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Interest in psy going down?


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Posted : Dec 17, 2009 15:10

On 2009-12-17 09:35, willsanquil wrote:
Personally I feel that this attitude that psy is dying are just the projections of people who have been in the scene so long that they are afraid of it changing...

I don't really agree. If you just got into it in the last 5 years its pretty surreal to think now how big it was 10 years ago, at least in the US. Astral Projection videos on MTV, even not living in a major city there was a rave booked everynight, 7 days a week 2 months in advanced and at least 2 every fri/sat night...The average 20yo was really interested to check out what was going on, if only because it was the "in" thing at the time.
I don't think psy is dieing now as much as its reached an equilibrium as far as old blood leaving and new blood coming in.
I don't think the music is really any different quality wise, just more of it and 10 years on we have long forgotten about all the shitty tracks from a decade ago as if they never existed.
Martian Arts

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Posted : Dec 17, 2009 17:11
There were shitty tracks in the past, but there were a lot of great ones. Its like you remember each one of the good years from the massive tunes that came out then that were known amongst thousands of new comers and the "veterans" and they all stomped the ground in unison at the parties these tunes were dropped...which ones are the massive tunes this year? Smashing The Opponent? Sa'eed?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 17, 2009 20:13
I could be 100% wrong, but could this disparity between the old and the new in relation to massive tracks be attributed to the amount of music that is available that is classified as psychedelic trance now as opposed to the 'golden days'?

I mean, if there is less overall music available then more people will hear the same stuff which could potentially contribute to a more cohesive group setting.

To create a complete hypothetical situation:

say in year X there are 100 tunes released, and around 20 of them are quality to 'massive' level - then in year Y there are 1000 tunes released, and still around 20 of them are quality to 'massive' level...

I think it would be possible that even though there are just as many quality tunes out there in Year Y it would be harder for as many people to reach consensus/be aware of the quality tracks in that year because of the increasing amount of crap they have to sift through.

I mean, for me personally there are some 'massive tracks' this year - Walking Backwards Through The Cosmic Mirror by Shpongle, Freaky Fungus and The Mind's I by Terrafractyl...I'm sure there are more but my memory at work without my library onhand leaves my list lacking.

Of course, I could be completely wrong and it could be true that in comparison to the old days the current scene is lame or dying or not as inspired

...I have no doubt that there is tons of shit psy out there...

10 years ago the barrier to entry in creating psy-trance was much higher in that you needed expensive equipment and a more technical understanding of sound to create tracks..nowadays you can hop on this or other forums, youtube, google, plop in 'psy trance tutorial', steal a shitload of music creation software and within a relatively small amount of time you too can create a basic KBBB pattern with some percussion and trippy samples. This is good in that more people are getting into producing but also bad in that more and more unpolished unoriginal shit is being released, potentially giving the impression that the scene as a whole is unpolished and unoriginal.

However, I can only speak for my experiences and feelings on the scene as a whole, and for *me* getting into it and actively going to festivals for the past 5-6 years it has been....variable.

If I go to a club/bar in a city then I'm lucky to get 1-2 sets of good, quality psy mixed in with electro, tech-monkey-dub-break-step-techno or whatever the fuck sub genre name someone dreamed up when they were toking for hours on end. If I go to a multi-genre festival I can expect the same thing.

However, if I go to a proper outdoor Psy-trance specific festival thrown by people who are true to the original community values I get completely transcendental trans formative life-changing/affirming experiences among old friends and new friends - isn't that what this music is all about?

If I am getting that vibe and those experiences without having experienced the golden era, to me that means the scene is still alive and well...though I suppose I could just be naive

long live psy!

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Posted : Dec 18, 2009 16:37
"I second that. Yet I think it's not only about the quality of the music. Recently we've had some Remember Bash here. You know, old dudes in a club spinning old records, something that I used to be up for anytime. Yet I didn't feel like taking my fluoro clothes out of the closet. Hence I think it's not only about the music; it's the whole party-thing that I've lost interest in. Give me a good bar and I'll stay in there for nights, but I haven't felt like proper partying for years. When I do it though (occasionally, mostly when I'm booked myself), I'm always having a good time, and I'm not even concerned about the music itself, just plain ol' feel good. On the whole, it's all in my mind and in my studio; that's where electronic psychedelica lives on for me. And a decent CD passing my radar once in a while."

Well Said Anak, I totally agree with you! 
Soul Kontakt
Soul Kontakt

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Posted : Dec 18, 2009 20:43
THere is no problem at all Music is evolving constantly surely soon everything will come together it's just a matter of time...What is time? lololol

Everything is in it's place even if this moment might not be the best for you but i am sure you will get many great moments in whatever you do...Trance is not everything go over it if it's not taking you anywhere and then when you come back to it you will look at the whole scene with a different vision, maybe...

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 26, 2009 17:42
I agree with the opinion its not so much the deterioration in the quality of music because there are loads of albums waiting to be heard from the past when the musical quotient was 100x the present. the real problem after much thought is actually not too many parties and certain factors like responsibilities and duties that life brings by default when one grows older. the carefree abandon sadly doesn't exist anymore which leads to lack of interest in general. its different if you are a producer because you need to keep motivating yourself to make better music , but for the average listener 'the scene' has gotten a tad dull if not totally faded away.

i may be wrong here but what i do see is the number of people attending parties reduced to a bare minimum other than the big festivals that happen every year.           missing plug-in

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Posted : Dec 26, 2009 19:35
Musical taste changes in people over time as they themselves change. I would doubt very much that a single person will listen to exactly the same music as when they were a kid. That would mean no exploration and make a person flat because they would not except change.

I think this plays a role in what people view the scene as losing interest. The music may not necessarily change for better or for worse, but the interest in the music will surely change. And if it's enough to make things feel as only a glimmer as they once were, then what can you do?
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Dec 26, 2009 20:10

On 2009-12-17 17:11, disco hooligans wrote:

in all it's terribleness, I quit enjoy this one. So does my 17 year old sister It's cool enough, for real.

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Posts :  147
Posted : Dec 26, 2009 23:48
my 5c is about loosing roots. what is nowadays psytrance about? what is its mission?
delivering psychedelic state of consciousness to the people ?
but hey, it's in the people - inside the party organizers, promoters, dj's, musicants, decorators - they are the impulse, the vibe and tone creators. how many of them do have realy spiritual (psy-che-delic) experience?
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 28, 2009 05:45
I have definitely drifted away from psychedelic trance/ rave and its culture. But I do believe it has potential.

I feel the songs should be irrelevent. The atmosphere created in the set and setting are the most important. I think people need to look outside of this scene to discover the broader scope of trance music. Perhaps like Angus Maclise in the 1960's making trance.

Eric Copeland or Growing also reminds me greatly of trance. Psy-trance as a culture is not cutting edge. making music solely on computers is not good enough, at least in the traditional sequencing way. We proved it could be done by the late 90's. So what's next. We can't just repeat ourselves. The formula is out of date. prog to dark to full on to prog to chill out for 12 hours... shake it up.

also, trance culture at large is not a viable solution to the problems of the world. we burn ridiculous amounts of fossil fuels to power our parties and to travel to those parties... for what. The trance scene is largely capitalistic, exploiting the poor with the people at the top experiencing luxuries. I mean this is the way of the world, I'm not pointing fingers but we can't be the naive innocent hippies we thought we once were.

Also, we have little in common, little common values or pursuits... saying peace is largely meaningless. higher consciousness is just getting off.

Anyway, the scene isn't even open minded enough to accept avante-garde or boundary pushing art anyway... the real conversation is happening elsewhere.

There are exceptions. Head this as a call to arms rather than a battle cry. Listen to something made by hand or made by chance or silence. Be the change you want to see and hear.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 28, 2009 06:21

On 2009-12-17 00:36, Fometrius wrote:
The psytrance culture is bigger than it ever has been due to the possibilities for it to spread through the internet and youtube and so on. The tentacles are at more places and are more spread then ever.The large amount of tentacles also makes the octopus as a whole larger then ever and also makes it continue to grow all the time

The psytrance culture is under a transformation,it has been divided into many different aspects of the same thing,the good thing is that they all are connected to each other and are supposed to be combined since every style has it own moment.

The amount of home listeners and amateur home producers has also increased very largely and are increasing more and more very intensely.There are alot of ordinary people who not are attached to the rave culture in terms of lifestyle and of going to festivals,partys and so forth but still listen alot to this style at home and in mp3 player etc.

The homelisteners and producers are not only increasing but the festivals and many partys are getting bigger and biggers,as a whole this whole culture is bigger than ever.

I am convinced that this culture and musical style will be really really large in the coming years,in a very close future this scene will really explode.It has much to do with the climate change,our planets
conditions and all species dying ,this culture offers a positive vibe and ecological thinking,a possibility to explore and get to learn yourself and understand the situation about whats going on in a deeper lever.To feel connection with the rest of nature, the need of that connection is bigger than ever in the history of man.

I know that manking is more ready then ever to take a step furher into that direction than ever and this
style is much about it.Even if some partys maybe lack some feeling to them it does not mean that the culture itself has.The feeling is always there and only transforms into different forms to express itself.

What we are seeing is also a growing group of healthy,mentally strong people in the scene who cares about the earth ,nature and the rest of humanity.A group that eats healty and good,that spreads love and compassion with those they get in contact with and try to live close to ther inner self and still have a balanced life with job ,education and so on. A kind of lifestyle that is good and positive and not only a thing for a short period of intense party going

Besides those aspects the increase of this music also has to do with that it`s getting more complex,better produced and expresses itself emotionally in new ways all the time,it elevates and changes constantly. The possibilities that new musical technology and software ,plugins,programs,effects and so on offers
are really pushed to the limit in this style

This whole thing is a bomb waiting to explode!

i love this post. it is so cool!           The speed past light..
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 28, 2009 11:29
nice to hear that mate

"I feel the songs should be irrelevent. The atmosphere created in the set and setting are the most important"

Dont agree since it`s often the music that makes people go to parties and festivals,and if it`s bad people will not attend those.If the music is good more people will listen to it and spread it and be a part off the culture and if it`s bad it will be the opposite.

This music change the perception of the mind , gives an possibility to go inside oneself and explore the own psyche,it makes you feel connection with life in all of it`s forms and it makes you to begin to think in new ways,one could say that it opens up your mind or expands your mind and this happens regardlessly if you are on a dancefloor with thousands or hundreds of people or in your own bed,infront of your computer,listening to your mp3 player,meditating,our doing whaterever you are doing as long as you listen to this music.

Festivals and parties are a very special and powerfull thing and are modern variants of the ritual experience.They are also a very important part of our culture.But still the music is what makes things happen inside you and those things will happen as long as you listen regardlessly of your location when listening.

A person can be greatly transformed or influenced by this culture without even being connected with it more then just listening and focusing at the music. What matters is what the music does inside you when you listen to it.

Agree on "I do believe it has potential." and "Be the change you want to see and hear."

"my 5c is about loosing roots. what is nowadays psytrance about? what is its mission?"

It`s still the same root the flowers has just changed form and colour.It`s the same tree but it got more branches.It`s the same ocean but it got more streams. You get the point

"The term psychedelic is derived from the Greek words (psyche, "mind") and (delein, "to manifest"), translating to "mind-manifesting"

Since psytrance stands for psychedelic trance it means that psytrance is about to enter the mind and to open up all the layers of it.It means that the mind can manifest all the parts of itself and not only the surface parts.It means that you can explore more of the mind then you normaly can,it`s like you get a key that can open up new doors inside yourself.

The missions with psytrance is to give the listener a possibility to explore what`s inside us,to discover the parts that controls our behavior and thinking,to investigate our subconscious system and different components of our psyche.It`s about to open a door into ourselfs, into the collective system configuration of the mind and to experience what`s behind what we experience as "I" .

The mission is to set up a link or to create a connection inside the listener to the "self"

(psychological expressed )

One could also say it`s to make a connection inside the listener to lifeforce/god/brahman/source etc.

Our culture is very needed due to the absence of spirituality in the world,especially in the western part

Our psy culture is a good,positive and very much needed culture due to the situation of the world today and the elimination of nature and things such as:

People only copying
other local people and not thinking for themselfes,societies built on stereotypes where everyone just tries to behave and look and think like the same kind of human.People being like clay and being transformed totally by what`s around them without looking inside and thinking for themselfes.People only caring about their own ego without caring about the mother (nature) that nursed and gave birth to them and nourishes them as long as they are alive or the rest of the family (animals,humans,all lifeforms that exist). People bathing in decadence and only caring about the most primitive parts of the human mind structure.

People getting disconnected with their emotions and true nature and only working like some robot that only thinks about whats good for himself and how to be watched like a good one and how to be quickly satisfied

The list can be continue forever

At the current timeline their is a huge need for people to get in touch with themselfes,to explore the inner parts of the psyche,to listen inside and stop being so egocentric.To see things as objective as possibile because objective is how it really is and not what the subjective illusion theatre tells you.To stop the obession with the personal ego so that one is able to feel compassion and connection with life itself and that includes every thing. The more people who are in that state the better will we treat each other ,the planet and all it`s inhabitants

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Posts :  147
Posted : Dec 28, 2009 11:55
the problem of the psytrnace scene - is that everyone is an absolutly fucking smart!

Started Topics :  58
Posts :  531
Posted : Dec 28, 2009 12:02
i don't think so man, really... if everyone is smart then there wouldn't be so much bitching around 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 28, 2009 14:57
stop whining and poke it with a stick.
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