my principles, so I never sacrifice quality over quantity.
4. As you might noticed by being a moderator on different forums, I posted this message across few more website. The only reason for that is because there are way more people who need an advice. Taking this into account, as well as three points above, it would make absolutely impossible for me to answer the questions right on these pages.

I hope it makes sense.

However, if you insist that I'm not contribute enough to the Psy community, or that I'm doing it in a wrong form, or that I'm somehow insult the community, feel free to delete this topic — I'm absolutely fine with this.

Colin OOOD

Started Topics :  95
Posts :  5380
Posted : Nov 27, 2015 21:40
I'm sorry to hear you think I'm intentionally trying to drive traffic to my website, because I'm not. I don't have ads or anything like that, so I don't get benefit from having more visitors.

If having more visitors is of no benefit to you (not even to your profile and reputation? Really?) then why do you have a website at all? With respect I feel you're being disingenuous here.

1. With each advice I'm always trying to share as wide and deep insights as possible, with images and audio examples, rather than give a short answer which is typical for forum-type discussions. I'm not saying forums are bad at all, it's just different formats of conversations, and I don't think forums is a good place for long articles in general.

If you take a little time to look through this Music Production section on which you've posted adverts for your own Music Production blog, you'll see that many threads here go into extreme, painstaking detail and long, involved discussions about both the technical and creative aspects to writing electronic music.

2. Advice series covers much more than just music production, people send questions about DJing, how music industry works, marketing and management in terms of music career, and more. It would be impossible to fit all these topics into one place on the forum, as they usually divided into sections.

This is the Music Production section of a forum. Those are aspects of working as a Music Producer and there is absolutely plenty of space to fit those things in, and indeed they have been discussed here in the past. Impossible is a state of mind and it's a shame you let yourself be limited by such language.

3. Although I truly and unselfishness want to help make our music scene better, I very limited in time, just the same as all of us. I'm not able to spend so much time on forums as I probably would love to, hence why I ask to send your questions via my website — that's the only way I can know about your problem, and try to solve it. Realistically, otherwise the whole system won't work for me. "Less is more" is one of my principles, so I never sacrifice quality over quantity.

Don't worry about not being able to answer every single question people ask here. There are more than a few of us able to help with high-quality information so there's no need to be concerned; just do what you can as part of our community and it's a win-win situation :Smile3: Unless, of course, making it "work for [you]" means people only asking you, on your website specifically, for the help they need.

4. As you might noticed by being a moderator on different forums, I posted this message across few more website. The only reason for that is because there are way more people who need an advice. Taking this into account, as well as three points above, it would make absolutely impossible for me to answer the questions right on these pages.

Yes, there are lots of people needing advice and there are already many people here and on other forums who are able and willing to help. I do hope you're not invested in any way in being the only person willing or able to answer problems, that would not be classed as "unselfishly wanting to help make our music scene better". As I mentioned above there are more than a few of us here as well as in the other music production forums on which you've advertised (some people have said 'spammed') your blog, some of whom may even be more experienced and therefore better able to help than you. Plus you can't deny that having your answers and perspective available for anyone to read on a public forum will help more people than just the individual who asked the question.

However, if you insist that I'm not contribute enough to the Psy community, or that I'm doing it in a wrong form, or that I'm somehow insult the community, feel free to delete this topic — I'm absolutely fine with this.

PLUR :Smile3:

Dude, you're spamming your music production blog on someone else's music production forum. I'm being polite and understanding and pointing out how you can put your evident skills and desire to help to good use in a way that brings a wider benefit to all interested parties, but that's the bottom line. Let's not beat around the bush. I didn't say "you don't contribute enough to the psy community", or that you were "insulting the community" so please don't pretend I did.          Mastering - ::
OOOD 5th album 'You Think You Are' - :: ::
Contact for bookings/mastering -
Trance Forum » » Forum  Production & Music Making - Introducing "Advice", a weekly knowledge exchange
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