..::: India Section Guidelines :::..
*neon nymph*
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Posted : Sep 12, 2006 10:04
Hi all,
Just a few things we'd like to remind you about and bring to your attention to make everyone's life a little easier, and help the section stay in order:
PMing a mod:
Whether you are bringing something to our attention, or want changes made in a thread, please ALWAYS PROVIDE A LINK for the thread you are talking about. This way, we can get straight to it, and don't spend an hour trying to figure out what on earth you are referring to. If you want your post to be edited , please send in the new text in copy-pasteable form. This way, we can just lift it straight off from your PM and deposit it at the link you provided ( ).
Starting a new thread:
Besides the obvious (please use the search function before posting), please switch off CAPS lock when writing the subject of the thread, as well as the body of the post. If you have noticed, you guys write it in caps, we keep editing it into lowercase, which is unfair and we don't have the time. Please look at the first page of the India section- almost all subjects are in lowercase- much easier on the eyes, no? Kindly follow suit. Use capital letters only when you want to really STRESS on something, otherwise it translates into yelling and general rudeness.
Newly formed trends in this section include:
1) All things pertaining to a particular party go into the same thread - announcements, reviews, grievances, pics, videos, whatever.
2) Offtopic posts now have several sections accessible from the forum landing page.
3) Any DJ mixes and chill sets that you have personally made and need an Indian audience's opinion on, go into "DJ mixes and Chill sets HERE."
That's it for now. Updates when the need arises. Please try and keep the above in mind- would be great help. And, as we always say, thank you for your understanding
I can only please one person per day. Today's not your day. Tomorrrow isn't looking good either. |
*neon nymph*
Started Topics :
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Posted : Oct 26, 2007 13:15
Welcome back!
A quick reminder/note/thought (not lecture, not lecture):
Please be aware of what you are saying/writing. This is a public forum, accessible by anybody.
What we have here is a platform that aims to bring people together with this genre of music as the common love. It is a place where we can exchange thoughts and ideas, discuss and debate music and so on. Please respect that.
I think it is unfair to get the rest of the website involved in all the drama that we seem to repeatedly subject ourselves to by ignoring guidelines. If you think that something you say now has the potential to later get you into trouble, please refrain from saying it at all. Later bombarding moderators and super-moderators with desperate PMs saying 'pleeeeeeease delete' is highly avoidable.
Thank you... you know, for your understanding. I can only please one person per day. Today's not your day. Tomorrrow isn't looking good either. |
*neon nymph*
Started Topics :
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Posted : May 3, 2008 12:08
On 2008-05-03 00:12:13, A Member of the Forum wrote:
no one has ever started a favourite label thread so i thought id jst start one.
THIS shouldn't be your reason to start a thread at all. It isn't necessary to have five new topics every day. Talk about things you actually care about, no? That automatically ensures that there is enough to keep everyone interested, entertained, and aware.
Like they say, quality over quantity...
And all.
I can only please one person per day. Today's not your day. Tomorrrow isn't looking good either. |
Started Topics :
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Posted : Jan 24, 2012 09:47
Starting Event Topics
Event/Festival Topics on the forum can only be started by the Organizer(s) of the event so if you are not associated with the organization and do not have the authorization do not start a topic here.
Note that organizations that have been banned from this forum are not permitted to post anything in the section.
Usernames & Content
This is a music forum, discussions not related to psytrance music in India will we removed if there isn't a relevant place for it on the forum.
Please take a look at all the relevant sections on the forum before posting in the India section.
Anyone posting with a username or content that has references to illegal substances will have their posts deleted.