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Interfuse was a blast from the synchrofuture!

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 6, 2008 09:53:32

I missed Thursday night, but I caught EVERYBODY @ the Temple of Lost Tecknowledgey aka the Mindlicker from Aktif and Alien Audience all the way to the old-school Freedom inspiring Freedom set, and I was blown away.

I just deleted a couple pages of praise for ALL of the dj's who played mindlicker, but decided just to basically say THANK you guys for a truly full-the-mother-fuck on dairy-product free sonic freakfest. See you soon

Interesting stories? I just got home, but I'll post a few if this thread gets rollin...just wanna say that if there's not much better times to be had in the world than Interfuse, all Burning events included.... Mindlicker all the way


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Posts :  262
Posted : May 6, 2008 20:18
my mind is interfused with all of the great programming delivered to me at the burn. god damn did you boys throw down proper.

I really enjoyed the diversity of the psy, its good to see representation from all sides of the spectrum in a well timed lineup.

I too could write pages and pages detailing what I loved about each set, but the bottom line is everyone brought thier A game and it was one hell of a shindig.

I know alot of video was shot this time around so look out for both pictures and video hitting the net in the coming weeks.

I'm still on the full on decompression from the event so forgive me for the shortness of the entry. Needless to say, the event was amazing, the people top notch, and the location beautiful as always. The burn went down well, and there was something awesome about finally burning the TV once and for all.

I love all of you that made it out and look forward as I always do, to next year!


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Posted : May 7, 2008 00:33
wooowwwie was that a hootinanie if I've ever experienced one.

Highlights---Jason and the Vax masta served up one Hail of a sonic slinkathon for breakfast. Holy moly I was all hungry for some sustinence chaulk full of vitamin bootyshake and man did ya'll bring it. AWSOME, you guys took me to another planet. Where are my frequent flyer miles?

The Fuze--BEST ONE EVER. Hands down, don't even ask why because it ALL rocked. The people the convos, the music. THE SAME FREAKS BENDIN THE DANCEFLOOR PROPER!!!!!

I love you guys.

The morning goa---Bliss man, it was a slice of heaven in the morning.

UZI--Shit did this mofo throw down. Although next time how about no sneaking off RIGHT after ya play. I was like where the hell did he go. One of the best sets and I didn't even get to tell ya my thoughts. Oh well, I'll get ya at World Bridge!!! Choice Cuts sizzling at 155 bpm. MMMMMMM delicious!!!

Boozer--Awsome post burn madness. Perfect technological sounds and soundscapes thoughout. Great track selection and mixing. I always look forward to hearing you after the burn.

The family---I love each and every single one of you. I had no clue so many kindered souls would be in one place this year. So amazing to see all of you, without all you guys, earth would not be the place for me! I really needed this fuze! Thank you everyone for making it so special for me.

Now lets get on with the stories. Highlights anyone!!!!


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Posts :  117
Posted : May 8, 2008 06:13
WOW!!!! What another exceptional and magical weekend in the Ozark Avalon marking the outset of this years open air season..

One of the best for me in quite a while, the people, the vibe and the sound were all extra on point. Just being back at the venue like the past two years brought a smile to my face..

I had a super time playing for everyone Thurs and Fri night, the dance-floor was very receptive to our sound and the energy reciprocated both nights was very special for me. It was nice to tag with you, Nick.
I particularly enjoyed Vax/FattyAcid's morning set .. haven't heard too much of what was being played but I enjoyed it thoroughly. It was great to see you two up there uploading the sonic treatment for the morning floor session. Boozer also played a wonderful set after the burn, compiling a dynamic set of similar sounding psy..stuff I'm also not too familiar with , so hearing it was definitely top-notch.

It was extra refreshing partying and boogying down with my austral-stateside Arkansas family. Drew, Jarryd, Stephanie, Ed..our crossing paths had been long overdue. It was great to see all of you.

The visual enhancements @ The Lost Temple of Technology was not a whit short of amazing.. the tiered stage with u.v. responsive circuits , the many mini T.V.'s sporting ocular offerings and the blacklight camouflage netting suspended atop the dance-floor fit perfectly with the theme of technophilia/technophobia. Flawless Victory.

The burning of the massive T.V. installment was fucking amazing, I'm still hearing the resonating chants of 'Burn T.V., Burn' in my head...

I've up'd some videos of Nick and I and Goaneck's set to YouTube as well as one of the burn and pre-burn fire spinning..please do check them out, here's the links...

The OHM Brothers tag set...

The Goaneck

Rest of the videos are in my profile...

Good times, see everyone soon, BOOOOOm
Trevor           'You cannot explain to a caterpillar what it's like to be a butterfly'
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  531
Posted : May 8, 2008 23:08
yeah, Drew's morning set was the business, quite simply it took me there............... and I like to think our early evening debauchery was well placed....I just love the smell of Nueron Compost @ dinner time, and seeing as how we've never tagged trance before, it went well. 4 seperate digitally controlled channels controlled by alllll together different software and hardware wasn't ideal to just jump into.....but it went swimmingly i thought.....


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Posts :  262
Posted : May 9, 2008 10:18
yea dinner was brought proper by the fatty vaxination, it was impromptu, we hadnt even contemplated trance tagging (thought we did previous tag before bassnectar, but that was an all together different beast to wrangle) the start with classic full on that slinked into the suomi and then darker was definately a natural progression and far from scripted. As boozer put it, that suomi makes me want to boot strap up and wrangle some psy, I think that about sums it up, its one hell of a hog tie for the space cowboy in us all. nothing like squaremeat to feed that evening hunger.

the morning set was me playing those tunes that are stuck in my head anyway. I definately appreciated all the love I got on the trance floor, it was great seeing my family still up and tappin out to the classics, I wasnt really expecting a turn out, i just knew that even if they were passed out in chairs, some kids would appreciate a little morning melody with their full on. I'm already preparing for the rest of the season and assimilating the many morning comps that have arrived on the scene since I quit taking active stock. Spectra is going to be a treat this season and I'm definately looking forward to every other opportunity I get to hold it down with my psyowan crew. you brothers are my family man, arkansas and iowa have long been partners in this midwest madness and now that its fully coming into bloom its our job to keep it GOAN!

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  359
Posted : May 10, 2008 04:40

Interfuse is the best burn evah (in many ways better than the one out near Gerlach for me!)
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Posted : Jul 4, 2016 04:55
Trance Forum » » Forum  North America - Interfuse was a blast from the synchrofuture!
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