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Interview with Al from Psymmetrix/Dirty Saffi/Project Sketch

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  96
Posts :  510
Posted : Nov 3, 2009 16:32:47
Here is the interview with Al from Psymmetrix/Dirty Saffi/Project Sketch just before his set at the new AURALPHONIX parties which start on the 5th of November at 414 in Brixton...

u can download his Dirty Saffi music here on this link....
(Auralphonix Launch Party)

If you think you can help us out in any way, please do not hesitate to contact us.. we are always looking for new people with new ideas and a fresh spirit.

Also Check the group page for our COMPETITION, you can win free entries to our Launch Party eheheh

If you are interested in keeping updated on all party info and to know what we are involved in, please send us your email and contact number

Bring all your friends along

See U on the dancefloor*
Ana Auralphonix*

Who are you?
I'm Al aka 1/2 of Psymmetrix/Dirty Saffi/Project Sketch, owner and one of the label managers of Bom shanka music and all round nice guy!!!

When and why did you start djing?
Well I started to make music before I could mix, which was in 2003, but that was when I brought my first computer to make music on. But I was making music for a long time before that.

What can people expect when they come and see you?
Either a nice humble guy, interested in what is happening or some grumpy arsehole or probably somewhere in between. As for the music you can expect well produced high energy music that is psychedelic and designed to make you wanna dance!!

What is your favourite label and why?
urmm.. well apart from Bom shanka its Peak records and Wildthings too, because they have great music, wonderful artists and a good way of going about there business. They are nice guys!!!

What's your favourite artists at the moment?
Rev, Illegal machines, Bombax, Spyrullas and Organic Hybrid.

Who or what are your biggest influences?
For making music the biggest influences for me are Tron and Richie (Psymmetrix/Assimilion), they taught me a lot.

Where have you played in the past 6 months?
fuck, we have played in Holland, Belgium, Germany, Swiss, Italy, Spain, France, Russia, Ukraine, Wales and of course London.

Tell us about your most memorable gig?
This year at the Antaris Festival was really good, except I was too drunk and I got told off for drinking so much on stage. I do not know if they will ask me back, but I really hope so. The festival is killer

Where would be your ideal venue/place to play in?
I would love to play in a nice hot country, on the beach with a stupidly killer sound system at a festival that does not stop for days and with thousands of mashed up freaks having it on the dance floor.

What was the first record you bought?
The Stonk by Hale and Pace. It was a comedy record for children in need.

What is your favourite record in your box at the moment?
Rev, Amusia. It is proper psy-trance, and 'The Reaction' which is our new compilation, we just got it back from the mastering studio, it is going to be in the shops in time for Christmas everyone!!!

Where can we expect to see you in the coming months?
Brazil, Germany and London. I'm going to be in the studio a lot over the next 6 months making the debut album of Dirty Saffi.           Visit me

Started Topics :  82
Posts :  3087
Posted : Nov 5, 2009 12:14
did he say he played in Ukraine? interesting where exactly because i didn't hear of that party probably.  
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Interview with Al from Psymmetrix/Dirty Saffi/Project Sketch
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