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Trance Forum » » Forum  Music - Inti Illimani - the beauty of South American traditional music
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Inti Illimani - the beauty of South American traditional music


Started Topics :  12
Posts :  404
Posted : Oct 5, 2009 23:00:32
Hey guys,

when I was a kid, my father used to play Inti Illimani record for me, and I enjoyed that sooo much.
I'm still in love with that sound. In fact so much that I think I was Peruan or Bolivian dude in past life

That music has such an intensive burst of positive emotions, that I just had to share it with you.
So simple, yet it touches the heart and soul in such an intensive way.

I was just wondering if anyone else here feels the same as I do, maybe some of our colleagues from South America.

Ok, enough of my bla-bla, here's what I'm talking about:

Hope you'll like it

Trance Forum » » Forum  Music - Inti Illimani - the beauty of South American traditional music
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