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Interest in psy going down?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 15, 2009 17:57:58
The old are becoming older the younger generation hasn't seen what the haydays were like. people at psy parties just sway no digging. since its all vibe , even a single person can infect the dance floor but even that doesn't seem to be coming along. call it lack of enough parties or no quality music. gone are the days of wild partying and feeling carefree thanks to greater vigilance and awareness about trance and drugs. the younger generation is too much into black shawarma and vocal trance.

where has the passion of crazy raw psychedelic gone? like ocelot said , has it become too simple?

dark psy has actually lost its edge. full on is perceived as cheesy. too much negativity? what is it actually?
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Posted : Dec 15, 2009 18:36
Everybody will say something else because it's very subjective. I, myself lost the interest a couple of years ago...           Everyone in the world is doing something without me

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Posted : Dec 15, 2009 18:40
Parties stopped inspiring me a long time ago, and I find it much better to inspire myself than look to someone else to do it for me. 

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Posted : Dec 15, 2009 18:57
the black shawarma is actually better than 95% of the so called full on psytrance out there
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 15, 2009 19:18
Too much ism's...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 15, 2009 19:44

On 2009-12-15 17:57:58, exotic wrote:
The old are becoming older the younger generation hasn't seen what the haydays were like. people at psy parties just sway no digging. since its all vibe , even a single person can infect the dance floor but even that doesn't seem to be coming along. call it lack of enough parties or no quality music. gone are the days of wild partying and feeling carefree thanks to greater vigilance and awareness about trance and drugs. the younger generation is too much into black shawarma and vocal trance.

where has the passion of crazy raw psychedelic gone? like ocelot said , has it become too simple?

dark psy has actually lost its edge. full on is perceived as cheesy. too much negativity? what is it actually?

Welcome to the life of the disgruntled veteran raver. That's life - the experience of a new and exciting thing is gone, and now you see the trance scene for what it always was. Darkpsy's edge existed a long time ago and is gone. Full-on has been cheesy for five years. Progressive DJs spin house with pride for as long. I "grew" on Hallucinogen, Juno Reactor and the such only to see their music bastardized into inferior copies with more modern sound to the applause of the newer people. I remember Son Kite and Shiva Chandra pounding heavy droning beats at parties, only to become soft. I've seen Tim Schuldt blast away with dark, twisted, high energy full-on only to see darkpsy take the most basic concepts from it and add cheap breakdowns to the delight of people who don't know who Tim Schuldt is.

Vocal trance started ages ago. It was even pretty cool once in a while. From Shpongle to Infected Mushroom via a lot of others. Of course people will take a small part of that music and copy-paste a lot. That's what the psytrance scene was and always will be. It's evolved into specific trends for certain people that are looking for that exact thing. Just like techno, house, and any other form of electronic music.

That's cool. That's life. It's about change. You want exciting and fresh, you need to look for it since no one is going to deliver just for you. 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 15, 2009 19:46
Yes I thinbk we can say the interest is shaming....

Many people are going more to electro progressive partys in clubs or open air and less to "goa" partys

At least this in Europe... I don't know how is goign in the rest of the world
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Dec 15, 2009 19:58
Problem is, people in the Psy scene know other genres as well.
So therefore it is very understandable that every now and then a few jump over to other genres like Techno, House or whatever.
But hardly anyone of the other genres ever gets in contact with Psy.
If they do know it, then they usually have vague perceptions of old Goatrance, which indeed does sound 'old' if your used to Techno of nowadays.
Trying to convince a Technohead, Psychedelic Trance is just as Pro sounding and hightec as their music, I find really hard thus far.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 15, 2009 20:22
I can understand the feeling, every now & then, the thought comes up when i go to parties these days.... it's like.... "am i the only monkey around here"

I think the 'scene' nowadays is more about stimulants/entheogens/dr**s rather than music!

The ones who are attached truly to the culture are the only ones concerned about music & vibe.

          We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.

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Posted : Dec 15, 2009 20:26

I think the 'scene' nowadays is more about stimulants/entheogens/dr**s rather than music!

The ones who are attached truly to the culture are the only ones concerned about music & vibe.

What utter nonsense imho.

Those who are attached truly to the culture, think about more than just the music and the "vibe" (neuro-chemical solipism too often)..

Certainly in the UK since the entheogenics have fallen from a certain grace/popularity in the party situ, the change in people's consciousness has had an inevitable effect, as other neurological states have been explored.

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Posted : Dec 15, 2009 21:48

On 2009-12-15 19:44, Kaz wrote:

On 2009-12-15 17:57:58, exotic wrote:
The old are becoming older the younger generation hasn't seen what the haydays were like. people at psy parties just sway no digging. since its all vibe , even a single person can infect the dance floor but even that doesn't seem to be coming along. call it lack of enough parties or no quality music. gone are the days of wild partying and feeling carefree thanks to greater vigilance and awareness about trance and drugs. the younger generation is too much into black shawarma and vocal trance.

where has the passion of crazy raw psychedelic gone? like ocelot said , has it become too simple?

dark psy has actually lost its edge. full on is perceived as cheesy. too much negativity? what is it actually?

Welcome to the life of the disgruntled veteran raver. That's life - the experience of a new and exciting thing is gone, and now you see the trance scene for what it always was. Darkpsy's edge existed a long time ago and is gone. Full-on has been cheesy for five years. Progressive DJs spin house with pride for as long. I "grew" on Hallucinogen, Juno Reactor and the such only to see their music bastardized into inferior copies with more modern sound to the applause of the newer people. I remember Son Kite and Shiva Chandra pounding heavy droning beats at parties, only to become soft. I've seen Tim Schuldt blast away with dark, twisted, high energy full-on only to see darkpsy take the most basic concepts from it and add cheap breakdowns to the delight of people who don't know who Tim Schuldt is.

Vocal trance started ages ago. It was even pretty cool once in a while. From Shpongle to Infected Mushroom via a lot of others. Of course people will take a small part of that music and copy-paste a lot. That's what the psytrance scene was and always will be. It's evolved into specific trends for certain people that are looking for that exact thing. Just like techno, house, and any other form of electronic music.

That's cool. That's life. It's about change. You want exciting and fresh, you need to look for it since no one is going to deliver just for you.

I second that. Yet I think it's not only about the quality of the music. Recently we've had some Remember Bash here. You know, old dudes in a club spinning old records, something that I used to be up for anytime. Yet I didn't feel like taking my fluoro clothes out of the closet. Hence I think it's not only about the music; it's the whole party-thing that I've lost interest in. Give me a good bar and I'll stay in there for nights, but I haven't felt like proper partying for years. When I do it though (occasionally, mostly when I'm booked myself), I'm always having a good time, and I'm not even concerned about the music itself, just plain ol' feel good. On the whole, it's all in my mind and in my studio; that's where electronic psychedelica lives on for me. And a decent CD passing my radar once in a while.
          Anakoluth A Pebble in Your Eardrum's Shoe since 2001!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 16, 2009 00:08
What concerns me is the "brain drain" that has been going on for some time now... the most talented and capable among us have a tendency to become disillusioned with psytrance culture and move on to other pursuits. Is it because psytrance is so much of an escapist culture that it has only the most tenuous connection to real-world concerns? Or am I simply projecting? My interest has certainly waned.
Inactive User

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Posted : Dec 16, 2009 01:39
I like the music, even the more commercial aspects, but the parties for me have lost all interest... I find I'm returning to my roots of prefer to go see a live band (rock, pop, jazz, orchestra orwhatever) than a psy party with laptops and dj's... I think the big thing for me is that the scene today is so much live in the moment and on the drug, not for spirituality... we live in such a selfish society now it is has filtered in and destroyed the good vibes... and all the people I used to know are either mind blasted from years of drug use or bitter... as I said, love th emusic even coming out today but just pretty much over the actualy scene!           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!

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Posted : Dec 16, 2009 04:25

On 2009-12-16 00:08, Basilisk wrote:
Is it because psytrance is so much of an escapist culture that it has only the most tenuous connection to real-world concerns? Or am I simply projecting? My interest has certainly waned.

I think thats a bit of a projection. To me its simply that psytrance is a prior generations music to some degree. If I was 19 I would most certainly be into dubstep and indy rockish experimental electronic music..straight up raver type stuff is just passe at this point, like what grunge or hair metal was once the rave scene started kicking to the fresh blood.
To me the reason to stick around is things are cyclical and when you do find some good new stuff now its all the more special.
For artists, I think of someone like the metal band Meshuggah. Started in 1987 and instead of moving to hair metal, then grunge, then add a dj or something stupid to their music they simply kept perfecting their craft until things came back around and since they did, when it came back around they sit at the top of the artistic food chain from so much time perfecting their craft.
Inner Demon

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Posted : Dec 16, 2009 04:48
Nobody's mentioned the authorities. Not all of the scene's problems come from within, some are imposed.

A lot of parties I've been at people are jumpy because the cops might arrive at any time and close it down and you might get arrested for possession.
That's a vibe killer if I ever heard of one. Like trying to sleep with a monster in the closet.

I reckon that's become much worse the last few years. In the early days the scene was so underground that it didn't catch the attention of law enforcement and wasn't so plagued by it. I'm sure this contributed to the fantastic feeling of freedom that is (for me anyway) quite rare these days.
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