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info regarding swedish favourites

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  12
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Posted : Aug 2, 2010 20:34:01

may be some of my fellow trancers know better regarding what happened to hallucinogenic horses .

do they still meet up and make music , and also regarding the album they were producing together to be released on insomnia records .

will it ever be released ?



meditation is active dance

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Posts :  130
Posted : Aug 3, 2010 10:23

i believe to have heard from a few horses that they still do..

Very sporadically though.. since they live all 'round Sweden it's not very often..

so the group must transform quite often depending on who's around for making a track i guess.
It can't be the complete group everytime i think.. i hear.. from listening to some tracks..

I'll always be curious for who worked on what with Halluginogenic horses-tracks.. although i can hear Purosurpo in there quite vividly..
very rarely Procs...

Let's wait for more ! we have no choice !


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Posts :  423
Posted : Aug 3, 2010 11:14

On 2010-08-03 10:23, Whr wrote:
It can't be the complete group everytime i think.. i hear.. from listening to some tracks..

I'll always be curious for who worked on what with Halluginogenic horses-tracks.. although i can hear Purosurpo in there quite vividly..
very rarely Procs...

Let's wait for more ! we have no choice !

also be curious

but i think procs is not in the horses project!

im 99,9 % sure 4 that...!

Hallucinogenic horses as whole consists of:

Derango..Donkey Shot..Zalabim..Traskel..!

5 blasters killer talents!!!!!!!!!

but i heard for one more guy but im not sure bcuz i know just the name which is "Faldt Johan"
anyone knows about who is Faldt Johan?

anyway i WISH to release the album !!!!

Purosurpo will be release a split album at devils mind records

bOOm           !:underground psy scene:!
Sanaton Records
Sanaton Records

Started Topics :  14
Posts :  107
Posted : Aug 3, 2010 11:32
Hello !

For sure Procs is a part of the Horses carousel.
He has been around for quite some psy-jams now

Guess that people only read what artist were included on one single track.... it varies from track to track sometimes.. we have made H.h track as 2 persons, but also as 7-8.

(here above is an older thread, plz read the post by sanaton on the first page)

...and Whrikk had the best words for explaing things here above

The people who are present at the music gatherings are the people that make the track (most often).
We´ve had Megalopsy with us, also Drone Bixie, so these lovely guys are also part of the horses mystery... we are all just a big happy family !

The album is soon done

Johan Fäldt it´s just a regular name. This horse do not have have an alias, except maybe Clint Nilsson

And people - Buy Originals And You WILL Find Out What People/Artist Are On Each Track..if you´re curious

On the album it will also be easy explained from track to track, who made it, etc etc...

Thanks for your time !

Alboom Soon

Ihii hihi ehieih

          S a n a t o n R e c o r d s (c)

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  423
Posted : Aug 3, 2010 12:00
big thanks for the infos and for GREAT news SanatonerS ))))

also big thanks to exist and for amazing real psy tunes!!!!

Keep the forest alive.!!!!
Sanaton RULES.!!!!

cant wait for new albOOm

kind regards from Greece !

Andreas (RkaM)
          !:underground psy scene:!
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  32
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Posted : Aug 3, 2010 20:07
theres a rumour about a gathering this summer with all horsepowers in full effect ; ).....hmmmmmm
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  12
Posts :  85
Posted : Aug 3, 2010 20:53

thanks a lot sanaton records and mr whrikk : )

now i have a better idea about the hallicinogenic mystery , its not a group of people producing music together , its a genre of music with the genre : ))

this way with so many amazing crazy people involved , a double cd will not be a bad idea

greedy , hmmm
but its good to be Greedy about goOD THINGS

all the best to this horse genre of music



meditation is active dance
Inactive User

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Posted : Aug 3, 2010 21:15
cool , had no idea its 8 of these guys , procs even , cool , best music in its style for sure , nice 1 , moar free trips please !

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  423
Posted : Aug 3, 2010 21:47
me too thought that was 5 or 6

bOOm           !:underground psy scene:!
Mad Purple State
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 5, 2010 13:12

On 2010-08-03 20:07, FrodOhm wrote:
theres a rumour about a gathering this summer with all horsepowers in full effect ; ).....hmmmmmm

Rumor?... Bro you only have posted the party details... hahaha

Good Vibrations Gathering is the ultimate party. I woul Luuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrveeeeee to be a part-y of it.

          No great genius has ever existed without some touch of madness...

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  423
Posted : Aug 5, 2010 14:17

Hallucinogenic Horses :: Best project ever!!

          !:underground psy scene:!
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  15
Posts :  1036
Posted : Aug 8, 2010 12:33
nice one terror

iv seen a set of them in Sweden 2 years ago... !           
***follow the old faith and stay high***
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - info regarding swedish favourites
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