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Interest in psy going down?

lost spirit

Started Topics :  0
Posts :  2
Posted : Dec 28, 2009 15:59
The psytrance is in decline, we are all a little responsible.

Distributors --

In the 90's trance music distributors made their
work, sell and distribute the music that the records labels
created. Today, distributors has become a label in addition to the distribution of music. (Psyshop, Beatspace...etc)

For what matters is the distribution business before
that the quality of music, a distributor if you sell 100
copies of a CD and do business, earn 4-5 euros per CD
sold (it has no expense, spending only postal
The manager of the new label will be ruined.

Currently it is very easy to launch a record label,
djs and artists that there is no outlet for their product
become a web page, myspace, etc.. 9-10 meet
songs of unknown artists and send the material to
With this attitude the market has become commoditized, with music low quality.


Thanks to technology and Internet today is very
easy to create a trance track.
Anyone can download pirated software,
psy sample libraries .. etc.. download information
about production techniques etc. ... ... make a
pair of tracks and put them on myspace, and we have another trance artist.

They copy your favorite track in cubase or logic and then
trying to create the same sound, use presets Vsti
, Sound libraries ... .. etc. result = music
Some new artists not have idea of harmony,
synthesis, composition,studio techniques etc... as they have products to canned music, result = canned music.

The only thing that can not download is the creativity and
innovation, and it shows in many tracks now,
that apart from being low quality of production,
musical quality are 0, Musical quality is songs that you will convey emotions and tell stories.

These new artists send music to labels and
established long ago, but the seals when they hear
music in a studio to realize the terrible
quality of the songs.

After a while the new artists see no way out of his material and instead of work harder to get quality music, start a create a Label to release their music.
Now we have one more artists, one more record label
And another new compilation with poor quality.

Artist vs. Artist has contributed much to the musical creativity down.
Share ideas, share tips, shared sounds …. have all the same sound ¡¡¡

In the 90 wise perfectly distinguish an artist from
another, all had their unique style and sound.

Established artists are not gambling for search
experimentation, for fear of falling status and
bookings are gone,

the artists who have sought
have brought new ways and to different Album
above, have been widely criticized in this forum there

Many artists trance after 10-15 years have
tired of the scene, a scene that has no
future for an artist, this very well when you're 20
years and looking for fun, but when you have 30 year or more older, you
a family and a house to maintain, must seek
another job or do some other kind of music.


Trance festivals have changed, have become
companies, and as such his only interest is business.
Value the quality musical names. They value
but the amount of public that the quality of public.
They have become theme parks Trance like Dysneyland


People are now less demanding than before, they accept that The DJ put mp3 music. Do not buy music,
prefer the download and prefer to spend money on
They are far from the spirituality that has always had the
trance. South have computers full of music, but
do not know what they hear. Many weekend trancers ,
and Post Hippies with the credit card that gives the fathers

Place a Tshirt-Shiva, having no idea about
Hinduism. They preach the love of the planet at the same time to eat a beef steak.

Many others have their ears accustomed to
"Standard" psytrance, if they hear something different from the 1000 songs that have the same sound, it is not trance.........

..........Of course all my opinion is very general.
lost spirit

Started Topics :  0
Posts :  2
Posted : Dec 28, 2009 15:59
The psytrance is in decline, we are all a little responsible.

Distributors --

In the 90's trance music distributors made their
work, sell and distribute the music that the records labels
created. Today, distributors has become a label in addition to the distribution of music. (Psyshop, Beatspace...etc)

For what matters is the distribution business before
that the quality of music, a distributor if you sell 100
copies of a CD and do business, earn 4-5 euros per CD
sold (it has no expense, spending only postal
The manager of the new label will be ruined.

Currently it is very easy to launch a record label,
djs and artists that there is no outlet for their product
become a web page, myspace, etc.. 9-10 meet
songs of unknown artists and send the material to
With this attitude the market has become commoditized, with music low quality.


Thanks to technology and Internet today is very
easy to create a trance track.
Anyone can download pirated software,
psy sample libraries .. etc.. download information
about production techniques etc. ... ... make a
pair of tracks and put them on myspace, and we have another trance artist.

They copy your favorite track in cubase or logic and then
trying to create the same sound, use presets Vsti
, Sound libraries ... .. etc. result = music
Some new artists not have idea of harmony,
synthesis, composition,studio techniques etc... as they have products to canned music, result = canned music.

The only thing that can not download is the creativity and
innovation, and it shows in many tracks now,
that apart from being low quality of production,
musical quality are 0, Musical quality is songs that you will convey emotions and tell stories.

These new artists send music to labels and
established long ago, but the seals when they hear
music in a studio to realize the terrible
quality of the songs.

After a while the new artists see no way out of his material and instead of work harder to get quality music, start a create a Label to release their music.
Now we have one more artists, one more record label
And another new compilation with poor quality.

Artist vs. Artist has contributed much to the musical creativity down.
Share ideas, share tips, shared sounds …. have all the same sound ¡¡¡

In the 90 wise perfectly distinguish an artist from
another, all had their unique style and sound.

Established artists are not gambling for search
experimentation, for fear of falling status and
bookings are gone,

the artists who have sought
have brought new ways and to different Album
above, have been widely criticized in this forum there

Many artists trance after 10-15 years have
tired of the scene, a scene that has no
future for an artist, this very well when you're 20
years and looking for fun, but when you have 30 year or more older, you
a family and a house to maintain, must seek
another job or do some other kind of music.


Trance festivals have changed, have become
companies, and as such his only interest is business.
Value the quality musical names. They value
but the amount of public that the quality of public.
They have become theme parks Trance like Dysneyland


People are now less demanding than before, they accept that The DJ put mp3 music. Do not buy music,
prefer the download and prefer to spend money on
They are far from the spirituality that has always had the
trance. South have computers full of music, but
do not know what they hear. Many weekend trancers ,
and Post Hippies with the credit card that gives the fathers

Place a Tshirt-Shiva, having no idea about
Hinduism. They preach the love of the planet at the same time to eat a beef steak.

Many others have their ears accustomed to
"Standard" psytrance, if they hear something different from the 1000 songs that have the same sound, it is not trance.........

..........Of course all my opinion is very general.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  170
Posts :  3642
Posted : Dec 28, 2009 16:16
The only reasons things have changed is because people allowed them to change. If you don't like the way things are, the only person you can blame is yourself for not doing something about it (and no, complaining doesn't count as doing something).  - Midwest based psytrance group

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  147
Posted : Dec 28, 2009 20:04

On 2009-12-28 12:02, phasetech wrote:
i don't think so man, really... if everyone is smart then there wouldn't be so much bitching around

it's really that

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  21
Posted : Dec 28, 2009 20:14
Pritty soon it will all turn to dust
And if not... Our world is in danger because of the absence of good ideas.

About the quality... I can hear many samples used in different songs... Then I go like... Hej they took this from Vengeance effect cd or... same as that other artist did.

I am buzy with making something fresh... Did not made any song yet. But studying the physiscs of sound. I think many artists today are using to many samples instead of reading and exploring their synth beginning from scratch. They are forgetting to be a sound designer in the first place. Wich I think is very necessary to keep evolving future sounds. Many DJ's are trying to be an artist but end up with crap. Because they don't take time studying every aspect of music in general.


Started Topics :  58
Posts :  531
Posted : Dec 29, 2009 01:57
its not about samples, they are good and useful. its not good when many artists use the SAME one in the just SAME way like previous did... thats the thing i dont like. but i dont agree with "Our world is in danger because of the absence of good ideas. " yornav said, there are many good ideas, but small percent of them gets nicely realized to get accepted by large and various audience.

interest in psy, i think, is going down because of other styles of music which develop quickly into unique styles and people always find new things attractive. psytrance maybe had its time... new people = new trends 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  49
Posts :  478
Posted : Dec 29, 2009 07:49
ya'll worry to much.
i'm in the midst of starting a psytrance scene from the ground up.took extra shifts at work and bought a sounf rig, a truck, a computer and studio monitors, and have been spending the last year and a half or so researching not only this forum but music theory, shamanism, etcetcetc.

i'm sure it used be alot more popular, but who cares? it's still fun, it's still cool, the music changes, but still, those of us that like it will still try to do it and move it forward......
Cardinals Cartel
Black Machine

Started Topics :  191
Posts :  3097
Posted : Jan 1, 2010 07:06


On 2009-12-18 20:43, Soul Kontakt wrote:

THere is no problem at all Music is evolving constantly surely soon everything will come together it's just a matter of time...What is time?

Everything is in it's place even if this moment might not be the best for you but i am sure you will get many great moments in whatever you do...Trance is not everything go over it if it's not taking you anywhere and then when you come back to it you will look at the whole scene with a different vision

S Gilbert said ..


Voice Of Cod / Zuloop

Started Topics :  14
Posts :  218
Posted : Jan 2, 2010 08:06

On 2009-12-28 06:21, waveshapist wrote:

On 2009-12-17 00:36, Fometrius wrote:
The psytrance culture is bigger than it ever has been due to the possibilities for it to spread through the internet and youtube and so on. The tentacles are at more places and are more spread then ever.The large amount of tentacles also makes the octopus as a whole larger then ever and also makes it continue to grow all the time

The psytrance culture is under a transformation,it has been divided into many different aspects of the same thing,the good thing is that they all are connected to each other and are supposed to be combined since every style has it own moment.

The amount of home listeners and amateur home producers has also increased very largely and are increasing more and more very intensely.There are alot of ordinary people who not are attached to the rave culture in terms of lifestyle and of going to festivals,partys and so forth but still listen alot to this style at home and in mp3 player etc.

The homelisteners and producers are not only increasing but the festivals and many partys are getting bigger and biggers,as a whole this whole culture is bigger than ever.

I am convinced that this culture and musical style will be really really large in the coming years,in a very close future this scene will really explode.It has much to do with the climate change,our planets
conditions and all species dying ,this culture offers a positive vibe and ecological thinking,a possibility to explore and get to learn yourself and understand the situation about whats going on in a deeper lever.To feel connection with the rest of nature, the need of that connection is bigger than ever in the history of man.

I know that manking is more ready then ever to take a step furher into that direction than ever and this
style is much about it.Even if some partys maybe lack some feeling to them it does not mean that the culture itself has.The feeling is always there and only transforms into different forms to express itself.

What we are seeing is also a growing group of healthy,mentally strong people in the scene who cares about the earth ,nature and the rest of humanity.A group that eats healty and good,that spreads love and compassion with those they get in contact with and try to live close to ther inner self and still have a balanced life with job ,education and so on. A kind of lifestyle that is good and positive and not only a thing for a short period of intense party going

Besides those aspects the increase of this music also has to do with that it`s getting more complex,better produced and expresses itself emotionally in new ways all the time,it elevates and changes constantly. The possibilities that new musical technology and software ,plugins,programs,effects and so on offers
are really pushed to the limit in this style

This whole thing is a bomb waiting to explode!

i love this post. it is so cool!

what he said 
Voice Of Cod / Zuloop

Started Topics :  14
Posts :  218
Posted : Jan 2, 2010 08:16
p.s. making good psy trance takes a long time even when you've been working on it for years. at least the way I do it, it does. if people release their music before it's ready they are not doing themselves any favors 
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