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Interest in psy going down?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 16, 2009 08:02
Psytrance is passing its teenage, its not longer angry and innovative as in 1995...

As many other countercutures it had a boom and now it will come to stablish itself among the others (goth, metal, punk, raggae, etc) they will be newcomers all the time and people droping it too.

such if life           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 16, 2009 08:04
Or maybe we should let it die and see if it makes a return in 10 years.           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Dec 16, 2009 09:08
well if you compare the amount of psy that has been released since 2004-to present as compared to the amount that was coming from 1994-2003, you will see there has been a considerable rise. to say that the interest is down in my opinion is wrong...i think if anything its increased...back in the 90's the only psy you could get at mainstream music store was Goa Trance vol 1 and so on. Now you can get some psy at several music stores...which in my opinion means the increase in popularity and interest in psy           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive

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Posted : Dec 16, 2009 09:59
things change....

whilst on one hand I don't go out to parties/club nights much anymore, and gig even less, my graphics/visuals are getting seen by more and more people everyday.

It seems like a bit like an ocean, over here the wave is bobbing up, other there it is in a trough, over there it is really stormy, whilst here is tranquil calm waters, but its all part of the same ocean... 

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Inactive User

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Posted : Dec 16, 2009 11:18
those who are in search for a purpose and a cause never get tired and the search never ends
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 16, 2009 14:52
maybe its like eating the same food everyday, somedays it taste very good other days you are very very tired of it... but you can also expand your menu and still keep that old dish.

We are all sort of cought in a pattern,
I would infact disagree with all of you, the interest is your own, it goes up and down, round and round(Gms lol) you have your preferences and you pick and choose from that.... Its not like you say, "ohh man this 70ies music is so boring, its all the same when are they going to make something new and fresh"

Give our old psy hits 30 more years and they hype will be even bigger!

the only thing we can do now is reinvent, i mean we all know the basics, even a newbie can with the help of internet put together a generic track and it will sound okej. But what he cant do from that is innovate because he copies. So in the end is about knowledge and what we do with it...

For the future i think we will know what will trance us out and not, we will know how to make a very interesting live act with more real work.

If we look at the history like a learning period, all these artists has experimented and thought everybody very much and they made some very mind blowing music and there will be even more mind blowing music....

Interest is lost and found, thats how it is..
how can we otherwise listen with fresh ears.
Martian Arts

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Posted : Dec 16, 2009 17:37
It has its ups and downs as far as I am concerned.

I am not young anymore so the magic of discovering something new is replaced by the conscious and expert ear that is a lot more picky as to what will get me going, be that on the dancefloor or at home whilst having a smoke.

Obviously parties are not what they used to be, the abundance of "psy" trance styles that are so different between them, and the trend of many live acts and DJs, the "supermarket" style parties that more and more promoters, adopt in order to cover all ranges and attract as many punters as possible, makes it virtually impossible for me to enjoy a party the same way I did 15 years ago, where I'd go early on and enjoy my self throughout.
There is no flow in parties because there are so many people involved in the line up that just want to hammer the floor harder than the next guy. It ruins the old concept of a psy trance party...its like a rock gig now days...

There was a lot more "consistency" in the way a party would build up and peak when there were only 2-3 artists (including the night's live), which made the whole experience a lot more coherent.

As far as the music goes, my interest in new music has gone down simply because there are only a few people that have steered clear from today's trends and the massive impact of the "israeli-post-2000-full-on" era.

On top of that, we have an ocean of new people that are making dark psy, which makes up a substantial part of the "new music" and there is nothing that makes my psychedelic neurons active in that style.

Having said all that, I never had so much drive to make my own tunes, as I do over all, my interest on the music it self has sky rocketed, especially since my interest in the 1997 to 2000 non israeli psy-trance, has gone up again as well. Its the only music I find my self playing over and over again without getting bored of it.

IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Dec 16, 2009 22:00
There is only so much innovation that can occur within the "box" of a defined musical genre.

Artists innovate, create a new sound, but their new sound sounds different, therefore it is not psytrance and people don't want to hear it!

I feel like the psytrance scene has squashed innovation by having this set of silly unspoken rules about what you have to sound like in order to be considered psytrance.

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Posted : Dec 16, 2009 22:23

On 2009-12-16 22:00, Shiranui wrote:
this set of silly unspoken rules about what you have to sound like in order to be considered psytrance.

There is only one rule, it has has to do that fribberly tickly wibbly wobby thing when you listen to it on psychedelics.

The difference becomes quite clear in the experience imho.

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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 16, 2009 22:28
Interest in your mom going down.....uh, nevermind  - Midwest based psytrance group
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 17, 2009 00:36
The psytrance culture is bigger than it ever has been due to the possibilities for it to spread through the internet and youtube and so on. The tentacles are at more places and are more spread then ever.The large amount of tentacles also makes the octopus as a whole larger then ever and also makes it continue to grow all the time

The psytrance culture is under a transformation,it has been divided into many different aspects of the same thing,the good thing is that they all are connected to each other and are supposed to be combined since every style has it own moment.

The amount of home listeners and amateur home producers has also increased very largely and are increasing more and more very intensely.There are alot of ordinary people who not are attached to the rave culture in terms of lifestyle and of going to festivals,partys and so forth but still listen alot to this style at home and in mp3 player etc.

The homelisteners and producers are not only increasing but the festivals and many partys are getting bigger and biggers,as a whole this whole culture is bigger than ever.

I am convinced that this culture and musical style will be really really large in the coming years,in a very close future this scene will really explode.It has much to do with the climate change,our planets
conditions and all species dying ,this culture offers a positive vibe and ecological thinking,a possibility to explore and get to learn yourself and understand the situation about whats going on in a deeper lever.To feel connection with the rest of nature, the need of that connection is bigger than ever in the history of man.

I know that manking is more ready then ever to take a step furher into that direction than ever and this
style is much about it.Even if some partys maybe lack some feeling to them it does not mean that the culture itself has.The feeling is always there and only transforms into different forms to express itself.

What we are seeing is also a growing group of healthy,mentally strong people in the scene who cares about the earth ,nature and the rest of humanity.A group that eats healty and good,that spreads love and compassion with those they get in contact with and try to live close to ther inner self and still have a balanced life with job ,education and so on. A kind of lifestyle that is good and positive and not only a thing for a short period of intense party going

Besides those aspects the increase of this music also has to do with that it`s getting more complex,better produced and expresses itself emotionally in new ways all the time,it elevates and changes constantly. The possibilities that new musical technology and software ,plugins,programs,effects and so on offers
are really pushed to the limit in this style

This whole thing is a bomb waiting to explode!

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 17, 2009 01:34
Interest in psy going down?

Maybe interest is decreased because... well, most of it's just not that interesting anymore.

So, maybe it's proportional to the amount of effort it takes to dig for the good stuff.

But at what point is the effort too great that its not worth the bother. Maybe just wait till a friend recommends something.
Or show up at a party not knowing who the artists/djs are and by chance get a pleasant surprise.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 17, 2009 03:07
I don't think partys are getting bigger and bigger...

At least in Europe many festival has stopped, there are just the classical who grow, BOOM, OZORA, UP and few others....

7-8 years ago I think some festivals were much bigger, the cd sales were much more....

Now there are a lot of home listeners, but as for any kind of music....

everything is mich more diluated, for sure all the internet hype as had the results of making much more well known the scene...

But is is true for any kind of music.... there more clubs, more concerts, more things in every kind of music because more people listen to more music...

But the scene isn't really bigger in a fact way...

Less sells, less big partys, less people going to big partys, except as said for few big festivals who are CLASSICS...

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 17, 2009 09:35
I personally have only been active in the psy scene for 6 years and for me its grown considerably...I used to only go to one festival (Gaian Mind) but this year I went to 4-5....All the way meeting new people who are as tuned in as I am to the psy vibes.

It's massively different then going to a club/bar in NYC or another city - 95% of the time its not just psy its multi-genre and more 'hedonistic,' at least for me anyways.

Personally I feel that this attitude that psy is dying are just the projections of people who have been in the scene so long that they are afraid of it changing...

If I found myself only listening to stuff produced 5-15 years ago and didn't consider some of the new releases to be absolutely fucking fantastic then I might agree.

There are examples all over the place of can go the route of infected mushroom, give up the psy-trance community in exchange for money and meaningless (read: black shawarma is fucking terrible), soul-sucking commercialism or you can go the simon posford route by integrating modern techniques with the old influences in order to create something that is both new and old without compromising your integrity as an artist (read: ineffable mysteries is some of the best music ever created). there also exists everything in between these two extremes but they're my favorite to use as analogies regarding this discussion.

Of course, these are just my own highly subjective opinions....but for *ME* the scene is very much alive and moving in a positive direction as long as you have a discerning attitude toward where you party and what you listen to.
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

Started Topics :  158
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Posted : Dec 17, 2009 13:45
it went mainstream
and while veterans feel like its been 'stolen' from them by become teenager thing with plastic music , its actualy growing more then ever.

i see more parties more artists more djs more social networks groups...

but for me the party looks different. there isnt the same purity and naive that was there (maybe its just us grown up?)

people used to do things abit more freely and with more love , today seems the main thing is to bring camera and post the pix to facebook before you are home.

anywayz music as music - psytrane has been very boring in the last 3-4 years, with some exceptions that didnt conform with ultra-cheese fullon neither trendy techno or violent dark - some thing in the middle that is quite good and hold that golden vibes.. unfortunately those are the less known names in the 'scene' and i havent see them play any major festivals or even getting to be released enough... but hasnt good stuff always been in the underground? since DAT days to MD throu CD and MP , it was always not too easy to get the real great stuff... remember the UNR days? haha

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