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Infected Mushroom Wrote Ringtones For Orange


Started Topics :  7
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Posted : Feb 8, 2006 09:24

On 2006-02-07 14:25, Yuli wrote:
I still havent managed to understand those two faced ppl that expect from artists to be 'pure' and 'underground' and the rest of your romantic bullshit, but when an artist makes aomething to bring himself food on the table he becomes 'sellout' and 'not worthy' and 'done making art'.

Small ppl, very small

In a way I agree with you. There's nothing wrong if an artist starts to make money, its a job and they have a right to develope it to whatever direction.
But I see the other side of the coin as well, especially because trance scene used to represent kind of resistance towards rat race, correct me if I'm wrong, and nowadays everything and everybody is under the influence of multinational companies, and if a group that has much influence in this sort of scene starts to work for MNC I can understand why it can be somewhat touchy topic for some people (MNC's promote values that can be measured only in financial terms).
Same goes eg. for many reggae artists. Many reggae artist promote values that are aimed against rat race, but when they manage to cut a recording deal they suddenly change their minds (infact I dunno if IM ever had any message, but hopefully you get the point). Call it developement or whatever you like... I call it materialism and it shows that the tentacles of MNC's are everywhere.
Now somebody might shout that its not such a big deal if IM works for MNC. You are right, its not, doesn't really harm anyone.
This is kind of controversial issue only because IM started their career from psytrance scene, if they would have been a rock band I doubt people would have criticised them in any way.

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Posted : Feb 8, 2006 10:28
I understand what u say shamanizer, but in the same breath, no artist that I know of, upon his starting of musical career didn't sign any document that makes a commitement to struggle for food on table al his life because he is a part of underground movement.

Comon, u cant stay 17 all your life - if so, I would partially be very happy, cuz mom would still make me food and help me with my electronic toys... but it aint going this way... we grow up and get 'older'... so we start having needs like we didnt have before like taking care of family, paying taxes, etc..

Nothing bad in having a career that actually saves u some for the future
          A man with a "master plan" is often a woman

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  367
Posted : Feb 8, 2006 11:37

On 2006-02-08 10:28, Yuli wrote:
I understand what u say shamanizer, but in the same breath, no artist that I know of, upon his starting of musical career didn't sign any document that makes a commitement to struggle for food on table al his life because he is a part of underground movement.

Comon, u cant stay 17 all your life - if so, I would partially be very happy, cuz mom would still make me food and help me with my electronic toys... but it aint going this way... we grow up and get 'older'... so we start having needs like we didnt have before like taking care of family, paying taxes, etc..

Nothing bad in having a career that actually saves u some for the future

I agree, thats the way of life, anyway I guess psytrance "ideology" is bit of utopia, especially in the world we live in, but nothing wrong with that either. Dream on people, its the beginning to make them come true...
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Feb 8, 2006 14:25
I suppose that shamanizer is right.           -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning=
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Feb 8, 2006 16:22
It's not worse or better then to compete in the Eurovision contest. But it does suck camel ass.
Weird guy in a pink hat
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  172
Posted : Feb 9, 2006 02:40

I agree, thats the way of life, anyway I guess psytrance "ideology" is bit of utopia, especially in the world we live in, but nothing wrong with that either. Dream on people, its the beginning to make them come true...

So basically what you're saying is that you can't put food on the table by staying underground all your life and whenever an opportunity of commercializing yourself comes, you should use it?
If so then I agree with you completely, they worked hard so far and I think they deserve a "rest" and some $$$ feedback…           {0_o}-{0_o}-{0_o}-{0_o}-{0_o}-{0_o}-{0_o}-{0_o}-{0_o}-{0_o}-{0_o}-{0_o}-

Started Topics :  40
Posts :  1660
Posted : Feb 9, 2006 03:10

On 2006-02-09 02:40, Weird guy in a pink hat wrote:

I agree, thats the way of life, anyway I guess psytrance "ideology" is bit of utopia, especially in the world we live in, but nothing wrong with that either. Dream on people, its the beginning to make them come true...

So basically what you're saying is that you can't put food on the table by staying underground all your life and whenever an opportunity of commercializing yourself comes, you should use it?

That wasnt fair. I would say that if there is a chance to make some money then there is nothing bad in doing so. Since most of so called 'Underground' trance addicts ( might be u too ) dont think that buying CDs and thus giving the artists financial credit for their hard work is such a good idea, then I guess it's not that bad to get some nice payment from less 'Underground' places.


If so then I agree with you completely, they worked hard so far and I think they deserve a "rest" and some $$$ feedback…

Well I dont think the sarcasm in its place here... I would advise u to try and put your soul in something 7 days a week for a few years or maybe 10 years and then hear something like u just said from your 'Underground' fan.

          A man with a "master plan" is often a woman
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 9, 2006 15:10
every one know theres no money in the selling of the cds in the underground trance secne so if artists know this just dont go there and then after say hey why dont you people buy cds

Started Topics :  17
Posts :  557
Posted : Feb 9, 2006 16:05
dont you get how wrong what ur saying is?...
dont expect to make money?...
why should people who are 15 years in the scene keep living like hobos even though every 4th person in the world knows infected mushroom (ok maybe i exagerated)......besides, have you ever thought that this is the style they want to make?, when infected first started to make music I dont think they were thinking of making music for the so called "underground" Scene. let me tell you a secret....
If you know someone through this forum....he is not underground.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 9, 2006 18:03
here in israel most if the artist here i think mabey im worg make thier money from the gigs and not the cds they sell even the popular ones theres no big money in the cd selling everyone knows it so why continue complain about it and the underground secne in israel is very very small

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Posts :  1660
Posted : Feb 9, 2006 19:58

On 2006-02-09 18:03, psy^soldier wrote:
here in israel most if the artist here i think mabey im worg make thier money from the gigs and not the cds they sell even the popular ones theres no big money in the cd selling everyone knows it so why continue complain about it and the underground secne in israel is very very small

The fact that this is the situation doesnt make it good. Artist should sell CDs and write music. Artist shouldnt fight to get a gig in order to be able to continue making music. Your all way of thought is a little awkward from the first place. That is why u dont understand how bad is what u r saying.           A man with a "master plan" is often a woman
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  26
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Posted : Feb 9, 2006 21:37
i know the situation is bad and shouldnt be like that but you know what? 90% of the artist in israel are pure crapp {imho} and copy of echother so if some one like this x artist why sould he buy the y artist his music exctly the same as for underground artist well underground music is for small crowd not a very easy listening music i think that artist that produce this kind of music know he isnt going to be a milioner

p.s again 90% of the artist in israel are a copy of each other and doing music becuse trance now days is popular this is more sad then how much cds they sell {imho}
Weird guy in a pink hat
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  13
Posts :  172
Posted : Feb 10, 2006 02:33
Since most of so called 'Underground' trance addicts (might be u too ) don’t think that buying CDs and thus giving the artists financial credit for their hard work is such a good idea...

Like its was said before there's only a little percent of people who actually buy CDs (not only in the psy-trance scene), therefore there's not much of a profit there anyway and don't think that I’m justifying this idea' but a fact stays a fact...

... I guess it's not that bad to get some nice payment from less 'Underground' places.

I didn't argued, but agreed with this...

Well I dont think the sarcasm in its place here...

If we could not laugh our troubles <in the face>, then the only thing we would get left - would be crying...

...and then hear something like u just said from your 'Underground' fan.

"Underground"? "Fan"?

Started Topics :  40
Posts :  1660
Posted : Feb 10, 2006 06:14

On 2006-02-10 02:33, Weird guy in a pink hat wrote:

Well I dont think the sarcasm in its place here...

If we could not laugh our troubles <in the face>, then the only thing we would get left - would be crying...

I always thought that our troubles is the situation with our neighbours, what happens in educational system / schools / universities, hospitals... u know troubles... Never thought that a Trance band making some extra money from ringtone company is troubles. If so is the situation your life is very good Weird guy in a pink hat.


...and then hear something like u just said from your 'Underground' fan.

"Underground"? "Fan"?

Yeah, Underground fan. Otherwise I dont really see the reason why u have problems with a Trance band making some money from the side, unless u r one of those ppl that stand in the party aside of the DJ and make the nods with the head. Wink Wink?

          A man with a "master plan" is often a woman
Weird guy in a pink hat
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  13
Posts :  172
Posted : Feb 10, 2006 15:32

What is your problem???
Did you even bother to read all replies in the topics? Because if you would - you will see that I have nothing against it but exactly the opposite...

Trance Forum » » Forum  Israel - Infected Mushroom Wrote Ringtones For Orange
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