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Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - International d.j.s+v.j.s from Europe searching for bookings
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International d.j.s+v.j.s from Europe searching for bookings

Void Network
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  82
Posts :  105
Posted : Sep 23, 2008 13:20:46
(Theory, Utopia, Empathy, Ephemeral Arts)

Sissy Stardust and Crystal Zero
are two international artists from Greece and members of Void Network (Athens / London / New York / cultural activism group / established in 1990).

Both of them they are D.J.s, Multi Media V.J.’s, networkers and poets…

As they will be in Mexico until 25 November (or maybe more) we proudly propose to all organizers and booking agents their work and their psychedelic experience for all kind of events, festivals or parties will happen in Mexico until that time. Please come in contact with our collective sharing your propositions, ideas and plans as fast as possible cause we try to complete a schedule for the two artists and also establish some further connections with organizers, artists, groups and agencies from the psy-scene of Mexico for further changes of invitations in both sides of the Atlantic Ocean…

D.J. CRYSTAL ZERO is 36 years old and comes from Athens Greece. He started organize parties with Void Network and playing as a guest d.j. of space ambient and techno trance music in 1992 in many different events. He joined psychedelic Trance sound after 1994. He played in so many places around the world until now (included Goa, Kathmandu, London, Rome, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Mexico).
His participation from 1990 until know in Void Network (http://voidnetwork. blogspot. com ) as a main co-organizer, a d.j. and a visual artist, gave him the opportunity to be one of the pioneers of electronic dance culture and psychedelic trance festivals in Greece. D.J. Crystal Zero played from 1990 until today in hundreds clubs, festivals and events (with Electric Universe, Man With No Name, Star Sound Orchestra, Mr. Pequliar, Mat Mushroom and Sangeet among others).
He established the
classical «Ambientrancedelica» that for the last 17 years is the most popular and longest running trance, ambient and techno underground festival in Greece and many other long running events. The Electro Acid Psychedelic Trance sets of Crystal Zero are always influenced by the original Goa spirit that he experienced in all this many years travelling in India from middle of 90s until now. He mixes the neo-Goa sound with full on and new electro-trance psychedelic sound of today trying to keep updated the spirituality and the intelligence of the trance scene.
D.j. Crystal Zero is invited also often to play in Chill Out Areas as he is a collector and d.j. of atmospheric space music for more than 20 years…In his chill out sets he blends psychedelic ambient with authentic ethnic music and space dub with cinematographic soundscapes.
His utopic sound vision and his philosophy is blended with the co-creativity of Void Network collective and all the other mind exploding psychedelic artists, activists and thinkers of our times.

for info:

D.J. SISSY STARDUST is 27 years all. She arrived before 3 years in Athens directly from the psychedelic ambient scene of Brighton/ UK. She stayed 7 years in England studying Astrophysics, experimenting with the expanding of consciousness and learning deeply the psychedelic space ambient sound. After her decision to stay in Athens she appeared in the Chill Out Areas of many big festivals (Electro Free Festival, Legalize it!, Indie Free Festival in Athens as also in Total Freedom Festival in Hamburg and Gathering of the Tribes in Frankfurt, events in North India, Nepal, Mexico e.t.c.) In all her shows she captures directly the souls of all hippy-space ravers with her thoughtful ambient soundscapes and the wonderful mix of all kinds of psychedelic space music. Harmonious melodies, imaginary sonic ambient and nostalgic sounds create a peaceful and trip out environment through her sets.
She participates as a dj, a visual designer, a poet and a networker in the situations of Void Network. Probably she is one of the most popular psy-ambient lady d.j.s in Greece and an important new act in the world.

for info:

Crystal Zero and Sissy Stardust publish often video art clips in internet Void Network channel
They have been invited also to play as V.J.s in many events and big festivals. They have the ability and the material for more than 8 hours V.J. sets of authentic, self created and high quality experimental loops which consists a tuning and an optical travel from psychedelic abstraction to social and spiritual awareness. As multi media artists they appeared with their work in 1st Athens Biennial.

Void Network will wait for your contacts and your propositions in the email:

important note
[We inform you that Sissy Stardust will not be in Mexico after end of October, but D.J. Crystal Zero can afford to sustain his staying until 27 of November if you inform him early enough. He can appear in the trance stage or the chill out area of possible festivals or parties in very reasonable price. Sissy Stardust can appear in any event until end of October. We wait for your propositions...Thank you]

Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - International d.j.s+v.j.s from Europe searching for bookings
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