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Interview with Vlad aka C-P-C part 2

Koan / Vacuum Stalkers

Started Topics :  11
Posts :  380
Posted : Feb 7, 2005 14:50
Q Are You good dj?

All depends on people on a dancing. When me inspires that I see then I play. And if chicks drunk wires toys climb also pull out, in inadequate behaviour, what here?
In general, I consider, that good dj consists from 2õ components, sometimes from 3õ (very seldom):
1 - technical equipment. With it all is simple,
2 - virtuosity. Not to everyone it is given,
3 - general respect and rarity.
Whether and good I dj? … I in general good so any business for which I undertake it turns out sparkling, at least. Sometimes the truth happens left unfinished, but it because of laziness besides.

Q What sort of feeling causes this light? What for experiences your music causes?

I different music write Different music - different sensations - different feelings.

Q And for what you call all the same people?

To love. The love is the main engine. It forces people to gather and come to clubs. Let even many are hidden behind a heap of complexes and vital problems, pretending, that they have come to listen to music and to dance - actually they have come to communicate. And for certain the most important desire of everyone on a dancing - to fall in love. If he already has not made it.

Q You participate in any other projects?

One, perhaps from the most important projects in which I participate - project Dejavu. With its all stuffing. It and the studio (the largest a trance-studio in the world, most likely), is online shop, is the art, is the philosophy, is scientific researches, well and, certainly, it is a record-label which allows all of us to these this to be engaged.
There is still project Chudo is a laboratory of research of a sound, at various times there there were different people, achievements a little, shall talk about it in the future.

Q And in a trance projects, except for C-P-C?

And … Well music - yes. There is project Osom is I, comrade Is left KinDzaDza and mister Vasily Psychovsky.
Still there is pilot project Stereomirror. In it I dare to experiment above new formats and new decisions - some tracks in a format 5.1 Quadro, but it not a trance have been made. It psychedelic ambient.
There is still project Panatseya is everything, beginning from a pop-music, finishing euro-trance. As I under this name write sountrack for game which is designed here second year J
Still there is project Flip Factory, it I and KinDzaDza. The excellent promising project.

Q What of your tracks has obtained the greatest recognition?

Yes I, to tell the truth, do not know. I at all do not understand as so it has turned out, that my music has missed worldwide and has filtered into the Internet. I, probably, one of few actors who has received popularity, not having any release. Now the truth realized some tracks on compilations, but it only because in the beginning (in January) 2005 is my album. For the best sale it is necessary to be constantly in tracklists By the way after an released of an album I plan to close the project C-P-C
Too rigid music, would be desirable something another.

Q I hope you you will change the mind...
And how you estimate your album? Whether there Is a favourite track?

The album It is impregnated by mine then. I tried. About release of the album I have learned{have found out}, when have returned from St.-Petersburg on studio, and to me have told, that it{he} already in a press{seal}. To change and supplement something already was late, and it is correct, it could proceed some more years. Now I prepare for the second album. Absolutely other project, it{he} will leave in February, 2005. It will be something interesting!! But the name of the project I shall tell nobody!!
And tracks everyone like me, differently I would not realize them.

Q Whether there are plans for the future? Releases, performances?

Aha... Records, performances, can even concerts. And can sometime I shall observe from a hall of the creation. Type competition of robots-guitarists. àà ÀÀ àà!! () the robot Werther.

Q And with whom would like to work? In sense musical cooperation?

In general probably with Zolod, but there is a sensation, that it is inevitable. He is the person - a battery. He can sit 20 hours at a computer, and then for party goes to play. At us was a little joint experiences, very successful. But on the business of talented people most that with which I plan to work much more and as it has appeared, for last year it is much more than joint tracks than solo.

Q Remixes on a composition of other musicians did not write?

Aha, there was a business. The remix on Linda which I have not added has been written and has not informed. Or not... Which wasn't finished yet. And will die not heard.

Q Well and you want, that on your project have made a remix?

I do not know, somehow all the same. Like Neogen wished something to write, and Max Loa too wanted, and Nexus too wanted, but so anything and does not happen.

Q Why it has turned out so, what a lot of good new music is created in Russia?

And all is very simple, Russia (so it was led) is famous for the talents and when suddenly it became possible (I I mean change building) to write music and in general to create, projects and groups have started to appear. And so it has turned out, that a trance-culture in Russia has received a wide circulation. (here not bad to recollect such person as Timur Mamedov whom unfortunately muscovites, among them is not present).

Q That is it turns out, what in Russia about a trance-stage everything is all right?

And Russia, and in particular Moscow almost the leader a trance-music and the legislator of a fashion seems to me, that, I mean soundings. Here now there is the same, that in Israel about 5-8 years ago. I mean interest of public to a trance.

Q Well, and how it is developed, at your sight, then a trance-stage in Goa? You were there?

No, I there was not, but I think that soon there it shall appear, it is inevitable.

Q What it: to live in Russia and to be here the musician?

To live in general it is good, no matter where. And the future ourselves to themselves we build. Someone builds to itself the future in a role of the bus driver, and someone in a role of the musician, and probably all are equally happy, simply someone would be desirable one and someone another. Happen the truth such who would like to be dissatisfied the trade and a place of residing.

Q Whether Russian culture and national music influences your creativity?

Certainly, as the taxi driver with whom I could go has told: " You think, you see before yourself me? - is not present, you see before yourself of 100 thousand passengers which I have transported for 10 years of the work. All that information which was poured in by them to me in a head - is me. "

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